To Text or Not to Text -- That is the Question...And, Medicare has the Answer!

To Text or Not to Text -- That is the Question...And, Medicare has the Answer!

Not surprisingly, texting is popular with all ages, incomes and professions -- healthcare is not inoculated against the neck-bending habit of texting even the most mundane. Maybe, texting isn't as swanky as Snap, but it approaches the new universal communication platform if you want to control the message and be asynchronous with your recipient.

In the medical field, texting with the intent to convey patient information and/or documentation is relatively new and likely in need of clarification. After all, health care records are legal documents and essential for well coordinated, documented health care services. But, what are the guidelines for legal and ethical texting to communicate something already documented in the record?

CMS has clarified that texting for patient care is permitted in certain circumstances -- and where CMS leads, other regulations often fall in line. According to a new ruling from CMS, [Ruling of 12-28-2017 ] it is permissible to text patient care information among members of a care team provided the texting (sent and received) reside on a secure system. On the other hand, texting for the purposes of patient order entry is always prohibited and would represent a violation of the conditions of participation and conditions of payment.

....of course, if you're going to text sensitive patient information, please make sure you know to whom you are texting!

John W Kelly Management Consulting - the basics


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