The wisdom of the fathers
How may such a wonderful blessing be obtained ? Let us see if we can not present the matter in such a way that the hungry, watchful soul can go right into this beautiful grace of God. One of the frequent descriptions given of man in the Bible is that of a house, building or temple.?"You are God' s building,"?says the apostle; and again,?"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?"?
We were originally made or built for God to dwell in. Satan marred the plan of Heaven by taking possession of us. Some of you have seen a beautiful dwelling pass out of the hands of the first owners and finally become the abode of poverty and degradation.?
...So Satan took God's building and rubbed off the colors of grace and innocence, planted decay and moral ugliness where he could, filled the door of the mouth with all kinds of uncleanness, hung forbidding looks out of the windows of the eyes, and shocked the beholder in every way. But through grace this house is redeemed from the devil. It becomes the Lord's again. It is washed, cleansed, and warmed, and recognized as God's property. Everybody marks the delightful change. There is one thing, however, that constitutes a painful experience to the redeemed man himself, and which is evident as a fact to the observer, and that is the Saviour is not an abider in this house which belongs to Him. He is a visitor, coming and going, but not a steady, constant indweller.?
This visiting Christ, now consciously in the soul and now as consciously absent, will upon compliance with conditions on our part come into us and take up His fixed and unchanging abode. When this happens, sanctification happens. The purifying Spirit goes through the soul, and Christ enters to leave no more if we will have it so.?
(from "Sanctified Life" by Beverly Carradine)