TestBash Manchester is Live!
Richard Bradshaw
Industry leader in software testing and quality engineering. With a strong focus on automation and whole team quality approaches. I'm a tester, automator, keynote speaker, teacher, strategist, leader & a friendly human.
TL:DR I don’t care what you have to say about it Richard, where are the tickets?! Here. 10 fantastic talks, six half-day workshops, Rapid Software Testing and an Open Space. Limited Super Early Bird tickets available.
I’m so excited to be bringing TestBash back to Manchester, the community and industry here is so active right now, it’s a perfect match. Manchester needs an awesome testing event and I believe we’ve got one!
So what’s in store this year?
As per last year, we have the Rapid Software Testing class the week of TestBash, that is taking place from Monday 23rd to Wednesday 25th October and this year's class is with testing guru Michael Bolton. Early bird price is £1200 + VAT, then it’s £1400 + VAT.
We then have something new for this year... we have a workshop day! We have six fantastic workshops to choose from. Topics include: Web Security, API Testing, What is Quality?, Hiring Testers / Getting Hired, Test Career Mapping and more!
We also have a introductory class called Exploratory Testing 101 by the Software Testing Clinic, only 20 spaces available on this class and is priced at £249.
Then we have a jam packed conference day, it’s going to be a long day, but it’ll be so worth it! Full of learning and insight, with many opportunities for that all important thing at conferences, conferring! This line up consists of 10 talks, plus the famous 99 second talks that you’re very welcome to take part in. We’ve got talks on Exploratory Testing, Team Quality, Psychology, Education and Learning, Microservices, Accessibility, Automation, Imposter Syndrome and Anxiety.
I’m incredibly impressed with the whole line up this year, but I’m going to pick out two talks/speakers to share with you to give you a taste of what to expect. The first being ‘AUT: Anxiety Under Test’ by Gem Hill. This is a brave talk from Gem on the incredibly important topic of mental health. Mental health is a tough topic but it’s something that affects many of us, so it’s important for us to discuss it openly and I want to thank Gem for having the courage to bring this talk to a public stage. Ministry of Testing will always have a place for topics like this.
The second talk is ‘The Lost Art of the Journeyman’ by Martin Hynie. Martin is probably one of the nicest people I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting. He is highly respected in the testing field and appreciated by a whole host of communities, but we especially love this guy here at the Ministry. Martin hasn’t done a conference talk for over 2 years, so I’m incredibly excited to see him back on stage at TestBash. Martin is approaching 50 (madness, he looks 30 max!) and is going to share some of his life changing experiences that have influenced his approach to the craft of testing and supporting others around him.
But we’re not done there. After the success of last year’s, we’re repeating the Open Space event on the Saturday. This is a great opportunity to get your questions answered and to have discussions about the topics that interest you! That’s because the schedule for the day is designed by you, the attendee, on the day of the event. Yes it’s a Saturday, but I promise you, it’ll be a very rewarding day!
So there it is, a summary of TestBash Manchester 2017. For more details of all the sessions and that all important ticket link, please visit the event page over at The Dojo.
The event is also looking for sponsors, so if your company is interested in supporting TestBash Manchester through sponsorship, details of all the options can be found here.
P.S. the Super Early Bird price is limited, so book fast, and remember last year we sold out with three months to go!
Thanks for reading,
Richard Bradshaw
FriendlyBoss @ Ministry of Testing