Testimonials Are Important

Testimonials Are Important

Over my career I have built my team on the satisfaction of others opinions. Thus always looking to keep my clients and agents happy. Has there been times where a client or agent was disappointed? Yes, but never left the table not feeling important. That was the "key"  to selling 7000+ homes in 30 years of selling residential homes never paying for a lead. (Read more)

If you never received a testimonial from a client don't feel bad. Your first testimonial should come from a friend, relative or colleague you have done business in the past. These are the easiest to receive. Just like selling a tangible asset, you must ask for the testimonial. But choose wisely! Your first is vital to the next one you receive. 

Many social media platforms, i.e., GlassDoor, yelp and Facebook are used everyday much like your website. Connect these with one another by using links or video to market your services. And remember your service is you. It does not discriminate. Your attitude is the key to a good or bad testimonial. Just remember that how you answer the phone to the first meeting with a prospect will make a lasting impression. Smile and be passionate about what they expect from you. 

The question I always ask is, "Would you mind telling us how we did and how we could improve. Your opinion really matters to us". 

Open ended questions always are a good way to make the customer "feel" important. Take interest in your client and they will return the favor in a referral, opps I meant testimonial. : ) Best of luck! Tom

What’s happened since we last met?

What makes you think it might be time for a change?

What brought you here today?”

Tell me more about when this first began.

What’s different for you this time?

What was that like for you?



