Testimonial - Darren Cauchi
I joined the Company way back in September 2011. Having started working in Real Estate at quite a young age brought about its challenges, the market it was quite tough in 2011 but with my perseverance and goals in mind I was able to grow stronger in character and this brought about my disciplined work ethic which I use every single day, because I believe that the choices we make, make us who we are. I have met plenty of people and broadened my network -, which is the essence of our business.
I developed my skills with Engel & V?lkers, through its unique platform. I have worked hard to build extensive knowledge on Building and Legal Technicalities. I am very happy to say that I have seen Malta’s most beautiful properties and met great people. I would say that every single Sale is an achievement in 2 ways – a) for the client who is buying who varies from a specific Developer to a first time buyer couple and b) is satisfying the needs of my Sellers. Referrals are important part of my business and I have developers whom I sold a couple of sites to and even individuals of whose properties I sold and that brings in repeat business. Word of mouth is my most powerful marketing tool another reason why I am here with Engel & V?lkers because Sara Grech herself is well known and has an extremely good reputation with business people and with investors which helps us agents achieve more
I am proud to have been the Top EVSG agent for 2013 and 2014, whilst also proud to have achieved second placed in 2015.
Sara Grech herself, not the brand! has shown me the way forward, passing on her 30 years of experience in the Maltese Real Estate Market. Her passion for the work is contagious. I am keen to share my experiences with new recruits and I have shown the way forward to a couple of other successful and top agents in the Company. Team work at E&V SG is highly valued and again, is very important to work together to achieve the BEST results in Malta for all of our Clients. Our platform is unique because we have policies in place that safeguard the agent’s daily hard work and this is respected by the Managing director Benjamin Grech.
We recently opened up a new part to the Commercial division, which is being led by Sara Grech herself, and I am very proud that she has selected me to join her team. I focus on Investment Development, sites and plots working on feasibility studies and finding the right investor for a specific project. A few things I like to keep in mind are these key words and phrases - Honesty, Transparency and Teamwork....Work hard in Silence and Let Success make the Noise!! Work Hard to be able to Play Hard ;) – The sky is the limit!!
Engel & V?lkers is constantly taking steps forward and I am glad to be part of this journey. To many more successful years!!