This is NOT a Test
Everything this year has felt like a test, everything. You don't need a list of the crazy things you have survived this year, you have the scars to prove it has been a tough year. What we all need to know is, this is not a test, there is no right answer and we are not going back to whatever life was like before the pandemic. This year feels like a test because we have experienced so much failure. I have GREAT news for you, this year is about GROWTH and we are all evolved people because of the work we are doing.
What? You think I don't read the news? You think I am not in mourning? Upset? Angry? This world isn't going to get better because of my feelings, it is my daily actions that define me and create the future. It is a mix of faith and intelligence, my belief in the power of our spirit combined with continuing education. This is how we grow, we do the work.
The upcoming election is the biggest event of our lifetimes. Here in San Anselmo, I am encouraging our community to vote early and to re-elect Brian Colbert, Alexis Fineman and John Wright. Why? Brian is clearly dedicated to our Town, beyond being a Member over the years, he listens and thinks about every issue. Alexis is running on the environment and we need young people who frame EVERY issue in light of the environment. John works tirelessly for the Town and gets things done, which is an important talent to have in our Town. Our local election is important! Yes on M and school funding and Tiffany McElroy (Member) for TUHSD Board! Your vote matters!!! These are good people and we need their energy, brains and ability to serve!
My professor in my Business Analytics keeps joking we should "get our degree at the movies," encouraging us to watch movies like The Social Dilemma and Trillion Dollar Bet to understand how algorithms are commonly used in society. I also encourage you to watch these and to add in RBG, because. Our data and information is increasingly being weaponized against us, I mean used to help us buy things we don't need and to watch shows we don't care about. Seriously, this is not a moment to act like an ostrich and bury your head in the sand, this is the time to act like an ostrich and show them what it looks like when a fierce bird spreads it wings and starts to sprint. Get educated and be more intentional about how you allow your data to be used.
What am I talking about? Rate some movies in Netflix and "make the system smarter" so you get better movie recommendations, when you navigate to a website and there are cookies to accept, consider saying no or limiting the information the cookies track. Look at your notifications on your phone and be intentional about getting notified about things that support your growth. Maybe you don't need a snapchat notification (kids) but you do want a notification from Nixel about emergencies. We can't avoid this stuff, we have to think about it and be intentional about our actions. It is like when you learned how to "get on the internet," we are evolving again.
If you are a Member, I am reaching out to you this week via phone/email/carrier pigeon to get you enrolled in our program launching Thursday! We've designed a 6 week program to get you healthier and stronger and it launches this week. This is not a test, it is an accountability plan to prepare us for the challenges in finishing this year. It is included with your membership and is intended to transition us to "what is coming." I can not tell you the program will be easy, I can tell you this will improve your quality of life and YOU CAN DO THIS!
If you are still reading this, thank you! I haven't been able to write the last week because the words didn't want to flow, only tears. Each time I tried, my eyes welled up and my throat tightened. I know our relationship is unconventional and it isn't really clear why I write you. I don't understand it either. We are all experiencing this together, even if our days and weeks are different. The sadness is as real as the anger and the pain. The hope and possibility of today are also as real as your smile and the joy of a hummingbird or flower. Brighter days are coming people, let's do the work to get there.