?? Testing in .NET: A Guide for Developers
Leonardo Santos-Macias. Ph.D, M.Sc
10K+| Tech Evangelist | Senior Software Engineer | 7x Certified (Azure / Google Cloud / AWS) | Real Estate Investor
Testing ensures your .NET applications are reliable, efficient, and bug-free. With a variety of tools and frameworks, .NET makes testing simpler and more efficient.
?? Types of Testing in .NET
??? Tools for .NET Testing
?? Best Practices for .NET Testing
?? Free Resources to Master .NET Testing
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#DotNet #SoftwareTesting #UnitTesting #IntegrationTesting #xUnit #NUnit #MSTest #TDD #CodeCoverage #ProgrammingTips #AutomationTesting #CleanCode #DeveloperJourney
More details:
Unit testing in .NET typically involves creating tests for small, isolated pieces of code, such as individual methods or classes. Here are the common types of .NET unit tests:
1. Basic Unit Tests
public void AddNumbers_ShouldReturnCorrectSum()
????// Arrange
????var calculator = new Calculator();
????// Act
????var result = calculator.Add(2, 3);
????// Assert
????Assert.Equal(5, result);
2. Parameterized Tests
[InlineData(2, 3, 5)]
[InlineData(-1, 4, 3)]
[InlineData(0, 0, 0)]
public void AddNumbers_ShouldReturnCorrectSum(int a, int b, int expected)
????var calculator = new Calculator();
????var result = calculator.Add(a, b);
????Assert.Equal(expected, result);
3. Boundary Tests
public void AddNumbers_WithMaxValue_ShouldThrowException()
????var calculator = new Calculator();
????Assert.Throws<OverflowException>(() => calculator.Add(int.MaxValue, 1));
4. Mocking-Based Tests
public void ProcessOrder_ShouldCallInventoryService()
????var inventoryMock = new Mock<IInventoryService>();
????var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor(inventoryMock.Object);
????inventoryMock.Verify(service => service.CheckStock(123), Times.Once);
5. Exception Tests
public void Divide_ByZero_ShouldThrowDivideByZeroException()
????var calculator = new Calculator();
????Assert.Throws<DivideByZeroException>(() => calculator.Divide(10, 0));
6. Data-Driven Tests
7. Asynchronous Tests
public async Task FetchData_ShouldReturnCorrectDataAsync()
????var service = new DataService();
????var result = await service.FetchDataAsync("test");
????Assert.Equal("expectedData", result);
8. State-Based Tests
public void UpdateBalance_ShouldUpdateAccountBalance()
????var account = new BankAccount();
????Assert.Equal(100, account.Balance);
9. Behavioral Tests
10. Performance Unit Tests
11. Regression Tests
Each type serves a specific purpose depending on the testing scenario. Choosing the right combination of these ensures comprehensive test coverage.
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Boundary testing in .NET is used to verify the behavior of a system or component at the edges of input domains or data ranges. These tests ensure the application handles edge cases and transitions between boundary values correctly, avoiding unexpected failures.
Key Considerations in Boundary Testing
Examples of Boundary Tests in .NET
Numeric Boundaries
Test edge cases for numeric inputs like integers, floats, or custom ranges.
[InlineData(0, true)]? // Minimum valid value
[InlineData(100, true)] // Maximum valid value
[InlineData(-1, false)] // Below minimum
[InlineData(101, false)] // Above maximum
public void IsValidPercentage_ShouldReturnExpectedResult(int value, bool expected)
????// Arrange
????var validator = new PercentageValidator();
????// Act
????var result = validator.IsValid(value);
????// Assert
????Assert.Equal(expected, result);
String Length Boundaries
Test minimum, maximum, and edge-case lengths for strings.
[InlineData("", false)] ? ? ? ? ? // Empty string
[InlineData("A", true)] ? ? ? ? ? // Minimum length
[InlineData(new string('A', 50), true)] // Maximum length
[InlineData(new string('A', 51), false)] // Exceeds maximum length
public void ValidateUsername_ShouldReturnExpectedResult(string username, bool expected)
????var validator = new UsernameValidator();
????var result = validator.Validate(username);
????Assert.Equal(expected, result);
Array/List Boundaries
Test collections for minimum, maximum, and empty conditions.
public void GetFirstElement_WithEmptyArray_ShouldThrowException()
????var processor = new ArrayProcessor();
????Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => processor.GetFirstElement(new int[0]));
DateTime Boundaries
Validate edge cases for time ranges.
public void IsValidDate_ShouldReturnFalseForFutureDate()
????var validator = new DateValidator();
API Input Boundaries
Ensure APIs correctly handle edge-case payloads.
public async Task SubmitOrder_WithInvalidQuantity_ShouldReturnBadRequest()
????var order = new Order { Quantity = -1 }; // Invalid boundary
????var response = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/orders", order);
????Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.StatusCode);
Why Boundary Testing is Critical