TexCreate v3.0.0 is Released!!!
TexCreate is an open-sourced project creator (under MIT license) for LaTeX that uses prebuilt templates to help create projects and make documents with LaTeX for an individual easier. All templates are open source, and this new major version helps create a better system of generating custom templates.
This project is written in Rust and is available on crates.io.
The last update to TexCreate v2 was v2.2.1, published on April 19th, 2022, almost a year ago! So what took v3 so long to develop? Well, I had a lot of different ideas, and what took the longest was figuring out how to modularize templates using web services, whether to use an ORM, some static file server, etc.
To better visualize the difference in complexity between TexCreate v1..v3, let's look at a dependency chart of the different TexCreate-related crates.
TexCreate v3 repos sources: https://github.com/MKProj/texc_v3_sources
TexCreate old repo: https://github.com/MKProj/texcreate_old
As you may notice, I split different project parts to serve different functions better. This also helped me bring more features in the initial release of version 3, including supporting Debian packages (currently only for amd64). While this post explains the year's journey of planning/developing TexCreate along with months of development of the core library, TexCore, I also was authoring my now-published book, Rust For C++ Programmers. At one point, I wondered if I would continue this project, but I found passion in it again, and it's a project I'm very proud of and happy to present.
There's so much I could write about my journey of developing this application, the thousands of lines of code that became null, but rather this project is about saving time, so I'll say take a look at the homepage here for more information such as available templates, getting started guide and such.