TestContainers and Spring Boot
Almost every enterprise application that we build is communicating with external service. Some of the common integration's include Message Brokers ( such as Kafka, RabbitMQ etc.. ), Databases and External API’s. The business logic that the service is responsible for is integrated with such services.
Unit/Integration tests are a MUST for shipping a good software. Not only they prevent future bugs but they also ensure that our code can be executed successfully for some predefined cases. As the application becomes more complex writing tests also becomes more complex.
TestContainers is a powerful technology that enables the developers to test the entire flow in their test cases. TestContainers is built on top of Docker and it is a technology that can create Docker Containers when the tests are started and destroy the containers once the tests have finished. For some common images there are already pre-configured test containers. It can run and manage containers from any docker image.
The Problem
Let’s say we need to build an application that will be used for enrolling students in a university.
We already have an application where a student can apply for a university, from that service we will publish a message through Kafka and the new service that needs to be built needs to listen to the Kafka topic and when there is a new message process it. The processing of the message first needs to validate the student’s GPA with an API call to Validator Service. If the student’s GPA is valid he will be saved in the database otherwise he won’t be saved.
The development part seems pretty easy the steps could be defined such as:
However once you start thinking about writing Integration tests things get complicated.
Available Solutions
In a real world application the integration’s between our application and some external service always grows. In the beginning this application might be interacting with 3 external services ( Kafka,Database and external API) but in the future we might add new integration’s ( e.g KeyCloak for authentication and so on).
We have 2 choices for setting our unit/integration tests. We could either go with mocking the external services (Mockito) and use H2 in-memory database for testing or use TestContainers and not mock anything!
Let’s see how much coverage they provide.
We will use the following colors to identify what is being mocked and what isn’t.
RED→ Mocked
BLUE→ Real Integration
As mentioned above, TestContainers is a powerful technology that will enable us to test our application with real dependencies. We will spin up a Kafka instance, PostgreSQL Database and the external API ( Validator Service ), run all the tests and then shut down everything.
Here we can identify 3 external dependencies for which we will use TestContainers to spin containers.
Here the whole flow is tested with real dependencies.
Mockito + H2 In-Memory Database
The second approach is to use Mockito and H2 In-Memory Database. This approach has several drawbacks. We cannot test the end-to-end flow so we have to mock the Kafka part, we have to mock the API call to the Validation Service and we need to use a different database ( H2 ) instead of the real one that we will be using on our live environment.
Here we can see the following problems :
Key Benefits of Using TestContainers
Limitations of Mockito + H2 Approach
Integration with Spring Boot
Integrating TestContainers and Mockito in a Spring Boot application is pretty simple. First we need to add the correct dependencies in our pom.xml ( if we are using Maven ) and then start building the tests.
Dependencies for TestContainers
Then we start to build the tests! I won’t cover the business logic here ( the real Kafka Listener and the Validation Service, if you want to take a look at that, the code is available on GitHub and repository is shared on the bottom).
For TestContainers to know which containers we would like to spin during our tests, we need to define a Configuration class.
@TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class TestcontainersConfiguration {
private static final GenericContainer<?> gpaValidatorContainer = new GenericContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("gpavalidator:latest"))
private static final KafkaContainer kafkaContainer = new KafkaContainer(DockerImageName.parse("confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest"));
private static final PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgresContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:latest");
public KafkaContainer kafkaContainer() {
return kafkaContainer;
public PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgresContainer() {
return postgresContainer;
public void startGpaValidatorContainer() {
if(!gpaValidatorContainer.isRunning()) {
String baseUrl = "https://" + gpaValidatorContainer.getHost() + ":" + gpaValidatorContainer.getMappedPort(8081);
System.setProperty("validator.baseUrl", baseUrl);
Here we are telling TestContainers that we need 3 Containers for this application Kafka, PostgreSQL and GpaValidator.
Spring Boot and TestContainers have auto configuration for Kafka and PostgreSQL, so our application will be connected to these containers automatically without a single line of configuration!
Our custom container ( which is the Validator Service ), we need to set the base url.
Let’s review the test cases.
@ContextConfiguration(classes = TestcontainersConfiguration.class)
public class KafkaConsumerServiceTest {
private StudentRepository studentRepository;
private KafkaSenderService kafkaSenderService;
public void testKafkaListenerWithLowGpa() throws InterruptedException {
StudentDTO message = new StudentDTO();
message.setEmail("[email protected]");
await().atMost(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).untilAsserted(() -> {
public void testKafkaListenerWithHighGpa() throws InterruptedException {
StudentDTO message = new StudentDTO();
message.setEmail("[email protected]");
await().atMost(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).untilAsserted(() -> {
public void tearDown() {
Here in this test class there are few important things :
In this test we will showcase the difference between using PostgreSQL and H2. We will use the RANK() function which behaves differently in PostgreSQL and H2. In PostgreSQL we will get the ranked students ordered while in H2 the ranking will be the same but the order is not the same.
We have the following native query :
@Query(value = "SELECT s.id, s.first_name AS firstName, s.last_name AS lastName, s.email, s.gpa, " +
"RANK() OVER (ORDER BY s.gpa DESC) AS rank " +
"FROM students s", nativeQuery = true)
List<StudentWithRankProjection> findStudentsWithRankByGpa();
Then we have the following test class :
@ContextConfiguration(classes = TestcontainersConfiguration.class)
class StudentRepositoryTest {
private StudentRepository studentRepository;
void setUp() {
Student student1 = new Student();
student1.setEmail("[email protected]");
Student student2 = new Student();
student2.setEmail("[email protected]");
Student student3 = new Student();
student3.setEmail("[email protected]");
This test is used to demonstrate that the native query from StudentRepository which is using the
RANK() function is not working the same in PostgreSQL and H2.
It is correctly ranking the students but the order is different.
public void testFindStudentsWithRankByGpa() {
List<StudentWithRankProjection> rankedStudents = studentRepository.findStudentsWithRankByGpa();
We have the following observations here:
Be careful when using native queries. I personally always prefer using Criteria API/JPQL/HQL or any database agnostic queries but sometimes you must use native queries and that is okay. Just be aware of the differences in your test cases if you are using H2.
With Mockito we will aim to cover the same tests and see the differences.
public class KafkaConsumerServiceTest {
private StudentRepository studentRepository;
private StudentMapper studentMapper;
private ValidateGpaHttpService validateGpaHttpService;
private KafkaConsumerService kafkaConsumerService;
public void testListenWithHighGpa() {
StudentDTO message = new StudentDTO(1L,"Jane", "Doe", "[email protected]", 3.5);
StudentValidationInput input = new StudentValidationInput(message.getFirstName(), message.getLastName(), message.getGpa());
Student student = new Student();
verify(studentRepository, times(1)).save(student);
public void testListenWithLowGpa() {
StudentDTO message = new StudentDTO(1L,"Jane", "Doe", "[email protected]", 1.5);
StudentValidationInput input = new StudentValidationInput(message.getFirstName(), message.getLastName(), message.getGpa());
verify(studentRepository, never()).save(any(Student.class));
In this test class we can notice the following things:
In this class we will review the same native query we used for PostgreSQL and H2 but this time built with Mockito mocking the query call to the database.
public class StudentRepositoryMockitoTest {
private StudentRepository studentRepository;
private List<StudentWithRankProjection> mockRankedStudents;
void setUp() {
StudentWithRankProjection student1 = mock(StudentWithRankProjection.class);
StudentWithRankProjection student2 = mock(StudentWithRankProjection.class);
StudentWithRankProjection student3 = mock(StudentWithRankProjection.class);
mockRankedStudents = Arrays.asList(student1, student2, student3);
public void testFindStudentsWithRankByGpa() {
List<StudentWithRankProjection> rankedStudents = studentRepository.findStudentsWithRankByGpa();
Here we can see the following key parts:
While this test passes successfully and looks like a valid test case it actually doesn’t test anything. Even if we have invalid SQL in the native query this will pass since that query will never be executed and the mocked students will be returned whenever we call it.
Be careful what you are mocking as it can lead to issues/bugs in live environments that could have been observed in the tests if they were written properly.
In conclusion, while both approaches - using TestContainers and the combination of Mockito with an H2 in-memory database – are possible, TestContainers provides a significant advantage for complex integration testing. By leveraging real instances of the external dependencies ( in this case Kafka, PostgreSQL, and the Validator Service), TestContainers ensures that our tests are more realistic and closer to the production environment. This approach minimizes the risk of encountering integration issues in production that were not caught during testing.While Mockito and H2 are useful for simpler scenarios and quicker tests, TestContainers is the preferred approach for robust, enterprise-level applications requiring thorough testing of all integration points.
TestContainers not only enhances our testing strategy but also contributes to higher quality and reliability of the software we deliver, leading to better user satisfaction and reduced maintenance costs in the long run.
The code can be found at the following GitHub repository : https://github.com/petrovskimario/Spring-Boot-with-TestContainers
Happy Coding!
Proud Father, Visionary Entrepreneur, Creator and Thought Leader
5 个月Great to see you and everyone else showcasing your knowledge Mario Petrovski. Very informative. I’m glad we were hosting the event at ?IWConnect so we could follow remotely as well.
More than a regular engineer.
5 个月Nice work. What is the time of execution of the test container? It depends on container usage, and downloaded images (on first run) I believe. Is it possible to execute them in CI process? Any preferred tool to do that? I also found a related topic for the PHP ecosystem. https://dev.to/joubertredrat/integration-tests-on-symfony-with-testcontainers-4o7d inspired by your article. Thank you. Can't wait to try it. :)
Transforming Businesses with Applied AI | R&D Lead Technical Consultant @ ?IWConnect | Microsoft MVP | Technical Trainer | Web3 & Blockchain Practitioner
5 个月Fantastic presentation, Mario! It was truly deep and insightful. I appreciate you sharing the article for the demo which I enjoyed and found it incredibly valuable.