Testimonials are the “Prime Movers” in any Health Product Sales Letter

Dear Friend,

If you’ve read and studied numerous sales letters for health products, you probably noticed their exaggerated claims of benefit about their natural source products. Though you should be careful about using words like cure, not using somewhat exaggerated claims would make a sales letter boring to read and that wouldn’t likely generate orders.

However there is one thing every consumer-directed health product sales letter must include.? Without this, even the most expertly written sales letter is dead in the water.

Here’s an example of such a letter.? Visit https://www.francisardi.com/writing-samples/ and click on the Prime Performance item. The sales page opens in a new browser window.

You will find that this is an expertly-written sales letter, with all the elements of persuasive writing.? But if you’ve read a lot of sales letters for health supplements directed at a specific condition, you’ll see that a critical element is missing. Something that might prevent this letter from delivering orders.

Now this miracle performing substance is something that would be of benefit to you. Before you even think about placing your order, you ask yourself, has this product actually worked for someone? Are there statements from satisfied customers telling about how this product has improved their condition? Wouldn’t such statements support any claims of benefit in the sales page?

These statements from satisfied customers, strategically inserted between paragraphs of the main text of the page, are known as testimonials. Usually just a few sentences long with the person’s first name and initial and location (city, state), they state, in the customer’s own words, the amazing results that person has experienced.

These satisfied customer statements are usually enclosed in a frame or against a lightly colored background, perhaps with a new font face, usually italics, so as to stand out.

In the example of the male enhancement product (Prime Performance), you probably noticed that there were no testimonials.? No statements of how the product restored this man’s sexual ability and saved his marriage or improved his ability to satisfy his significant other.??

Now if that Prime Performance sales page had at least three, or better four or five testimonials, it would have generated plenty of orders. You see, testimonials create a strong emotional appeal that often “seals the deal” for anybody sitting on the fence.

Knowing how effective testimonials are in providing social proof that the product delivers on what it promises, it is important to know ways of obtaining testimonials. There are several.

One way is by providing select individuals the product free of charge or at a deeply discounted price, with the agreement that these individuals report on any benefits they would experience using the product.

There is a better way that would provide all the testimonials the company would need.

Whether the product is a prescription drug or a natural-source product (nutraceutical), it would be subjected to a double-blind clinical trial. This compares the product to an inert substance like a sugar pill. The patients in the group do not know what they will be taking and the physician will not know which pill the patient is given.

This requires third party involvement.? All participants in the trial will be followed up and reports written for each participant.

Reports from participants being given the “real thing” will be examined. Those reporting a favorable outcome will be asked if they would consent to having their report used in the company’s marketing campaigns.


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