Testing Smart Card Authentication with Smart Card Utility Browser
Twocanoes Software, Inc.
Twocanoes specializes in app and software development on Mac and iOS systems. More at www.youtube.com/twocanoessoftware
When a website requires smart card authentication, it sends back to the browser some hints about the certificate to be selected for authentication. This may include what entity issued the certificate, the type of cryptography required, and details. The browser determines which certificate to show to the user to select. However, sometimes the browser does not show a certificate as expected.
In order to troubleshoot this issue, we have created the Smart Card Utility Browser. It is a browser that uses the same rendering engine as Safari, but will show any available certificates rather than filtering them. It also allows any untrusted or self signed certificate. The browser should only be used to troubleshoot issues and should not be used on a regular basis.
Smart Card Utility Browser logs activity related to smart card and certificate authentication and is helpful for determining the root cause of issues. The log can be viewed and exported. The log does not contain any password or PIN information, but does contain the website name, information about the smart card certificate including the issuer and the person’s name (if included in the certificate), as well as other user and smart card certificate related information.
To install Smart Card Utility Browser, we use Testflight from Apple to install. Follow the instructions below for installing. On the iOS device that is installing the browser:
Using the Browser
Once the browser has been installed, test a website: