Test or Dare?
no one even knew it was really only you
and now you steal away?
take him out today
nice work you did?
you're gonna go far, kid
Code monkey Bubbles cheerfully hummed while strolling to a performance review meeting.?
'Ah Bubbles, you are early today. Please come and join me on this side', waved master Soo. Baboon was finishing off a cold beet soup on the other bank of the river. Between two trees, a frayed rope made of various pieces tied together was strung across the river. Novice looked down and swallowed hard. The river roared menacingly, promising doom to anyone who fell into its waters.?
'Master, but the crossing does not look reliable,' mumbled panicked Novice.
'I have tried the trees myself!' assured Soo.
Bubbles was not convinced. 'And the rope?'
'Each piece has been carefully checked in isolation. In total 90% of the construction has been tested,' Soo gestured OK but his smiling eyes betrayed the trap.
At that moment, the novice was enlightened. 'I understand now! One should not chase vanity metrics and leave the critical path untested.'
Soo nodded his head in satisfaction. 'Catch this!' said master and tossed a proper rope to Bubbles.
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