Test Your Skill as a Mystery Shopper
This is another question in a mystery shopping quiz being developed for my shoppers. Test your knowledge on being a good mystery shopper.
The waitress approaches the table and asks "how are you today?" How should you reply?
a) "I am fine, how are you?"
b) "I am thirsty, can I have a rum and coke?"
c) "Starving!"
d) "Thanks for asking. What is your name?"
ANSWER: C. Exchanging pleasantries does not tell the client anything about their staff. Requesting service only shows they can take orders. "Starving!" is an open ended response that helps determines if the server is an order taker or a menu guide. A good server responds "Let me put an appetizer in for you right away! The calamari is great". A lesser server says "Starving? Well you have come to the right place. What can I get you to drink?" and reverts to an order taker. #waitress#menu#guide