Thailand's Lack of Tourism and Imagination
News that continually recycles and reports the same historical events and doesn't contribute one ioata of benefit to the failing Thai Economy and a Thai Administration that has simply run out of ideas.
Put all your Economic Eggs in One Basket (Tourism) and it will be totally exposed and vulnerable should that market be impacted in any way. Did Thailand learn from the Tsunami? - NO, Did Thailand Learn from SARS or SWINE FLU - NO. Does a Coup Help Thailand? Clearly NOT!!
Half hearted attempts to establish Border Zones (Note I didn't acknowledge to call them Free Zones) have all failed. So did the Initiative to open up a Western Gateway in Myanmar at Dawei - Also Failed. Why would any country so desperate to provide a better GDP Living Wage for its citizens seriously consider opening up a 'Gateway in Another Country'? Your guess is as good as mine. But let us guess the motivation?
Then we see all the Bar Stool Experts in Thailand providing their opinions in between opening and closing time and making totally wrong assumptions with media outlets letting them have a silent voice. Easy to criticise but not so easy to stand up and be counted and invest your own time and resources to help your newly adopted Country. Surely, this guy must have a hidden agenda? Sadly there are still people that do things to genuinely help and without having to stand there with their hands out.
How do you fill hotel rooms without Tourism?
Answers on sa Postcard Please to the BOI - Thailand Tourism Board and Board of Investment - Or as I call the BORED OF INVESTMENT!!
Not only the Tourism Industry has been Hit but the Real Estate Condo Market let alone the poor bloody people that took up the offer to Retire in Thailand who have been Shut Out and unable to return. What does that tell you about how they really feel about Foreign Investors and Retirees? BLOODY FARANG ( Slang word in Thai for Foreigners).
Thinking about investing in Thailand? I can show you more people planning to move out and relocate than those wanting to try and retire and invest in Real Estate.
Everything is clearly not what it seems in Thailand and Transparency and Level Playing Field have been deleted from the Thai Dictionary.
There is a way to help fill those Hotel Rooms but NOT from Tourism yet the Thai Government are running scared when challenged to look at things in a different way?