Testing Trends: Cookies are here to stay...for now

Testing Trends: Cookies are here to stay...for now

At Ministry of Testing we love to uncover bugs and Testing Trends! We go hunting for them so you don't have to.

Here some Testing Trends we published recently.

?? Level up your software testing career with Professional Membership.

?? Cookies are here to stay...for now

Tech giant backtracks on 4 year effort.

If you’ve visited a new website on your phone or computer over the past 18 months or so, you’ve probably seen a notification or some banner informing you that the page is using cookies to track you, then politely or in a “fun” comical way, asking you to agree to let it happen. The site invites you to read its “cookie policy,” (which, let’s be honest, you’re not going to do), and it may tell you the tracking is to “enhance” your experience - even though it feels like it’s doing the opposite. But in the end, most of us click “yes” and move on. Read more...

?? Python and JavaScript code languages are the top choice for testers scripting?

In this Testing Trend we follow on from the discussion, ‘What do you use scripting for?’ on the Ministry of Testing Club and look into testers preferred code language. There are so many options and tools available for automation out there. Finding out what is being used and why could help those new to automation in testing or are already learning the basics better understand the choices available.?Read more...

?? What testing tools are in your current tech stack?

Ministry of Testing surveyed the community to get an up-to-date reading of the testing trade's tools.

We need tools to test and interact with the systems we test. We need tools to organize our testing, communicate with others on our team, and address many other aspects of the testing stack. In May 2024, the Ministry of Testing surveyed the community to get an up-to-date reading of the testing trade's tools.?Read more...

?? AI software testing tools leave most of your project's needs unmet!

Discover software testers experiences of the usefulness of AI tools in their current projects.

In this Testing Trends article we discuss whether the impact of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools is a positive or negative one.? With around half of software testers saying they are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in their daily work it is important to understand how valuable they might be. Read more...

?? Is test automation a hard skill that pushes out the soft?

Test automation is a much sought-after skill, but is it at the cost of important soft skills?

There’s no doubt that learning automation, its theories, practices, and application take time and dedication. There are many tools and frameworks to understand, and different companies will use it in their own context, which is why it is a desired and wanted (so called) hard skill. Read more...

?? Level up your software testing career with Professional Membership.


