Text content analysis gives a solution to many critical problems in traditional statistics.
Massimo Re
孙子是公元前672年出生的中国将军、作家和哲学家。 他的著作《孙子兵法》是战争史上最古老、影响最大的著作之一。 孙子相信一个好的将军会守住自己的国家的边界,但会攻击敌人。 他还认为,一个将军应该用他的军队包围他的敌人,这样他的对手就没有机会逃脱。 下面的孙子引用使用包围你的敌人的技术来解释如何接管。
Does text Analysis work for innovation management, businesses, marketing, psychological outcomes, and military solutions during hybrid, psychological, and conventional warfare?
Massimo Re?
July the 2nd, 2022
Abstract: This article discusses Text Analysis and its use in marketing, psychosocial and military fields. This powerful tool in skilled hands leads to knowing the most intimate beliefs regarding product tastes and preferences, results of advertising campaigns and media planning, and psychosocial investigations for both civil and military use.
Index Text analysis: Basics Text analysis measures constructs Uses of marketing, market research, and sentiment analysis for civil and military use. An example of applied text content analysis
Text analysis: Basics
Text analysis is a form of content analysis that enables the measurement of constructs by processing text into quantitative data based on the frequency of words.?The method's purpose is to be a helpful measurement approach with the potential to lead to critical theoretical advancements.?
In short,?text analysis is a form of content analysis that allows for the measurement of constructs by processing the text into quantitative data based on word frequency which solves multiple problems related to traditional sampling and statistical techniques.
Every time we choose a sample, it is necessary to determine its representativeness.?Usually, the model reflects the variability of the phenomena for the 95% confidence limit of the mean. However, this type of choice is arbitrary, often based on the kind of phenomenon investigated, and subjects the researcher to first and second-type errors. Nor is it said that it could reduce the error by enlarging the sample or carrying out more samplings.?Besides, the probability that the interviewee lies to us remains completely unavoidable.
Text analysis measures constructs
The use of text analysis can simultaneously measure a wide range of constructs, such as the organizational psychological capital within society. At the same time, even if not expressed, we know our potential client's tastes and tendencies and test the effects of a psychological warfare campaign or the opponent's resilience level.
The availability of the text makes the text engaging from a practical and logistical point of view.?But even more critical of theoretical advancement is that text analysis offers psychometric advantages over more traditional measures.??
In particular, the appeal of this technique concerns its internal validity because text analysis often involves data collected in natural organizational contexts, such as texts inserted in annual reports or specially prepared interviews, or by scanning the web, for example, through analyses. The contents of a social network this is to give an example of the potential.
Therefore, the collected data allows for more trust in the relationships between the underlying constructs and other measures, such as personal relationships, personal even unconscious beliefs, and archival data.
Uses marketing, market research, and sentiment analysis for civil and military use.
Fred R. Barnard said, "one picture is worth a thousand words," but today, we're going to say: "a practical example is worth more than a thousand theoretical speeches."
Attached we have a textual analysis conducted as an example of the validity of the method for a famous Italian company of children's products. Therefore the vocabulary used is necessarily in Italian.
The example concerns the analysis of the terms most frequently taken by an Italian child, both male, and female, which analyzes the relationship between father, mother, and family in general and figures outside the community.
Suppose we subject a group of children to a questionnaire, regardless of gender.?In that case, he will always repeat that he loves both mom and dad equally, essentially giving both parents a primary role in his life and relegating strangers to a secondary role.
From the semantic analysis, it is won instead of that the child lies; what is most alarming and that in all probability, he does so in perfect good faith, thinking he is telling the truth.
A predominant role of the mother emerges from the semantic analysis, with particular reference to the children of the same male, the family as an institution, and the school psychologist.
In particular, the mother has attributed the active role of "saying" (dire) and "doing" fare.?Kids' speeches turn around the terms "mom" and frequently connect with the words: "do's" and "says."
The family, together with the school psychologist, jointly has the role of projecting the child into society, while the father and grandmother play a secondary function that only superficially flows the child's consciousness.
The concept is explained better scientifically in the linked document with Word cloud comments and three-dimensional semantic graphs.
We now carry this experience into business or military examples.
Take, for example, the goal of subjecting the personnel and governance of several companies to an innovation management course.?In this case, we will have the first problem of identifying a "reading vocabulary" that can be key in bringing out an innovative attitude.
In this case, it is necessary to identify pre and post-treatment "pitches" and subject the group.?We'll analyze them by sentiment analysis to identify a key vocabulary that will become the measure of the degree of innovation of a company.
Subsequently, using this vocabulary, it will be possible to measure the level of innovation achieved in the various companies through content analysis. Therefore is clear how to transport this simple example from the child to the innovative company to the marketing field.?
We are analyzing how the sensitivity to a specific product has changed after two or more advertising campaigns conducted at different times.
It's immediately apparent that there is only a thin diaphragm between military and civil applications, which can be crossed easily as osmosis.
Can run the same methodology to the enemy's resilience before and after a psychological or traditional attack. Likewise, we can conduct a textual content analysis when you have a vocabulary that can measure the population interviewed sentiment.
The investigation aims to overcome and infer the resilience it might want to offer to a potential enemy before even attacking it and maybe even revealing in what particular position or modality. The osmosis between the military and the civilian fields also seems evident here.?
In the same way, I could have a group of friends taste a bottle of wine by letting me talk about the sensations they experienced.?
From the textual examination, it is possible to deduce the state of stress of a person easily but to answer or not, the trend of the answers and the frequency of the words used, from which it is possible to draw valuable suggestions regarding the experience and experience connected with the use of a product.?
We can use this information cleverly to build a product for taste and packaging but, above all, for the consumer's psychological experience, this item can give to its consumer. We can fully satisfy the particular type unexpressed specific customer considers desirable, perhaps without even being aware of it.
First, we show that using text analyses makes text practically and logistically appealing.?The data collected allow for greater confidence regarding relations among underlying constructs compared to other types of measures, such as self-reports and archival data.
Second, regarding external validity, using text analysis allows for collecting a large amount of data across units, enhancing the generalizability of conclusions.?In other words, it is easier to collect data across a larger sample of contexts, levels, and circumstances than more traditional measures.
Third, regarding construct validity, text analysis is less susceptible to threats such as standard method variance and endogeneity pervasive in more traditional measures because it facilitates data collection from different sources.
Finally, regarding statistical conclusion validity, text analysis facilitates the examination of extensive samples of texts, resulting in adequate statistical power to test hypotheses, which is not typically the case in management research that relies on more traditional measures.?
In short, text analysis offers internal, external, construct, and statistical conclusions.?That is why we view the technique with an excellent auspicious measurement approach, which offers significant promise over more traditional measurement approaches.
Ironically, it is lagging in evaluating measurement problems despite its great potential, with very few data scientists capable of mastering the concepts.
An example of applied text content analysis
Attachment: translation in English of the report mentioned, posted in the document about text analysis mentioned.
The main statistical objective of the textual analysis is the creation of the term document Matrix (TDM), which is a matrix that describes the frequency of the terms that are in the corpora object. By row, we will have the position of the rows created by the sample and by column if they have the terms. The highlight words are the most frequent terms in the matrix:
Figure 1
The interviews with infants do not use the text does not highlight general terms that can suggest semantic constructs for which the statistical analysis of the frequency is proper. The terms most frequently encountered characterize the semantic plan of the "family" and the role of parents in the child's life. The prominent family rule is to prepare the child in introductions to the "community" with the support of the school psychologist. The given graph leads to an idea of the frequency in the analyzed text. However, it reveals the absence of frequent terms and the very high variability of the selected semantic units:
figure 2
Secondly, it is interesting to understand which terms are associated with the two contexts: the aim is to create a semantic map of the interview, trying to understand which are the supporting nuclei of the text.
figure 3
As already said, the role of parents is the semantic macro-group that is pregnant for the entire text. The role of the mother as an actor of "saying" and "doing" in the contingent circumstances of the family and her role highlight the dynamic character of the mother figure compared to a more distant father figure. The father is a crucial figure for a baby girl who characterizes the father's rule as a problem-solving "way" to deal with the problems in the context outside the family. The text analysis emphasized the psychologist's role in forming and developing family dynamics. They improve the status of the family unit and enhance the figure of the mother and the father. Differently, despite what one might expect, the role of the psychologist who acts actively in training is more profound development of family dynamics to implement improvements in the status of the family unit and in the best way to ignore the figure of the father and the mother.?Upside down went the roles of the grandmother and played by the working circumstances of the parents, who are marginal and benefit superficially from the social conscience of the children.?To further refine the analysis, let us observe which semantic units can be associated with the text.
figure 4
We can observe the three semantic macro-groups. In the association, the context strictly linked to the family errors of the parents continued by the psychologist in the formation of the child's education points to a context external to the family through the work of the schoolteachers in general to bring new constructs. Finally, a generic context brings the analyzed text into the semantic field of discourse and the narration of external problems within a global family context. The Word cloud allows me to highlight further information: this system highlights their mother's principle and that of the Pope's second floor. The psychologist's role is even more evident as an outsider to increase a mother's ability to do and improve the child's self-esteem in his introduction into society. The roles are those of the father and the school, and finally, even more marginal are the more specific roles of teacher, pedagogist, pediatrician, and so on. To proceed with a statistical mapping technique rather than a more compelling graphic tool, you can apply the Cluster Analysis or the dendrogram selected in our analysis and the one shown in the following figure.
Figure 5
Here we observe the conclusions statistically more appropriate than your graph as it is possible through this technique to understand the hierarchy of the textual imitations single point. It is evident at night at the various levels of the tree, which is the hierarchy of textual units condensed into Semantic macro-groups. I lack the groupings that confirmed the conclusions treated before. The three macro-groups mentioned above see a textual part centered on the internal dynamics of the family.
figure 6
Furthermore, it is possible to affirm further data with a non-hierarchical method, which is possible with an algorithmic model of the nuclei predetermined for the stability of units. In particular, the software output forms a predetermined number of drops with a cluster centroids k-means. The figure below shows the formation of three groups of prefixed textual units. The computer output then again emphasizes the more critical role of the mother as a standing figure concerning any child's problem, but at the same time as the enzyme necessary for the phases preceding and following the introduction of the children to the community.
Massimo Re:?https://lnkd.in/dzN-mfug
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2 年Enkelt uttryckt, hur fungerar det?
孙子是公元前672年出生的中国将军、作家和哲学家。 他的著作《孙子兵法》是战争史上最古老、影响最大的著作之一。 孙子相信一个好的将军会守住自己的国家的边界,但会攻击敌人。 他还认为,一个将军应该用他的军队包围他的敌人,这样他的对手就没有机会逃脱。 下面的孙子引用使用包围你的敌人的技术来解释如何接管。
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