Test and Dev in the Cloud
How can we drive innovation and agility within an organisation? We hear a lot about DevOps culture and its gaining popularity, why is that?
Take a moment to think about how the Test and Dev environment is set up within your Organisation. The answers to the above questions lie there. Give the power to your developer. You have to reduce the time it takes from an idea creation to its implementation.
What are the hurdles that we see today?
- Time for team collaboration?
- Time for Hardware procurement?
- Time for Software procurement?
- Time for Software Install?
- Time for development & testing?
- And all the approval process in between?
Why should we delay our own time to market?
Not that you intend to do it this way. We have different models being practiced in the market today. From the platform siloes we moved into a more standardized environment for this reason. But then what about the changing technologies, how can we benefit from them? Platform as a service could be what you are looking for. Sign up with a cloud vendor who can give you that agility that you need in your development environment.
Let all those new ideas see light!