Test Before You Treat: Accurate UTI Diagnosis to Prevent Antibiotic Resistance
Randox Health Pathology Services
Healthcare solutions. Taking care of the diagnostics so you can focus on the patient.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common bacterial infections affecting millions of people worldwide. The increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance complicates treatment, as bacteria evolve to survive against these drugs, leading to persistent infections. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a serious public health threat, responsible for approximately 700,000 deaths annually, with projections rising to 10 million by 2050. UTIs account for 25-40% of antibiotics prescribed in primary care and hospitals, contributing significantly to resistance.
Females are particularly susceptible to UTIs, being 30 times more likely to develop them than males. Diagnosing UTIs can be challenging, especially in elderly patients, due to vague symptoms. Moreover, the economic burden associated with treating hospital infections, including UTIs, is substantial.
Frequent antibiotic use often occurs without proper diagnosis, leading to inappropriate treatment. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics can disrupt the natural microbiome and promote antibiotic resistance. Additionally, failure to complete prescribed antibiotic courses allows surviving bacteria to develop resistance.
General practitioners play a crucial role in combating antibiotic resistance through accurate diagnosis, appropriate antibiotic use, patient education, and the promotion of preventive measures. Specific tests should be utilised to identify the bacteria causing the infection and select the most effective antibiotics, as not all UTIs require antibiotics—especially mild or non-bacterial cases. Whenever possible, narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be prescribed that target specific bacteria to minimise disruption to the microbiome and reduce resistance.
What do we offer?
Randox Pathology Services offers third-party laboratory screening for UTIs, offering simultaneous detection of pathogens (bacterial and fungal), and antibiotic resistance profiles. Providing next morning results our service enables prompt diagnosis and timely intervention, including prescription recommendations if necessary.
Bosch Vivalytic
Also, did you know you can bring testing in-house with Randox Health? Our Bosch Vivalytic machine enables the testing of 16 uropathogens and 7 antimicrobial-resistant genes from a single cartridge and urine sample at your practice. Available through rental, refurb or purchase the highly sensitive real-time PCR machine provides same-day results in 2.5 hours.
Get in touch with us today to find out more about our Pathology Services or Vivalytic platform.
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