The Texas Weather
Chris Hewitt
I connect Quality & Inspection talent with top tier clients across North America for oil & gas / power / renewables / manufacturing
Once upon a time, I used to laugh at doomsday preppers stockpiling canned beans and water like it was The Last of Us. Then I experienced my first real storm.
My apartment is 650sqft and due to contractual agreements between myself and site management I can’t build a storm shelter. Instead, I have a box with batteries, camping lanterns and a torch and I'm the proud owner of more non-perishable goods than a small grocery store.
I hadn’t embarked on a Houston-based QAQC recruitment career until eighteen months ago. Manchester had the occasional thunderstorm, but it’s laughable to imagine how impressive I found fork lightening. I now seek indoors any time the sky goes dark.
However, it’s comforting to know anywhere in the world, there’s always footage of a trampoline in a carpark or up a tree. News crews don’t rest until they find a one.
As it’s now hurricane season I broadcast this article from a mile underground. If you need any quality and inspection manpower, I’ll resurface out when KHO11 gives me the all clear.
Stay safe.