Michele Reading
Dare to Lead? Facilitator/Associate Coach/Leadership Coach/Culture and Transformation Change Agent/Mentor/Small Business Owner/Board Member
If you are reading this, thank you again for indulging my Friday reflections and I hope that it helps you to reflect on what you are thankful and grateful for, inspired by and are doing just for fun. More than anything I believe the more we work together, share our stories and open our hearts, the greater chance we have of creating a world that is inclusive, respectful and full of hope.
I am THANKFUL for Jacinda Ardern who continues to inspire me and show the world that compassion, courage and connection is possible from our world leaders. She continues to spread the word on why good government matters and that it is possible.
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
I am GRATEFUL for a weekend with family who have not been together for a long time. I don't think there is anything more amazing than getting to spend time with those you love and trolling through the garage to look in boxes of photos, mementos and sitting around the fire pit to share memories.
I am INSPIRED by the women in my organisation who are working to pull together resources and organise roadshows in schools to speak to young girls about considering a career in STEM type roles. They are taking their learning and experience and paving the way for other young women to follow.
For FUN this week I have been reading "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho about a young shepherd who has a recurring dream and goes on an adventure to find his true self, not to mention treasure. Light reading with some great insights and omens.
What ever you have experienced this week, I hope you have a belief that you are enough and you are surrounded by your tribe who are there to cheer you on and lift you up when you need it.