Test coverage of WMB/IIB mapping nodes
For a while we have been able to produce test coverage reports for the different components that make up IIB/WMB development.
The first implementation made use of "instrumentation", which allowed us to enhance ESQL and Msgflows/Subflows with profile points that capture entry and exit from functions and procedures, entry to IF blocks and entry to WHILE and FOR loops.
We have also been able to add support for Java (not as good as Cobutura, but useful nonetheless) and XSL files.
The second implementation of coverage involved consuming "trace" files from the execution group that the test case was running in.
This was initially only able to capture coverage from ESQL and Message Flows, but after doing some recent work with one of our customers, we have been able to enhance the processing to also include Map files.
This allows us to display coverage in Sonarqube from our unittest and integration tests for ESQL, Message Flows/Subflows and Map files.
To demonstrate this new feature, we will be running some webinars over the next few weeks going through how to setup test coverage and highlighting coverage of Map files.
The sessions available are:
Wednesday the 27th of February and
Thursday the 28th of February.
Hopefully there is a time to suit you.
If you are interested in finding out more about our product and these times don't suit, please drop me an email to:
Or contact me via the contact page on our website.