Texting Can Hurt You!

Texting Can Hurt You!

I want to start this off on a different topic. I had a bet with my Wife that no one read my blogs. My idea was to not proof read my last one. I did not and oh let me tell you the grammar people were out in full force. I apoligize and will shape up from this blog on! On Linkedin I was notified that 100 people read my blog. So now 100 plus people think that my 2 year old wrote a blog that I published. Kind of funny yet kind of not! On the other side I was not an English scholar so expect some errors. Feel free to correct me!

NOW! I received a text on my phone from a client asking to explain to them how their loan works. This is what set me into blog mode so that I can help both consumers as well as agents avoid issues. 

Consumers that are at times making their biggest purchase of their life. From the purchase will be paying a mortgage that can last 30 years or more why on earth would you not want to hear from all sources all parts of the deal from a guiding voice. Or better yet a face to face meeting with goals, number, estimates in writing?

Agents why would you want to explain to someone via text. This practice could ad liability to your business you do not want to have. I have received texts before and immediately called to then get their voice mail and right after a text. Condition your clients to call you it, will lead to a better transaction trust me. I know its easy to text but the last thing we want is a deal to go bad because auto correct changed some words around.

If you are an agent with The Real Estate Elite (my company) we do not text unless it is a fun conversation or something simple. Everything is done over the phone or in person. A legal problem can be avoided by taking the extra step to communicate effectively.

Do I text? Of course there are some instances where I will text. Most of the time it is simple information such as an address, email address or another persons phone number. Things that in the old days I would have asked if they had a pen and paper ready.


Thank You again from reading my blog! Im sure something will happen this week that triggers me to want to write another.

Steve Robe


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