Testing the Venom network
To get a complete understanding of the Venom blockchain, take an active part in quests and activities within the Venom testnet https://venom.network/. You can test all products and provide feedback to optimize the technology for Mainnet.
To test you will need a wallet, you will need to install the wallet browser extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/venom-wallet/ojggmchlghnjlapmfbnjholfjkiidbch
You will also need a mobile app
For iOS:
Create and configure your wallet. Please note that we perform all actions on a test network, so select test network in the settings.
After installing and configuring the wallet, we will need to receive test tokens. To do this, we use faucet https://venom.network/faucet. connect your wallet, complete tasks and receive test tokens.
Now we can start testing directly, go to the website https://venom.network/tasks and study the available tasks. For each correctly completed task, you will receive an NFT. You can check your NFTs on the same website.
After completing each task, you will need to send a screenshot as you see above and your wallet address to the “completed tasks” channel on the Venom Discord server. Keep an eye out for new quests in the announcement channel.
If you have any additional questions, you can find more complete information about testing in the article https://medium.com/@Venom_network_/mastering-the-venom-testnet-a-comprehensive-guide-to-interacting-with-dapps-nfts -and-defi-7aa90abcce93