Testing Smarter with Santhosh Tuppad
This interview with Santhosh Tuppad is part of our series of “Testing Smarter with…” interviews. Our goal with these interviews is to highlight insights and experiences as told by many of the software testing field’s leading thinkers.
Santhosh Tuppad fell in love with computers when he was 12 and since then his love for computers has increased exponentially. He founded his first startup in 2010 and was part of growing the company to nearly 80 people.
In short, he is a passionate software tester, security researcher, entrepreneur and badass in following his heart come what may!
Read the full interview here: Testing Smarter with Santhosh Tuppad
Excerpts from the Interview:
Hexawise: What do you wish more developers, business analysts, and project managers understood about software testing?
Santhosh: I wish that developers, business analysts and project managers understood that it is not low-skilled job which anyone can do. And also wish more of them learned to collaborate across the teams in order achieve the common goal.
At the same time, I also feel that testers should upskill and demonstrate the value they provide in order to gain credibility from those on other teams. I also wish to see them spending time together instead of just seeing their role as limited. Last, but not least; manage conflicts and work as a team.
Hexawise: What drew you into a career in software testing?
Santhosh: I have loved computers since I was 12. My father enrolled me into a computer course and I got to experience Disk Operating System for the first time where I used computer using command-line terminal and also played Prince Of Persia game. And I was addicted to gaming during this phase.
After my gaming stint, I was introduced to the internet and picked up an addiction for IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Here, I met various hackers and used to communicate with them on various channels which were heavily moderated and were invite only. I had to demonstrate my interest in hacking to these folks to invite me to their channel. My first hack was to hack the dial-up network credentials and use them at my home when the internet shop used to close at night. We used to have Internet Packs at those times in India and I had to pay money to buy those: and I did not have money during my teenage years.
Without much ado, let’s skip to software testing part. After my graduation, I did not know what should I be doing (one thing I knew for sure was, anything that I do has to be with computers as I was passionate). I understood that, I cannot settle for anything which doesn’t synchronize with my heart. I was on the journey of finding which becomes part of me. And finally, I enrolled for the software testing course. And during the course days, I could connect my hacking skills (security testing) to software testing. This part of my life is what I call finding bliss.
And the story continued and I started growing in the industry as a tester, international speaker, participant in conferences across the globe, entrepreneur in software testing, keynote speaker, blogger, author and what not.
Read previous interviews:
- Testing Smarter with Janet Gregory
- Testing Smarter with Katrina Clokie
- Testing Smarter with Angie Jones
- Testing Smarter with Matt Heusser
- Testing Smarter at StarEAST
- Testing Smarter with Ajay Balamurugadas
- Testing Smarter with Hans Buwalda
- Testing Smarter with Rikard Edgren
- Testing Smarter with Michael Bolton
- Testing Smarter with Mike Bland
- Testing Smarter with Alan Page
- Testing Smarter with Dorothy Graham
- Testing Smarter with James Bach