Test your CUI knowledge
I posted an article yesterday around testing for CUI coatings and was quite surprised when a number of the comments were on related, but slightly, different issues. On reflection this shouldn't be a surprise given the complexity around solving the CUI challenge and its many contributory factors. But how many of them can you think of?
Why not test your knowledge, grab a piece of paper and starting listing them down.I'm sure no-one will have the complete list (if indeed there is such a thing!)
Appendix D3 in the 2016 NACE Impact report shows some of them laid out in a visual network diagram format. The citation for the original article is given below and is available from Researchgate
Ayello, F. & Jain, S. & Sridhar, N. & Koch, G.. (2014). Quantitive Assessment of Corrosion Probability—A Bayesian Network Approach. Corrosion. 70. 1128-1147. 10.5006/1226.