Texas Family Pays It Forward
Greg Yoder
Non-profit President/Executive Director ? Strategic Planner ? Visionary ? Donor Development ? Christian Radio ? Journalist
Dallas, Texas (K4K) – Before he was a father, John Fegan always said he wanted lots of boys. He was blessed with five. John and Nancy Fegan’s boys, now 29, 27, 24, and twins 22, were brought up on the Keys for Kids devotional.
John says, “When we were having kids and trying to stay out of debt and trying to have my wife stay at home, we really didn’t have the money to buy anything above and beyond what our needs were. So getting [Keys for Kids] was really beneficial to us.”
Nancy adds, “It was so precious that y’all gave it to us all those years at no charge or anything. It was just a sweet, sweet thing.”
Now, “God has blessed us financially,” says John, “And now we can give back financially.” John and Nancy are now Ignitors Club members at the Flare level of giving, which is a new giving club program at Keys for Kids Ministries (see “Ignitors Club”).
How did Keys for Kids help them? “I’d get all of the boys together in one room. I’d read the stories and add a little bit from my childhood. We used your stories to instill values, self-worth, and what God has planned for the kids and their future.”
Nancy says, “I think it gave them ideas on how to live out their Christian faith daily. It really helped put God’s Word into their minds.” She laughs. “I would learn things too.”
The Fegans’ son, George, is now 28. “Keys for Kids gave me real-world examples to reference when facing times of adversity. It taught me the importance of putting my faith in Jesus Christ and contributed to my decision to accept Christ at a young age.” He told us his parents using Keys for Kids has shown him “the importance of setting aside time for the Lord daily,” adding that “Keys for Kids will be a resource I plan to utilize [when I have kids] and will hopefully serve as a platform for their growth in Christ at a young age.”
Nancy says, “Our country and our world is in need of godly men and women to pass on the baton of Christian faith to the next generation. [We] just wanted to bless an organization that blessed us so much while we were raising our children.”
According to Nancy, “I think more than ever parents need to use Keys for Kids. The world is throwing confusing ideas at our kids, and they need a continuing inflow of God’s Word from their parents as soon as they can understand.”