Test Case Matrix & Automation
100 % Functional coverage through Automation is only a dream? And keeping track of those Automation scripts - Is a myth?

Test Case Matrix & Automation

After my article on “Automation Testing from Functional View”, here, I am trying to summarize and share my recent experience of migrating Manual (functional) test cases --> End to End track able, Automation scripts. Also, how we achieve running these scripts multiple time in testing cycle.

The goal is achieved by going through following aspects of Project - ‘Problem Area’, ‘Fact’ & ‘one approach from MANY’.


What is it?? How can Functional, Automation & Tool these 3 words even come together?? Does it even make sense?? How do we track it??

Is it necessary to test Functionality every time we perform upgrade, release??

Isn’t it enough, if we have successful results of stress test, load test etc.??...........................

With growing technology & advancement in digital world, have we lost meaning of what exactly testing is?? Have we lost meaning of ‘Test Scenario’, ‘Test Case’, and ‘Test Step’??

Very easy question’s to come to someone, but very difficult one to answer (at least for me).

If you go across and discuss with your fellow colleagues (like what I did & have following observations) Answers might be different, if we look at it from different perspectives. Perspectives here could be directly proportional to Position’s, Designation’s or Environment (sometimes Project’s) in an organization, but when perspective is ‘Person’ / ‘Individual’ (testers writing articles, blogs & pages on web), the difference is very minimal, individually / personally, most people have similar rather same thoughts about testing.

Where is dis-joint?

Is it Technology?? Different Automation tools in market, making decision makers or frame work architectures to take certain decision?? OR

Is it People?? Techno lovers, make use of best of technology available in market to make things work smarter, faster and cooler OR

Is it both?? Applications build for business purpose in different technologies, platforms.

But one big daddy question is – “are we performing Test“??

Yes, isn’t it!   


Application Coder – Test/Check Unit Code

Interface Coder – Test/Check data flow’s in & out with required parameter’s / validations

Back End Coder – Test/Check table structure, parameters / validations and stability

Here, we are at lowest level of SDLC, Coder does ‘test/check’. What should they be testing / checking?? How would they be verifying, that given piece of code is working fine??

With no doubt in mind, very simple answer is, follow instruction in architecture guide / functional specification, which should detail out all necessary fundamentals of each parameters.

Trust each element of document / instruction given, follow it holistically & validate your code.

It’s very obvious, documentation is necessary, instructions are required, specifications are must & more than that, involvement of multiple teams, this keeps eye on quality of work in progress.

(I am fully aware of fact, what I said so simply is in actual very difficult part of project, and I respect, appreciate it, with that I continue further, focusing on ‘testing’)

When it comes to ‘Integration’ of above 3 components (Code, Interface, and DB) & performs ‘System Test’, the whole world STOPS!

Instead of following Testing flow of writing ‘Test Scenarios’ (not always necessary), ‘Test Cases’ & design ‘Data Elements’, attempts are been made to do it in different way, with conservative approach towards time & not quality ??

I don’t deny with fact, that “TIME” is big factor. But, does 100 % Functional coverage through Automation is only a dream? And keeping track of those Automation scripts - Is a myth?

(Excluding Reports and Interfaces)

Off course NOT!

One of MANY approaches

Quality is in AIR! If we have right attitude, dream of achieving quality in product, we tend to walk towards right approach. It demands time & patience.

Following is one of the approaches, which helps:-

  1. Perform ‘End User Acceptable’ testing in stipulated time
  2. Maintain Traceability
  3. Involve functional (BA) team in process.
  • Build Test Case Matrix


To scale out different functions / areas under consideration. Involve Functional Team, Business Analysis team & Business team in this process. To encompass, End to End flow of each function/area used in Business, User Profiles (if necessary), and Entities coverage etc.


Needless to say, above activity defines Requirement / Specification / Scope for Automation Scripting. Also define priorities.

This could be done in simple Excel table format, with headers like ‘Test Case, ‘Test Description’. (Remember Data is important, tool isn’t)

  • Build Test Data Matrix


To scale out different conditions (business relevant) under each function / area.


Define Data Mart. Also data matrix shall help analyzing reusability of specific script.

This could be added to Test Case matrix in column or row format.

What is so special about it, everybody does it, in some or other way.

Yes, everybody does it, I am happy for those, who have it already & it helps them to answer below Question (without bothering login in Automation Tool & Open scripts):-

  1. In which Script, are we testing a specific conditions of a function?

(Example Book Partial Substitution of Subscribe Fund)

  2. Which Script covers specific status of a function? 

(Example blocking of underlying position under Options)

  3. Which Scripts shall go under changes, with upcoming new Functionality / Defect Fix installed in application?

These are few general questions, which every Tester (Automation or Manual) will come across & is expected to answer. Defining Matrix shall help to answer above question (it’s directly proportional to how well it is maintained / managed), also you can derive maintenance scope & efforts estimation.

Also, this approach keeps focus on what is done in BAU (User Acceptance Testing) & not what TOOL under use is capable of. Sometimes, we tend to go off track with beautiful & attractive looks and features of tools.

With use of multiple sessions of virtual desktops, running all scripts is a day’s job. This allows running set of scripts multiple times during test cycle, with pre-define interval for defect fix and installation, covering ‘Regression’ & ‘Non Regression’ test in same test cycle.


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