Testosterone, what’s the deal?

Testosterone, what’s the deal?

Testosterone, probably the most controversial hormone on the face of the planet. Many deem testosterone as the elixir of life, the secret ingredient that awards them the body of their dreams, while others believe it exclusively fuels the toxic masculinity making machine.?

There is no denying that testosterone can be hugely beneficial to both men and women, but like anything, in the right amounts. While many will try to boost their testosterone for whatever reason, this is not always a good thing. Studies found that during the first month of fatherhood, men experience a big drop in testosterone, and will have lower levels of this hormone in general when compared to men without children. In fact, it has been shown that fathers with high testosterone levels will be less caring, and less inclined to interact or even look at their own spawn.?

However, upon hearing a baby cry, a father will experience a sharp and immediate spike in testosterone. Make of this what you will, but it appears testosterone has a direct effect on both caregiving and the protection of a father’s young. You wouldn’t really want to mess with something so deep-rooted in human evolution, would you? After all, it seems mother nature adjusts it accordingly.?

Well even if you wouldn’t, many do, and with good reason. Many men suffer from low testosterone subsequently causing a loss of libido and even mental health issues among other ailments. Those that do, benefit massively from testosterone replacement therapy. On the other hand, people will also abuse the hormone in pursuit of both aesthetic and performance objectives. These people will usually look very muscular and stand out from their natural peers, while also sometimes sporting a spotty back and veins that can resemble a roadmap.

So, what’s the right move here? Let’s put it simply. If you think you may suffer from low testosterone, seek advice and treatment from your doctor, do not self-medicate. If you want rippling muscles and a body like a Greek god then testosterone and other steroids may seem tempting but be warned that this particular indulgence can put you at risk of a series of health issues if not controlled correctly.

But, if like most people you want a slight yet noticeable increase in mood and libido, by all means increase your testosterone NATURALLY. That is the key here, NATURALLY. This can be achieved by a good diet and hitting the weights.?

That is where we can help you at The Cut. Our trainers assess your individual needs and goals and then put a program together covering training and nutrition.


