Thank God for girls and boys.
With Christmas fast approaching, and my grandchildren's excitement growing, I curiously watch as they play-act Santa and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. My six -year- old granddaughter is Santa, and she endearingly convinces her younger twin brothers to be her Rudolph team by twirling around a red Santa hat, and fashioning them costumes out of her craft kit.
In her beautiful sweet voice, Santa calls to her team to pull her sleigh high into the sky and off to the first house where they will deliver presents. Both boys enthusiastically pretend to leap and fly at her command as she giggles with joy.
They even allow her to use glue stick to attach red pom poms to the ends of their noses and fervently readjust the pipe cleaner ears each time they start to slide off the their heads.
Now having accomplished three successful runs of it, the twins dash off on their own to another room and begin wrestling on the floor and fighting over the best toys. Their sister begins to pout because the boys no longer want to play and she starts to cry a bit. She tries to break up their fighting and they begin to push her away. Her feelings are so hurt, she begins to cry.
"It's okay, " they gently say, giving her a hug. "We will play with you." And off they go prancing and jumping across the living room, acting like reindeer again. The alpha male of the pair, asks for a turn to be Santa. She indulges him, but she can't quite get into the role of Rudolph and laughs as the new Santa pretends he is jumping into a chimney to amuse her.
I call for a cookie and milk time out and we laugh about how everyone looks so festive in their make believe costumes.
How wonderful is the magic of male and female energy. The synergy. Truly God's gift to our world.