TGN: close study of digital environments, a model INTERACTIONS format standard
There are flaws, omissions, and things not completed in the TGN software development specification. But these are getting worked out as more conversations develop. Things will really get worked out when developers start building TGN into their apps.
That’s a highlight of this year, actually. I no longer look for ONE software company to build TGN into their platform. Neither do I imagine getting funding to do that myself. The reason is clear: the outcome is wrong. The idea of TGN is to make it easier to see and understand, interpret and make sense of, and make use of, complex digital modeled environments. That must not be confined to any single app. TGN is something that will make all modeling apps better. And it’s also about sharing interpretive insights, though shareable TGN rigs, with people using different modeling apps and platforms. Insight should be portable, transferable from one modeling environment to another.
TGN is for everyone, in every app, every platform. It’s a ridiculous ambition. And it takes a certain kind of stupidity to attempt to make it happen. That’s me. I’m stupid enough and obsessed enough with the task to do it. I believe I can convince a set of software companies to give it a shot. In time it will happen. And it will grow.
The purpose of the proposed development is to make things clear through interpretive interaction rigs, TGN rigs, within modeled digital environments.
Improved mechanisms of interactive close study of digital models (including digital twins), through TGN rigs, make user engagement with complex data more effective, more interactive, more clarifying, more communicative and expressive, and more revealing of insight. TGN might even bring the fun back into serious technical work by elevating the level of interpretive engagement in digital media.
0 1 TGN:?rigging for insight?
02 TGN:?what is TGN exactly??
03 TGN:?demonstration?
04 TGN:?portability?
05 TGN:?industry value?
The dev platform I mention in the videos is iTwins.js, but TGN can be developed on every platform where TGN is useful and desired. The TGN demo shows a building model composed of several models obtained?from different engineering disciplines?(structural, architectural, civil/site, electrical, etc.). TGN is intended?to be developed on app platforms that support 3D modeling formats, and the fusion of many different models from different sources.
THE major weakness of the TGN demo?is that it includes none, or almost none, of the?extra?or non-model?graphics?that the TGN specification proposes.?Below, I list aspects of?extra graphics?that are NOT shown in the demo video but are detailed in the TGN spec. 2021 TGN rig demo 2012 hypermodel, Microstation, automated drawing-model fusion
TGN is an extension?(and re-engineering and improvement)?of my earlier work on the automatic presentation of complete CAD drawings at true orientation within models (2012 hypermodel example above).?But the?TGN demo video?fails to show that. You can imagine it. But I’ll improve the demo soon. TGN includes that concept. I proposed hypermodel (more examples?HERE) and led the team that designed, developed, and in 2012 first commercialized hypermodel. Now 10 years later,?TGN is richer than hypermodel in terms of graphical expression, user interactivity, communicative impact, and cross platform portability. TGN represents a major increase in user engagement in the close study of complex models. And the TGN technical infrastructure makes the old hypermodel patents irrelevant and obsolete.
From the spec?T3.2?TGN Viewing Arc:?TGN rigs have a?built-in viewing arc, a path selected by the TGN author (or set by default), that allows a controlled?viewing path for each TGN rig. Hypermodel does?not have this feature. TGN users are not restricted to viewing ONLY along the TGN viewing arc. Viewing is allowed from ANY position in 3D space. But controlled viewing along the rig’s built in viewing?path is also supported. Users are free to navigate along the path, or jump off the path at any time. The viewing arc enables a new?feature related to CAD/ extra graphics,?see next items.
Extra graphics are built into the TGN rigs.?HOW DO THE GRAPHICS GET THERE??
Different TGN implementations?in different apps may support one or more of these options. These are mutually non-exclusive optional methods.
Refer to TGN spec items:?
TGN Extra Graphics Authoring
The TGN author user uses CAD or CAD-like or illustration tools for text, lines, arcs, shapes, dimensions, etc. to author extra graphics into a TGN rig.?The extra graphics,?from the spec section?T3.9?extra graphics,?can be?authored either
In some workflows, the user who creates the TGN rigs in models does not want to use the TGN extra graphics tools described above (or, those graphics tools are not available in their app). For those users, the?T2.1?TGN p2 I/O to CAD?formats?will support import and export of TGN graphics at position p2 (or optionally from any position) to and from common CAD formats, or optionally, other non-CAD graphics formats.
The third way for getting extra graphics into TGNs is in the T1 section of the spec:?
Drawings Upgrade
Read the rest of the TGN spec.?Extra graphics amplify other TGN features.
I can help design your TGN implementation. I’m one message away. Message me: \rob snyder?Linkedin
I can help:?
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