Test Coverage: Understanding Linear Code Sequence and Jump (LCSAJ)
Saban Safak
Software Compliance Verification Engineer (Senior Chief) @ ?????????????? {CSQE, CSFE} - Yapay Zeka Terbiyecisi
First is first:
What has caught my attention on this subject is the railway standard EN 50716:2023 Railway Applications. Requirements for software development
The standard includes D.50 Structure based testing
a) Statements: b) Branches: c) Compound conditions:
d) LCSAJ (Linear Code Sequence And Jump): a linear code sequence and jump is any linear sequence of code statements including conditional jumps terminated by a jump. Many potential sub-paths will be infeasible due to constraints on the input data imposed by the execution of earlier code.
e) Data flow: f) Call graph: g) Entire path
#Authors_comment: a,b,c,e,f, and g is familiar but what the LCSAJ??
Software testing is a critical aspect of development, but one question always lingers: "How much testing is enough?" The answer often lies in understanding how thoroughly our tests exercise the underlying structure of our code.
That's where a powerful dynamic analysis technique called Linear Code Sequence and Jump (LCSAJ) comes into play. LCSAJ helps us quantify the effectiveness of our test data by analyzing structural units of code, a concept tightly linked to control flow analysis and path testing, which are foundational in software engineering research [1, 2].
Recent research is exploring the nuances of different coverage metrics and their impact on fault detection effectiveness [3].
LCSAJ is a software analysis method used to identify structural units within code. It's particularly valuable in dynamic software analysis, where we examine code behavior during execution. In essence, LCSAJ helps us measure how much of our code has been executed ("touched") by our tests, leading to more effective and reliable software. The idea of using structural coverage to assess testing completeness has been a cornerstone of software engineering research for decades, and it continues to evolve with new techniques and tools [4]. Researchers are also exploring advanced methods for generating test cases that achieve high structural coverage, leveraging techniques like symbolic execution and search-based testing [5].
What is LCSAJ?
Think of LCSAJ as a way to break down your code into meaningful segments for analysis. In its broadest sense, it’s a method for identifying these fundamental building blocks, sometimes referred to as "basic blocks" in program analysis literature [6]. Analyzing code at the basic block level provides a detailed view of control flow and allows for precise test coverage measurement. Research into program slicing techniques offers another way to isolate relevant code segments for analysis and testing [7].
More specifically, LCSAJ often refers to a Jump-to-Jump Path (JJ-Path): a linear sequence of code bounded by jump instructions (e.g., conditional statements, loops, function calls, returns). The concept of path-based testing and its importance in achieving thorough test coverage has been extensively studied [8, 9]. Recent work also emphasizes the importance of considering data dependencies along with control flow to create more effective tests [10]. Furthermore, advancements in AI are beginning to influence how we approach test generation and execution, potentially leading to more efficient and comprehensive path coverage [11].
Why is LCSAJ Important?
Example in Action:
int calculate(int input) {
int result = input; // Line 1
if (input > 10) { // Line 2 - Jump 1
result = result * 2; // Line 3
} else { // Line 4 - Jump 2
result = result / 2; // Line 5
return result; // Line 6 - Jump 3
Simple flowchart:
[Start] --> int result = input; --> [input > 10?]
/ \
/ \
/ \
Yes No
/ \
result = result * 2; result = result / 2;
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
return result; --> [End]
What are we looking for?
Here, we can identify several JJ-Paths:
Remember, a JJ-Path is a straight sequence of code that:
Let's identify the JJ-Paths step by step:
Path 1:
Starts: At the beginning of the function calculate (Line 1 is the first statement). Think of the function call as an initial jump into the code.
Ends: At the if statement (Line 2), because the if is a conditional jump. It will either go to Line 3 or Line 4.
The path: int result = input; to if (input > 10)
#Authors_comment: This is the setup part. We take the input and get ready to check if it's greater than 10.
Path 2:
Starts: After the if condition is true (we've jumped into the if block - Line 3)
Ends: At the end of the if block (implied jump to Line 6). This is because after the if code executes we move to the return statement.
The path: result = result * 2;
#Authors_comment: If the input was big, we double it. This is a single action, so it's a short path.
Path 3:
Starts: After the if condition is false (we've jumped into the else block - Line 5).
Ends: At the end of the else block (implied jump to Line 6). Similar to the if block after the else code executes we move to the return statement
The path: result = result / 2;
#Authors_comment: If the input was small, we cut it in half. Again, a single action, a short path.
Path 4:
Starts: After either the if block (Line 3) or the else block (Line 5) has finished executing, because we are going to execute the return statement.
Ends: At the return statement (Line 6), because return is a jump out of the function.
The path: Implied jump from Line 3 or Line 5 to return result;
#Authors_comment: No matter if we doubled or halved the number, we now send the final result back.
Summary of JJ-Paths:
Why this is useful:
By identifying these paths, we know we need to write tests that:
Test for each equivalence partition:
Test 1: Input less than 10 (e.g., 5) - Covers Path 1, Path 3, Path 4 (after path 3)
Test 2: Input greater than 10 (e.g., 15) - Covers Path 1, Path 2, Path 4 (after path 2)
Test boundary values:
Test 3: Input equal to the boundary (e.g., 10) - Checks if the boundary is handled correctly on Path 1, Path 3, Path 4 (after path 3)
Test 4: Input just below the boundary (e.g., 9) - Double checks the boundary on Path 1, Path 3, Path 4 (after path 3)
Test 5: Input just above the boundary (e.g., 11)- Double checks the boundary on Path 1, Path 2, Path 4 (after path 2)
Consider other potentially problematic inputs:
Test 6: Zero (0) - A common special case. - Checks if zero is handled correctly, this will follow Path 1, Path 3, Path 4 (after Path 3)
Test 7: Large positive number (e.g., 1000000) - Tests for potential overflow issues on Path 1, Path 2, Path 4 (after Path 2)
Test 8: Large negative number (e.g., -1000000) - Tests for potential issues with negative numbers, this will follow Path 1, Path 3, Path 4 (after Path 3).
LCSAJ isn't a panacea, but it’s a valuable tool in a tester’s arsenal. It helps us move beyond simply checking if code works to ensuring it works reliably under all intended conditions.
By understanding the structure of our code and systematically covering its key execution paths, we can build higher-quality, more robust software.
As software systems become increasingly complex, and with the rise of AI-generated code, the need for sophisticated testing techniques like LCSAJ, often in combination with other advanced methodologies, will continue to grow.
[1] Ammann, P., & Offutt, J. (2016). Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press.
[2] Sommerville, I. (2015). Software Engineering (10th ed.). Pearson Education.
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[4] Briand, L. C., & Labiche, Y. (2020). A pragmatic introduction to software testing. Communications of the ACM, 63(9), 76-85.
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[10] McMinn, P. (2023). Data-Dependent Testing: Where are we now, and where are we going? In Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (pp. 1412-1423).
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