Testudo. What A Weird Brand Name.

Testudo. What A Weird Brand Name.

What It Means To Work In Partnership

What is a brand? A brand is our simple way of differentiating the quality of a service or a product. A brand is never really owned by a company, it belongs in the minds of it's customers, it's more perception than reality most of the time and is built upon trust.

Brand loyalty is the easiest way to shop. How many of us buy the branded products, maybe not knowing that the supermarket own brands are often made side by side, in the same factory, with the same ingredients? Paracetamol is a good example of this.

Branding can influence what is considered to be cool, such as the Marlborough man selling cigarettes in the 50's, even after it was confirmed smoking shortens your life. How times have changed...

You see the logos for Nike or Apple, you will instantly think of their products or you will associate an attribute to them such as high quality, great customer service or luxury.

In recruitment, there are plenty of brands out there. I remember when I first started in recruitment people would say, "the world does not need another recruiter Frank...." there was certainly some truth to that, there is certainly plenty of competition out there, however we believed this is where an opportunity presented itself to be able to do it "our way".

So, Testudo as a brand, what does it mean? Although Latin for the Tortoise, it does not mean very slow recruitment, Rather, it was a highly effective Roman battle formation like the one you see below.

Like the Roman siege, where each man was responsible for protecting the men around him, we work with our clients and candidates in a similar partnership.

Business and war have been compared many times, and I am no Sun Tzu, but even I understand the long-term value of partnerships, sticking to an agreement and moving forward together through the economic and growth challenges which may lie ahead, protecting each others interests. A wise businessman once said to me, "everyone must leave with a balloon, Frank".

Maybe Testudo will be known for it's enforcing equality promise, maybe for our no nonsense style. Maybe for the quality of people represented by us, maybe our ability to keep things simple. As we are now in our 4th year of providing outstanding service, we have been working with our clients closer than ever before and we intend to challenge peoples perspective of recruitment as we go into battle.


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