Texas Learn Safe Initiative

Texas Learn Safe Initiative

Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to travel across the state, and initiate consequential discussions on the topics of school safety assessments, student mental health, social emotional learning, behavioral threat assessment, active shooter situations, critical evacuation, secure-in-place, classroom level first line of defense, and other vital life saving solutions.

I have met with School District Police Departments, School District Administrators, Mental Health Organizations, Statewide Leadership, and Community Support Groups.

Our brief but comprehensive discussions have shown that there are a lot of great ideas, both at the administrative level, and in the field; however, they have also proved that there has not been an all encompassing plan that incorporates all of these solutions into an effective, reliable, and functional system that provides successful, sustainable, and actionable outcomes, and that our children and our schools deserve better than what we have given them thus far.

The Texas Learn Safe Initiative was developed to fill the gaps, and to meet the needs of every school.

Learn Safe provides training and tools that support a comprehensive review of current trends in school safety and assists all district stakeholders by providing:

? Improved understanding of the causes and solutions for school violence.

? Qualified guidance and support for the marshal/guardian and other district safety/security programs, that offer reasonable and effective solutions and alternatives to enhance the total safety and security of the campus.

? Enhances situational awareness, and provides for behavioral threat assessment team development, planning, and training.

? Professional training for ISD Law Enforcement Agencies and School Resource Officers.

? Understanding and supporting adolescent development, student mental health, social/emotional learning, and positive behavior supports through a comprehensive, complete, and quantifiable solution.

? Review of the School Safety and Audit Toolkit, included in TEC 37.108, as developed by the TxSSC.

? Exploring available programs to implement approved training for the use of a bleed control station pursuant to (TEC), §38.030, as added by TX House Bill (HB) 496.

? Policy development to include standard operating procedures, process governance, and qualified immunity as provided by TX HB 1788.

? Safe and appropriate use of approved less lethal protective tools to effectively deter, disorient, and disarm an active shooter or other violent attacker on campus.

? An opportunity to experience real life scenarios through the Learn Safe simulations training, which provides vital experiential development in a safe and controlled learning laboratory.

Most importantly, Learn Safe training:

? Meets Title IV, Part A criteria and is an allowable/eligible expense.

? Provides best practice prevention education coupled with safe, reliable, and effective protective tools for the campus law enforcement officer, marshal, administrator, and classroom teacher.

? Aligns with the qualified immunity for school personnel and volunteers as provided by HB 1788.

Understanding that most school shootings and other campus based violent incidents are fast developing, happen without any warning, and can cause tremendous devastation before law enforcement arrives, the Learn Safe Initiative builds capacity in all district stakeholders to identify and prevent potential risks before they happen, and to be better prepared for intervention and response.

Additionally, Learn Safe provides the safest and most effective tools and resources for school faculty and staff to protect the lives of all stakeholders during a critical situation, while maintaining a safe distance from the offender, and buying time for first responders to arrive on the scene.


RJ “BAM” Boatman的更多文章

