Testing and Developer Tools in .NET 9
David Shergilashvili
Software Development & Technical Solutions Architect | Technical Community Contributor
With version 9, the .NET development experience has significantly improved. It introduces sophisticated testing capabilities and enhanced developer tools that transform how we write, test, and debug our applications. These improvements make testing more efficient and help ensure higher-quality code through better tooling support.
Enhanced Unit Testing Framework
The unit testing framework in .NET 9 introduces powerful new features that make tests more expressive and easier to maintain. Let's explore these improvements through practical examples:
public class OrderProcessor
private readonly IOrderRepository _repository;
private readonly IPaymentService _paymentService;
public OrderProcessor(
IOrderRepository repository,
IPaymentService paymentService)
_repository = repository;
_paymentService = paymentService;
public async Task<OrderResult> ProcessOrderAsync(Order order)
await _repository.SaveOrderAsync(order);
var paymentResult = await _paymentService.ProcessPaymentAsync(
return new OrderResult
Success = paymentResult.Success,
OrderId = order.Id,
TransactionId = paymentResult.TransactionId
// Enhanced test class with new testing features
public class OrderProcessorTests
private Mock<IOrderRepository> _repositoryMock;
private Mock<IPaymentService> _paymentServiceMock;
private OrderProcessor _processor;
public void Setup()
_repositoryMock = new Mock<IOrderRepository>();
_paymentServiceMock = new Mock<IPaymentService>();
_processor = new OrderProcessor(
// New in .NET 9: Async test lifecycle methods
public async Task InitializeAsync()
await LoadTestDataAsync();
// New in .NET 9: Enhanced parameterized tests
public async Task ProcessOrder_WithValidOrder_SuccessfullyProcesses(
Order testOrder)
// Arrange
_repositoryMock.Setup(r => r.SaveOrderAsync(testOrder))
.Setup(p => p.ProcessPaymentAsync(testOrder.PaymentDetails))
.ReturnsAsync(new PaymentResult
Success = true,
TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
// Act
var result = await _processor.ProcessOrderAsync(testOrder);
// Assert
// New in .NET 9: Enhanced assertions with better failure messages
Assert.That(result, Has.Property("Success").True);
Assert.That(result.OrderId, Is.EqualTo(testOrder.Id));
// Verify interactions
r => r.SaveOrderAsync(testOrder),
// New in .NET 9: Property-based testing
public void ProcessOrder_WithRandomOrders_HandlesValidCases(
Order randomOrder)
// Property-based test will automatically generate
// multiple test cases with different order values
Assume.That(randomOrder.PaymentDetails.Amount > 0);
var result = _processor.ProcessOrderAsync(randomOrder);
Assert.That(result.Success || !randomOrder.IsValid);
Improved Integration Testing
.NET 9 enhances integration testing capabilities with better support for test containers and environmental isolation:
public class IntegrationTests
private ITestContainer _dbContainer;
private HttpClient _client;
// New in .NET 9: Enhanced test container support
public async Task Setup()
// Start a test container with specific version and configuration
_dbContainer = new TestContainers.PostgreSqlContainer()
.WithEnvironment("POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS", "--encoding=UTF8")
await _dbContainer.StartAsync();
// Configure test web application
var application = new TestWebApplicationFactory<Program>()
.WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
// Replace database connection with test container
services.Configure<DbContextOptions>(options =>
_client = application.CreateClient();
public async Task CreateOrder_WithValidData_ReturnsSuccessResponse()
// Arrange
var order = new OrderRequest
ProductId = 1,
Quantity = 2,
PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetails
CardNumber = "4111111111111111",
ExpiryMonth = 12,
ExpiryYear = 2025,
Cvv = "123"
// Act
var response = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/orders", order);
// Assert
var result = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<OrderResponse>();
Assert.That(result.OrderId, Is.Not.Empty);
// New in .NET 9: Enhanced cleanup with async support
public async Task Cleanup()
await _dbContainer.DisposeAsync();
Advanced Debug Tooling
.NET 9 introduces sophisticated debugging capabilities that make it easier to understand and fix issues:
public class DebugTools
// New in .NET 9: Enhanced diagnostic attributes
public static void ValidateState(object state)
// New debugging helpers provide better insight
Debug.WriteLine($"Validating state: {state}");
if (state == null)
// Enhanced break point hit counting
Debug.Assert(false, "State cannot be null");
// New in .NET 9: Memory dump analysis helpers
public static async Task AnalyzeMemoryUsageAsync()
var snapshot = await Debugger.TakeMemorySnapshotAsync();
// Analyze memory usage patterns
foreach (var allocation in snapshot.GetLargeObjectAllocations())
$"Large object: {allocation.Type}, " +
$"Size: {allocation.Size}, " +
$"Location: {allocation.StackTrace}"
Time Travel Debugging
.NET 9 introduces powerful time travel debugging capabilities that help understand how code behaved in the past:
public class TimeTravel
// New in .NET 9: Time travel debugging support
public async Task ProcessWorkflowAsync()
// Start recording execution
using var recording = await Debugger
// Execute workflow
await ExecuteWorkflowStepsAsync();
// Analyze execution path
var events = await recording
foreach (var evt in events)
$"Event: {evt.Type}, " +
$"Time: {evt.Timestamp}, " +
$"Thread: {evt.ThreadId}"
catch (Exception ex)
// Replay execution to find issue
await Debugger.ReplayExecutionAsync(
startTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-10)
Performance Profiling Improvements
The profiling capabilities in .NET 9 have been enhanced to provide better insights into application performance:
public class PerformanceAnalyzer
// New in .NET 9: Enhanced profiling attributes
public async Task AnalyzePerformanceAsync()
// Start profiling session
using var session = await Profiler
.StartSessionAsync(new ProfilingOptions
TrackAllocations = true,
TrackThreadTime = true,
EnableStackTracing = true
// Collect performance data
var metrics = await session.GetMetricsAsync();
// Analyze results
foreach (var hotspot in metrics.GetHotspots())
$"Hotspot: {hotspot.Method}, " +
$"Time: {hotspot.ExecutionTime}, " +
$"Allocations: {hotspot.Allocations}"
The testing and developer tools improvements in .NET 9 significantly advance how we develop and maintain applications. From enhanced unit testing capabilities to sophisticated debugging tools, these features provide developers with the means to create more reliable and performant applications while maintaining high productivity. By understanding and utilizing these tools effectively, developers can significantly improve their development workflow and the quality of their code.