Thank you for calling Radiology
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA
President and CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, another lousy golfer, terrible cook
Thank you for calling the radiology department. If you speak Spanish, please say or press 1 now. If English, press 2
You have been connected to the radiology reading room. If this is an emergency, call 911.
For chest press 1
For neuroradiology press 2
For breast radiology press 3
For emergency radiology press 4
For MRI or CT radiology press 5
For other specialties press 6
For a ChatGPT generated report press 7. Please have the patient's name, date of birth, medical record number, date of image and ordering physician ready.
To disable music while you wait, press *
If you would like to leave a tip for this service using PayPal or your employee payment plan press $
We are experiencing extremely high call volume, so thank you for your patience. You are number 17 in line. If you would prefer not to wait, press # and leave your contact phone number and we will call you back. You will not lose your place in line. Be sure to include our phone number in your phone contact list so our return call is not blocked and mistaken for a telemarketer who wants to sell you a radiology phone tree system. If we do not call you back, please submit another request to call you back. Don't even think about physically showing up in the reading room since it will disrupt our workflow and productivity.
Thank you for calling the radiology department, where our referring physician experience is one of our top priorities.
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs on Substack