Tesseract's 2022: Year in Review

Tesseract's 2022: Year in Review

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We exist to accelerate Airman innovation and we trust that Airmen know what it takes to win the future fight.

Welcome to the December 2022 issue of our newsletter! As we reflect on the past year, we are proud of the many accomplishments our community and team have achieved together. From the successful implementation of innovative Airmen ideas to the development and funding of cutting-edge software applications, together we have continued to push the boundaries of what is possible. We will be highlighting these wins, in no particular order of importance:

  • 2024 POM Prioritization
  • Torque Funded in the Logistics IT Portfolio
  • MICAP Prime Now in Policy
  • Airmen Ideas that have Scaled to Solutions
  • Aether Sprint 2022, 2023, and the Voices of Airmen Heard
  • Tesseract Podcast and the Voices of Leaders
  • Foundations and Micro Surveys Across the Air Force
  • Inspection Development Framework
  • Kitting into 2023
  • Theory of Constraints Across the Logistics Enterprise
  • RAWHIDE into 2023
  • URSUS Handoff to ILS-S into 2023
  • Hello's and Farewell's to Tesseract Teammates

Prioritization in the 2024 POM

Tesseract, the Air Force Logistics Office of Innovation, has recently been prioritized for funding in the POM (Program Objective Memorandum) in 2024 due the rigor and results in delivering combat focused logistics innovation alongside frontline Airmen.

"Our mission is to accelerate combat-focused logistics innovation by empowering Airmen and connecting them to a network of ideas and resources in order to improve the agile combat support and mission generation capabilities of the United States Air Force." -Tesseract's Mission Statement

Through our work highlighted in this issue, we have been able to identify and address key challenges facing the Air Force in terms of logistics, and have developed innovative solutions that have been implemented as policy through the power of our LNO community.

This is a testament to the importance of their work and the value that frontline Airmen bring to the Air Force and the broader military community.

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Click Link for TORQUE Policy Post

Torque is alive and well. This past June, thanks to strategic partnerships and support from across the Air Staff, Air Force Materiel Command, and industry, a plan has been approved by the Logistics IT Portfolio to scale, sustain, and deliver these capabilities across the Air Force as Enterprise tools! This includes a plan to use the code created for the FLASH tool developed by MITRE Corporation to enhance Kronos!

A year and a half ago, these applications were in danger of being put on the shelf. And when we asked maintainers in the field what tools they need to be more effective, they have asked for standard, modern tools for personnel and aircraft scheduling.

What's this mean for Airmen in the field? It means that the Logistics Enterprise will continue to provide these tools at the unit level for you to use while also developing new features to make sure they are tools you WANT to use!

And yes, this includes our Total Force teammates as well! It also means that you can focus your unit's SIF and SBIR investments on other projects to help develop the next game changing software tools for our community!

To the 17,000+ Airmen using Athena and Kronos today, THANK YOU!

Your feedback has not only helped the 309th Software Engineering Group (SWEG)—Hill AFB shape these applications since day one, but it has also helped keep these applications alive. Your voice makes a difference. This is truly an Airmen Approved system.

If you're interested in learning more about Torque, shoot us a request on our website, shoot us a request on our website, and we'll get you connected to the right people. As the team works to develop a tool that meets the needs of ALL maintenance communities, they are working directly with MAJCOM A4 teams to develop onboarding processes that work best for each community.

And Lauren Knausenberger , we are destroying excel spreadsheets and duplicate efforts!

Want to learn more about our Airman-Focused logistics software strategy? Check out Capt Mike Comiskey 's podcast episode here:

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Click Link for MICAP Prime Policy Post

For over three years, our MICAP Prime pathfinder has been tested, championed, and supported by many change agents throughout the logistics enterprise. Lt Col (then Major) Chip Litchfield, a Logistics Readiness Officer and the thought leader who first conceptualized MICAP Prime, hypothesized “What if we could guarantee next-day delivery on EVERY in-stock, aircraft-grounding MICAP in the continental united states by borrowing a page from the?#Amazon?Prime playbook?”

With Tesseract’s partnership, Lt Col Litchfield had an opportunity to collaborate with mission partners at the Supply Chain Operations Wing, IMSC, and Defense Logistics Agency , ultimately earning the chance to brief the Logistics Board and gain approval to start Tesseract’s first pathfinder named MICAP Prime. During the initial testing at only a handful of bases, we fulfilled over 500 lateral 1A MICAPs with a 20% faster response time on C-5, KC-135, and F-16 weapon systems.

Tesseract partnered with Headquarters Air Force/A4LR Cargo Distribution Policy Owners, AFIMSC, and Supply Chain Operations Wing Airmen to implement a policy change to AFI 24-602 Volume II and to inbound cargo procedures. Notably, “to the maximum extent possible N1A MICAPs should be moved by next day air or the fastest most reliable method” and “N1A MICAPS will be processed before all other shipments”. In other words, Airmen are empowered to make decisions by evaluating the effectiveness – rather than just efficiency in cost – when shipping aircraft grounding MICAPs.

This is a policy change for Airmen, by Airmen. To learn more about our win with MICAP Prime and what it means to the logistics enterprise, listen to Lt Col (then Major) Chip Litchfield himself:

Connect with the MICAP Prime LNOs: Chris Ford and Vincent McLean, CSCP

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We are helping logistics and maintenance Airmen to turn their ideas into reality, with many innovative projects being developed and implemented thanks to the support of the Tesseract LNO Community. These projects range from software and tracking systems to new ways of organizing equipment, and are helping to improve efficiency and save time and effort on the front lines.

The LNO community is an important part of Tesseract, serving as a link between different units and organizations. These dedicated servicemembers play a crucial role in helping logistics and maintenance airmen turn their innovative ideas into reality. By providing their unique perspectives and insights, LNOs are able to help Airmen understand the needs and requirements of different units and organizations. This allows them to develop ideas that are not only innovative, but also practical and feasible.

For example, an LNO may be able to provide valuable information about the challenges and obstacles that a particular unit is facing. This can help an Airman tailor their idea to address these specific issues, increasing the chances of success, and also inform the Air Staff of what is a relevant policy to pursue.

In addition to their knowledge and expertise, Liaisons are also able to connect airmen with the resources they need to bring their ideas to fruition. This can include funding, personnel, and other support that is necessary to develop and implement a project.

Ideas from the Field

In our first issue of 2023, we will cover Airmen ideas in greater detail, but for now, we are going to touch on a few developments from this year. In all, we have scaled 11 Airmen solutions including the Viper Kit, Spotty Bar, and more. We have aided in the award of over $2 million in SBIR/STTR to small companies.

Acclimate Case Study: History and Progress

Acclimate, formerly known as the Liquid Cooled Plate Carrier, has been a case study of thawing out the frozen middle and getting Airmen connected to the right resources. This is a representation of what Tesseract does to identify Airman-Approved solutions and accelerate change.

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Acclimate (LCPC) Prototype, 2022

This story started two years ago. Lt O'Brien had the idea for the LCPC and took it to the Air Force's Spark Tank Competition in 2020. He didn't win, and wasn't even a finalist, but he never gave up. Afterwards he went from organization to organization, but struggled to find the right resources to move his idea forward. Then Project Holodeck, backed by VCSAF General Allvin, brought in dozens of viable ideas that didn't make it on stage in competitions. Tesseract has been integrated into this effort and has been accelerating over 40 projects within this portfolio, and this is where we came across Lt O'Brien.

Tesseract connected with Lt O'Brien and we collaborated on solutions. Through Tesseract's network, we connected Lt O'Brien to the Combat Ready Airman Program and the?Air Force Research Laboratory?to begin prototyping and game planning how he could take this idea to the next level! Through the Tesseract network, we connected Lt O'Brien and his project team to the?XVIII Airborne Corps?Dragon's Lair competition... and won!

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Lt O'Brien's path to success at Dragon's Lair for Acclimate

Acclimate in 2022

Five months ago, Tesseract had the opportunity to join leaders from?Air Force Research Laboratory?and the?Wright Brothers Institute?at Nellis Air Force Base to conduct further operational testing of Acclimate. This testing, which leveraged Tesseract's partnership with Nellis' 59th Test and Evaluation Group, allowed the larger team to gather quantitative data and end user feedback on the most recent iteration of Acclimate, which will be used to help influence the design moving forward.

The team asked real end-users, A1Cs and Senior Airmen, to test the device! We identified that most Airmen would want this during training exercises, nearly all Airmen would want to use it during their next deployment, and everyone found it easy to maneuver with their weapons and field equipment. This feedback loop is critical to make these devices end-user compatible.

Better yet, although Acclimate was initially designed to support Defenders, this testing allowed some hard-charging AMMO troops to join in as well. Change isn't possible without empowered Airmen like Lt O'Brien, and we are here to accelerate ideas just like his.

Who wants Acclimate for their Airmen?

Despite all of this success, we are seeking funding going into 2023. With an approved SBIR, we are looking for stakeholders to pitch in to continue to accelerate this process.

The Combat Ready Airman Program was one of the offices we connected Lt O'Brien to. Want to learn more? Listen to our podcast with CRA where we interviewed Taylor Harrison :

The Spotty Bar

The Spotty Bar is a modification for the 60K Loader deck extender, designed to improve ergonomics and safety for the operator. It was developed by SMSgt Joseph Lathwood at Hickam Air Force Base in response to the challenges of using the 60K Loader, which is known for its heavy lifting capabilities, but can be difficult to operate.

The Spotty Bar is a simple but effective tool that eliminates the risk of pinch points, reducing the likelihood of injury to the operator. It is made of durable materials and is expected to last for more than five years with proper care and maintenance. To improve visibility and safety, the Spotty Bar is painted red.

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Spotty Bar

There are several different versions of the Spotty Bar, each designed to meet specific needs. The original version, for example, consists of two bars that are attached to the deck extender to provide a solid grip for the operator. A newer version, known as the Round Bar/U-Bolt design, is even simpler and more affordable.

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Spotty Bar

Overall, the Spotty Bar is a valuable addition to the 60K Loader, improving both safety and ergonomics for the operator. Its durability and ease of repair make it a smart investment for anyone who uses the 60K Loader on a regular basis.

This is currently an an unfunded requirement is being pursued through the Air Force Materiel Command /CAM office.

M1- Fail Safe Mechanism

To help combat the issue of lost cargo due to airdrop malfunctions, TSgt Travis Alton , then a member of the 19th Logistics Readiness Squadron at Little Rock AFB, designed a 3D printed fail safe mechanism that helps to improve the reliability of the M-1 CPR.?After his memorable pitch to Air Force senior leaders (and Mark Cuban ) at Spark Tank, our team continued to work with Air Mobility Command, AFLCMC airdrop engineers, AFRSO - Air Force Rapid Sustainment Office , and the US Army Riggers School at Ft Lee to scale his design.

In the past year, we have helped Air Mobility Command get approval for operational use of the fail-safe mechanism and have worked to get it into the hands of Airmen.?Recently, AMC/A3 was able to partner with the original home of this project at Little Rock AFB to procure roughly 4,500 fail-safe mechanisms to deliver across AMC.?The design has also been granted a 20-year patent on behalf of the government!

Great work to TSgt Alton, the AMC/A3 team, and everyone involved in this project! Next stop, a supply warehouse near you!

MQ-9 Digital Aircraft Link Emulator (DALE) Junior

The MQ-1 and MQ-9 aircraft are important tools in military operations, but performing link checks on them can be labor and resource intensive. Traditionally, these checks required towing the aircraft around an airfield, which was time-consuming and burdensome.

To address this issue, MSgt Bridget Neighbor and a team of experts developed the MQ-9 Digital Aircraft Link Emulator, or DALE. This small emulator houses essential MQ-9 parts and eliminates the need for towing the aircraft. The first prototype involved towing an aircraft without wings around an airfield, but the design has evolved over time. The latest version is a laptop loaded with software and connected to antennas that can be driven around an airfield in any vehicle.

The benefits of the DALE emulator are numerous. By reducing the need for towing, it reduces the cargo weight and carbon footprint for bare base setup requirements. It also expedites operations for the Expeditionary Launch and Recovery Element, and repurposes man-hours for ground control station link testing. Additionally, it paves the way for MQ-9 automatic takeoff and landing at remote airfields.

The MQ-9 Digital Aircraft Link Emulator project recently received $117,000 in funding from #SOCOM, which will allow it to be completed and scaled. It will be sustained through the Expeditionary Response Force program of record, and PEO will provide the Technical Data Package for it. Overall, the development of the DALE emulator has been a resounding success and will greatly improve the efficiency of MQ-9 operations.

Battery Cell Extractor Tool (BCET)

Another innovative effort that our team has supported through Project Holodeck is Rob Tingle's C-17 Battery Cell Extractor Tool. SMSgt Tingle, a Reserve Airman at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, developed this tool to make back shop battery maintenance easier on the C-17 and had shared it with several other units when our team first connected with him. Over the past year, we have worked with the Advanced Manufacturing Program Office at AFRSO - Air Force Rapid Sustainment Office to develop a technical data package for this tool, establish a part number, and ensure the drawings are available for field-level users in JEDMICS!

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BCET in Action

Earlier this year we met with our partners from the Royal Australian Air Force to discuss opportunities on how we can collaborate on innovation. Thanks to the hard work of innovators like Rob Tingle from JB Lewis-McChord, we were able to 3D print (in the RAAF color scheme) and share the BCET for use on RAAF C-17s!

If you are in a C-17 unit is interested in using BCET, we recommend contacting your Weapon System Manager at Air Mobility Command /A4 or reaching out to us directly on our website.

C-130 Wheel Repair

You might remember MSgt Justin Bauer 's winning idea from?AFWERX?Spark Tank 2020 for field-level repairs of C-130 wheels. If not, here's a recap:

MSgt Bauer worked with a local company near his home station of Davis-Monthan AFB to design a heating element for C-130 wheel repair that meets technical specifications and is easy for units to procure, eliminating a massive constraint in the asset's repair cycle.

Using this tool at Centralized Repair Facilities for C-130 wheels drove down a backlog of over 100 wheels in the supply system, saving the Air Force time and returning vital assets to our C-130 community for continued mission success. MSgt Bauer submitted his project to Spark Tank in 2020 and was selected as the winner in early 2021!

But, what has happened since Spark Tank? At Tesseract, our goal is to ensure that game changing ideas like this one don't lose momentum once they're out of the spotlight. Over the past year, we have worked with MSgt Bauer, our Air Staff teammates, and?Air Mobility Command?to ensure this tool is available to ALL C-130 maintenance units. So, where are we now?

MSgt Bauer and Tesseract worked on a process that provides overseas units guidance on how to purchase and procure this tool. Air Mobility Command 's C-130 Weapons System Team recently provided guidance to all CONUS-based C-130 units and affected MAJCOMs for how to acquire this tool for use within their units

Tesseract is working with other units and air frames to determine if this tool, or something similar, could support field-level efforts to address wheel shortages. We are also exploring how this tool could be leveraged by our Allied partners that operate C-130 platforms as well!

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Aether Sprint 2022 Project Progress

The Preps:?Remember the two A1C's on the stage at LOA?!

Policy change is being worked as a supplemental change to the ACC AFMAN

The current policy in this AFMAN (Air Force Manual) dictates when units should order additional bench stock or remove items from their inventory based on generic timelines or consumption rates. For example, the AFMAN currently directs Airmen to order bench stock items for replenishment when most items drop below 50% (or another percentage threshold for differently classified parts). However, this policy does not account for potentially long lead times and only takes inventory on a monthly basis, which means that a part that is stocked just above the threshold may not be ordered despite the fact that it may almost certainly run out based on expected rates of consumption. For instance, if a unit uses 30 O-rings in a 30-day period but it takes two weeks for their stock to be replenished, ordering replacement O-rings at the 50% mark after a mid-month inventory and expecting 15 of them to arrive by the end of the month drastically increases the risk of the unit running out of these assets and driving MICAPs.

The changes submitted following Aether Sprint 2022 aim to fix these issues by changing the process through which units evaluate when they should order replenishment stocks of bench stock items. Instead of using a standard requirement, such as "order when stock levels reach 50%", these changes would direct units to use the number of days of consumption versus anticipated lead time for replenishment to determine when to order items. They would also direct similar logic to be used to mitigate the risk of reduced inventory for cases such as TDYs, deployments, or seasonal usage. Additionally, the amount of historical data available to units is taken into consideration in these changes to ensure that they can be implemented at the field level.

After the team developed these recommendations, they shared them with Tesseract for review. Tesseract then referred the team, specifically then A1C James Doerfler , to A4LR to discuss how this policy might be implemented.

The Reliable Spark Plugs

Every day, airmen are working in the field to solve bureaucratic and redundant problems through automation of office tasks or calendar updates. If a solution has already been found, why can't it be stored in an online repository for the DAF to access at any base?

The solution was developed by a team of individuals including Kathleen Myers , Shane Weber , Philip Barry , Kyle Soliday , Joseph Hartsfield , and Chris Blake. They created four low-code/no-code solutions for their operational duties, including parts inquiry, ordering chem gear, ESSS routing, and inventory management. The team aimed to demonstrate the value of these applications to other units and bases with similar problem sets.

Currently, the repository is in the early stages of development and can be found on NIPR in the "DAF DEMO DAYS" team. AFLCMC has taken over the initiative, working with developers to create a living repository for the entire DoD. Many of the solutions are available in the Microsoft Teams channel as the site continues to be developed.

To listen to their Aether Sprint 2022 briefings at the Logistics Officer Association Symposium last year, check out this recording:

Aether Sprint 2023

Tesseract is in the semi finals of this year's Aether Sprint competition. In this competition, frontline Airmen have the opportunity to share their perspectives to accelerate solutions.

Aether Sprint is designed to identify specific problem sets and accelerate field-driven solutions.

Over the next several months leading up to the Logistics Officer Association Symposium (LOA, March 2023), each team of the recently selected semi finalists will work through unpacking the problem and identifying the most viable solution. As we get closer to #LOA23, each team will provide their solution to AF/A4L (details TBD; expect paper/video). From that engagement, finalists will be selected to brief the AF/A4 on stage at LOA (details TBD; expect briefer and supporting info).

The semi finalists for this year's competition are:

  • The “Let’s Go Cargeaux”, led by?Kyle Schriever?and coached by Kevin A. They’re from Barksdale AFB, LA . They pursued the topic of automation and cargo load!
  • The “A-PRT”, led by?Mariana Hernández-Chávez?and coached by?Nick Cavanaugh. They’re from AFIMSC from San Antonia, TX. They pursued the topic of streamlining supply chains!
  • The “Shape Shifters”, led by?Kyle Soliday?and coached by?Joshua Nash. They’re from Eielson AFB, AK. They pursued the topic of automation and cargo load!
  • The “Challenge Destroyers”, led by Ryan C. Ruddock and coached by?Kareem A. Samuel, MBA. They’re from Holloman AFB, NM. They pursued the topic of streamlining supply chains!
  • The “Modernize Aircraft Jacking”, led by?Christopher Stoller, PMP?and coached by?Christopher Anderson. They’re from Ramstein AB, Germany. They pursued the topic of refurbishing and modernizing equipment!?
  • The “Project Kinetic Cargo”, led by Peter Salinas and coached by?Taylor Mogford, PMP, DSL. They’re from Kadena AB, Japan - Scott AFB, IL and Pope AB, NC. They pursued the topic of refurbishing and modernizing equipment!?

Specific questions from this year's Aether Sprint competition:

  • How might we leverage commercial supply chain processes and open-source data to better influence material management, movement and positioning?
  • How might we augment or mitigate shortfalls in supply chain and organic repair/manufacturing so that we may enable more usability/versatility in Aerospace Ground Equipment and/or Aviation Support Equipment?
  • How might we refurbish or manufacture components in a disconnected and mobile environment?
  • How might we prepare/process cargo loads for an ACE environment using non-traditional delivery methods (Air Drops, Rocket Cargo, etc)?
  • How might we utilize advancements such as process improvement, distributed ledger technologies (Blockchain), or automation to mitigate supply chain risk and streamline supply chain operations?

Connect with the Program Managers: Philip Barry , Allie Praskach

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Click Link for Spotify

Tesseract Podcast is dedicated to providing valuable insights and perspectives to advance your innovative solutions. Our guests come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, allowing us to explore a range of topics and ideas. In all, we are closing in on 7,000 downloads and hundreds of loyal subscribers. We have listeners in 48 states (someone please download in Vermont and Maine!) and six continents. With Tesseract Podcast host Matt Miranda leaving the team soon, James Doerfler will be hosting in 2023.

"It’s critical we turn your innovative ideas into action. Tune in to the Tesseract Podcast on Spotify to hear more." - General CQ B.

Connect with the Communication Strategy Program Managers: Matt Miranda , Heuna Iseri

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Click Link for Portfolio on the Tesseract Website
Foundations is a micro-survey (or pulse survey) program that aims to modify the way feedback is given and received in our units. Feedback is the driving force behind understanding and addressing team issues, from operational needs to workplace culture.

How big of a deal is Foundations? It was briefed at the Corona Conference this year by Maj Gen Linda Hurry to all the four stars in the Air Force, endorsed and supported by CMSAF JoAnne (Jo) Bass , and we have partnerships with amazing Airmen such as Maj Jeremy Buyer in the A1. We have even seen stories and support from across the force:

Foundations is different from other survey programs. Instead of an annual survey, Foundations surveys users at a much more frequent rate (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). It deploys targeted questions to users to get after focus areas like: psychological safety, dependability, meaning/impact of work, and many others.

Additionally, Foundations allows users to access these results in real time, allowing a more streamlined approach to addressing team feedback.

Want to learn about Psychological Safety and how Foundations started? Check out this episode of Tesseract Podcast with CMSgt Paul L. Hammer III, MS, RBLP-T :

Want to learn more about Psychological Safety? Connect with LNO: Austin Barkdoll

Glint Software Test at Minot AFB

Glint 's micro survey software is a game-changer for leaders in the Air Force. The software allows leaders to conduct quick, targeted surveys of their Airmen, providing valuable insights into unit culture and morale.

While Foundations can be used with apps like Google suite or Survey Monkey, Glint is providing an off-the-shelf commercial solution to test micro-surveys for the Air Force at large. In a recent test conducted at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, Glint's micro survey software was deployed across the Security Forces and Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. The six-month test will allow leaders to gather a wealth of data on their unit culture, enabling them to make data-informed decisions.

One of the key benefits of Glint's micro survey software is its ability to provide real-time feedback. Rather than waiting for a traditional end-of-year survey, leaders can use Glint's software to gather feedback on an ongoing basis, allowing them to identify and address any issues before they become major problems.

This would provide leaders across the Air Force with the ability to gather valuable insights into their Airmen and unit culture, enabling them to make data-informed leadership decisions.

"Team Minot is definitely leading the charge on this…and while they just started, within 18 hours, they had a 8% participation rate. Not bad for less than a day!" - CMSAF JoAnne (Jo) Bass

Connect with the Foundations Program Manager: Tanner Holcomb

Connect with the Foundations LNO: Jeremy Buyer

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The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), Delta TechOps , Air Mobility Command , Air Force Global Strike Command , Air Force Life Cycle Management Center , and our team have been working together implement commercial best practices related to new methods for executing weapons system engineering requirements, and for kitting scheduled maintenance actions.

In August 2021, 10 Inspection Development Framework (IDF)/Kitting experiments within the C-5 Home Station Check (HSC) inspection as a Proof of Concept of this industry best-practice. The hypothesis of these experiments stated “Can scheduled inspection packages be optimized to take advantage of maintenance opportunities, thus increasing aircraft utilization?” The results of the experiments supported the hypothesis, showing that with no significant increase in Non-Mission Capable due to Scheduled Maintenance (NMCMS) time, there is the potential to gain 29 additional sorties per base per year and 15 additional flying days per base per year if IDF/Kitting was only scoped to Active Duty HSCs.

By the end of December 2022, IDF/Kitting research/discovery on the KC-46 will conclude. GTRI and Delta Air Lines have researched the aircraft Maintenance Program Document (MPD) commonalities and differences between the KC-46A and the Boeing 767 in order to benchmark commercial best practices?between?the operations.?Additionally, since the KC-46 SPO is responsible for?supporting?an?Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification,?similar?to?the?governance?of?most?commercial?operators, the team is also providing gap analyses on maintenance planning processes (such as operational implementation, scheduling, bundling, optimization, and life cycle management). At the end of this Period of Performance, the team will provide a roadmap of recommendations to the KC-46 office which leverages commercial best practices to improve maintenance efficiencies and increase data transparency to support more robust reliability programs.?

A Tesseract LNO and Delta Air Lines Education with Industry grad, Andrew Blazier , observed C-5 and KC-46 IDF/Kitting experimentation and jumpstarted its implementation in Global Strike Command (GSC). In an initiative titled 'Operation TrailBlazier', kicking of January 2023, GTRI will begin studying and implementing IDF/Kitting concepts on GSC's B-1, B-2, and B-52 fleets.

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As IDF begins to transition to being owned/led from program offices, the exciting acceleration of 'Kitting' continues. Tesseract is experimenting with new material solutions with help us "full-kit" scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.

Full kitting is defined as ensuring everything is available to conduct maintenance actions, (Parts, Paperwork (TO/Tech Data), Place, Plane, Personnel & Time, Tooling). It has been identified through process improvement initiatives that kits are not being utilized to the utmost extent, causing wasted time for maintenance personnel in transiting, ordering, scheduling, and decisional coordination. When full kitting was utilized proactively before maintenance events, that coordination time did not continue to compound the Non-Mission Capable (NMC) time of the aircraft. However, full-kitting best-practices are not defined, outlined in current Air Force Instructions (AFI), or a standard best-practice utilized in the Air Force logistics enterprise.

Full kitting is a step beyond the traditional practice of physically kitting parts only. It involves publishing and driving the 5Ps (Parts, Paperwork (TO/Tech Data), Place, Plane, Personnel) and 2Ts (time and tooling) requirements across multiple systems and schedules. This ensures that everyone involved in the inspection process has the information they need to do their job effectively.

Tesseract diligently are working into 2023 to deliver a services which enable the Air Force to input, track, and analyze information that will ultimately support full kitting and maintenance constraint forecasting. Imagine a tool that aligns personnel, facilities, aircraft, and resources to ensure timely maintenance forecasting capabilities for optimal sortie generation!

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Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a management philosophy that focuses on identifying and eliminating constraints within an organization in order to improve performance and achieve operational excellence. It is based on the principle that every system has a limiting factor that determines its performance, and by identifying and addressing this constraint, the system can achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Want to learn more about TOC? Hear from the expert Sridhar Chandra from Goldratt Consulting :

Tesseract's Theory of Constraints Strategy

In 2019, HAF/A4L began contracting Goldratt Consulting to?provide Theory of Constraints implementation, coaching, and training as a holistic approach to address improvements in aircraft availability and mission generation. Since its onset, Tesseract has created an organic strategy for TOC implementation includes three lines of effort to establish and sustain the methodology to apply TOC.

We will continue stack hands with our contracted and Airmen partners to continue to GENERATE and deliver readiness-returning results. We are collecting the best practices, lessons learned, and case studies of how TOC is being implemented across our enterprise to continue to COMMUNICATE, and share these results with each other. And Finally, we will institutionalize these results by partnering with our friends in Force Development and U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology to continue to teach TOC principles in multiple areas of enlisted and officer EDUCATION.

Want to learn more about Tesseract's Theory of Constraints Sustainment Strategy? Listen to TOC expert CMSgt Timothy Jordan here:

Generate: Deliver Results

The generation effort of ToC includes contracted lines of effort with Goldratt Consulting and an?organic line of effort with Tesseract. Goldratt Consulting began their contracted efforts with three Pilot Bases in 2019. This?proof-of-concept started at Air Mobility Command , with Fairchild AFB, Air Force Global Strike Command , with Ellsworth AFB, and Air Combat Command with Shaw AFB. Since 2019, generation has expanded to over 20 locations across almost every MAJCOM and even includes maintenance and ops implementation.

However, Airmen at Kadena AB noted the positive impact that ToC, focus, and flow had on mission generation actions. These Airmen wanted to take the ToC resources available to them and make improvements to their mission set NOW, without waiting for anyone else to tell them they needed it. These airmen packaged their lessons learned in an implementation strategy called Slingshot, which Tesseract has helped grow to 11 different bases with 9 more projected in 2023.

Educate: Institutionalize Results

This year we had the opportunity to partner with the Production Superintendent Course, Air Force Logistics Officer Schoolhouse, and other education courses across Air Education and Training Command . In 2023, one of our objectives is to support instructor education and bolstering course curriculum to educate logisticians at all levels on TOC operations.

For TOC Education Resources, reach out to the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology :

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Register for TOC Fundamentals, 101, and 201

Communicate: Assimilate Results

Tesseract aims to publicize the standard methodology and success?stories to spread the word across logistics organizations, Air Force-wide.

Tesseract TOC Sustainment Summit

This year, we were thrilled to host the Tesseract Theory of Constraints In-Person Summit, which brought together leaders from across the United States Air Force to discuss and learn about this powerful management philosophy. The summit provided attendees with valuable insights and connections that will help them sustain their improvement initiatives and drive positive change within their organizations.

The TOC summit began with a series of briefings from senior leaders within the Air Force logistics community, who provided attendees with an overview of the TOC philosophy and its core concepts. These briefings were followed by a presentation from Rami Goldratt, CEO of Goldratt Consulting and son of TOC founder Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt, who shared his insights and experiences with the TOC community within the Air Force.

"A big thanks to these Airmen & innovators for their willingness to work at making our Air Force better…Not only are they making big moves for our maintenance, supply, and logistics communities...they are impacting all!" - CMSAF JoAnne (Jo) Bass
Get ready! The next TOC summit will be at Joint Base Andrews in May of 2023.

TOC Case Studies

While all of these might not have happened in 2022, the case studies have been published this year. As part of our ongoing effort to highlight the important work being done at military bases around the world, we recently published a series of case studies focusing on the TOC at several Air Force bases. These case studies provide a detailed look at the various aircraft and vehicle maintenance, fighter generation, and missile maintenance squadrons that are crucial to the operations at these bases. You can find these case studies on AVOVLE. It is a CAC protected platform, as these resources are intended for Airmen use. A few of these case studies include:

Kadena AB: Aircraft Maintenance Unit

Kadena is the largest US Air Force base in the Pacific. Kadena is home to the 909th Air Refueling Squadron, which provides vital air-to-air refueling support to the 18th Wing and other units at the base. The 909th is now generating 25% more aircraft to consistently meet headquarters and training demands.

Connect with LNO Derrick Brooke .

Hear directly from the Lt Col Jose Perez IV who was on the ground about how they made it possible:

RAF Lakenheath: Installation Deployment Readiness Center

Home to the 48th Fighter Wing, which is the only United States Air Force fighter wing based in Europe. We reduced a 150-day deployment planning process to 35-days.

Connect with LNO Christopher Anderson

FE Warren AFB: Missile Maintenance

This base is home to the 90th Missile Wing, which is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles. Here, we increased schedule stability by reducing deviations.

Shaw AFB: Operations Group

We worked with the Operations Group. This base is home to the 20th Fighter Wing, which is equipped with F-16 Fighting Falcons. Here, we redefined "adsorption" and generated sorties. We applied TOC to account for PMAI reduction of multiple aircraft.

Randolph AFB: Aircraft Maintenance Unit

At Randolph Air Force Base, we highlighted the 12th Flying Training Wing, which is responsible for training pilots for a variety of aircraft, including the T-38 Talon. By implementing new processes, they were able to reduce major phase time by 54% and minor phase time by 44%. This improvement in efficiency allowed them to generate more aircraft for training, which in turn allowed them to train more pilots.

Moody AFB: Fighter Generation Squadron

We focused on the 23rd Wing, which is equipped with A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft. We reduced cycle time of long jobs by 47% at two fighter generation squadrons.

Connect with LNO Kareem A. Samuel, MBA

RAF Mildenhall: Aircraft Maintenance Unit

RAF Mildenhall is home to the 100th Air Refueling Wing, which is responsible for providing air-to-air refueling support to a wide range of aircraft. Here, we freed up capacity to implement the Airman 4 Life Program.

Connect with Mildenhall Spark Cell LNO Matthew Byous

Seymour Johnson AFB: Logistics Readiness, Vehicle Maintenance

This base is home to the 4th Fighter Wing, which is equipped with F-15E Strike Eagles. Here, we cleared a 1700 work order backlog. The shop reduced the number of vehicles in maintenance by 50%.

Connect with the TOC Program Managers: Sophia Rizzo , Timothy Jordan , Shanan Vigil, MPA , Pablo de la Cruz , Michael Zarate

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RAWHIDE is automating and digitizing the Cargo Deployment Function (CDF) to increase efficiency in support of deploy-ability and giving time back to frontline Airmen.?

What exactly is RAWHIDE? It is an intuitive digital workflow with an emphasis on user- centered design that will deliver a seamless and complete end-to-end cargo deployment function. Inherent to its design, RAWHIDE features a collection of interconnected applications (mobile and web-based) that will deliver next-generation efficiency, and support the Multi-Capable Airmen initiative by flattening the training curve to systems. In other words, just think about your favorite applications on your phone or computer: did you need to take a CBT on how to use it? Probably not.

In partnership with the?Air Force Research Laboratory?and cross functional Integrated Product Team representing key functional stakeholders, Tesseract is driving towards digital mobility. RAWHIDE is delivering a transformative deployment experience and prioritizing user centered design to increase readiness, accelerate operations, and more effectively capture data at the tactical edge.?

Operational tests are coming in the summer of 2023.

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RAWHIDE Test Screenshots

What to learn more about software in the Air Force? Listen to Lauren Knausenberger 's episode on Tesseract Podcast!

Connect with the RAWHIDE Program Manager: Matt Carpenter

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URSUS, an original Tesseract Pathfinder, is a responsive web application designed to return time to Commanders and Airmen that is lost during the Deployment Process. This Airman-driven initiative utilizes agile software development to deliver a transformational solution for how we manage IPE. In an initial test of the URSUS MVP at Exercise Polar Force 21-5 at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, URSUS showed that modern software capabilities that we’re all familiar with in our day-to-day lives have the potential to return thousands of hours to our Airmen before they depart for a deployment or exercise.

Over the past three years, Tesseract has partnered closely with Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Information Directorate to develop and test this game changing tool and we are now working to scale and sustain these capabilities for all Airmen.

Now, we are thrilled to see the ILS-S team take on the development of URSUS and believe that their expertise in the field will help bring this project to the next level. We are confident that, with their support, URSUS will revolutionize the way people access and use mobility machines, making it easier and more convenient than ever before.

We are excited to see what the future holds for URSUS and the positive impact it will have on Airmen. Thank you to the ILS-S team for taking on this project and we look forward to seeing the progress they make in the coming months and years!

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Click Link for LNO Community Strategy

The Tesseract core team is successful with the help of continuous momentum forged from a community of liaisons (LNOs) that accurately reflect the voice and willpower of Airmen who accelerate change. The liaisons further Tesseract initiatives in the field and are the eyes and ears of innovation in the A4 community.

The current community exists on the digital platform SLACK. However, the community and the constituents' interactions with one another is the true platform. Slack is merely a tool that will one day be replaced. It is the community, team effort, and communication that exist within this Tesseract ecosystem that keeps it alive.

The ecosystem is self-sustaining and self-monitoring, similar to that of a Co-Op. Existing and growing through the people that are members of the community. While the same members will learn and grow from being part of the same ecosystem.

An Example of the LNO Community in Action

Dakota Belcher , one of our LNOs, has been leading efforts as an AFWERX fellow, including the Vice Chiefs Challenge Portfolio Holodeck and projects in the HAF/A4 Catalog. Dakota has demonstrated a talent for facilitating conversations between stakeholders and industry partners, and has helped progress projects to the next phase. Tesseract and Agitare funded his TDY to the Liberating Structures 2-day cohort in DC, where he gathered tools for hosting internal meetings for his wing. To see Dakota's facilitation skills in action, join the recurring monthly LNO fireside chat with him.

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Welcoming New Teammates to Tesseract in 2022

Tesseract has welcomed several new members to its team. SrA James Doerfler , a crew chief, recently joined Tesseract after completing the AI Accelerator Phantom Program. SSgt Heuna Iseri , also a crew chief, will be taking over Tesseract's digital media operations.

Lt Tanner Holcomb , a logistics officer, will be working on the Foundations program and micro survey initiatives. Capt Michael Zarate , a munitions officer, and Capt Jill Parker, an aircraft maintenance officer, will be instrumental additions to the Process Advancement team and scaling TOC.

MSgt Philip Barry will be responsible for Airman ideas. Everyone's experience and expertise will be invaluable as Tesseract continues to grow and innovate.

The new Research and Analysis Team at Tesseract has grown to include MSgt Georgia Riggs , TSgt John Campos , and MSgt Brian Leatherman , all data analysts! They will be working together to analyze data and provide insights that will help improve operations across the United States Air Force. Their contribution is critical to quantifying our efforts across the force.

Saying Goodbye and Thank You to our Teammates in 2022

As the year comes to a close, it's time to say goodbye to some of the key members of the Tesseract team who have made significant contributions to our success. All of which were founding teammates of Tesseract:

First, we would like to thank Capt Chris Ford , a logistics readiness officer who wrote our POM submission and scaled MICAP Prime. Chris's expertise in logistics was instrumental in ensuring that our operations ran smoothly, and we are grateful for his dedication and hard work. He was the first Airman to PCS to Tesseract alongside the founders.

Capt Colin Dziadaszek , a maintenance officer by trade, also played a vital role on the team. DZ was involved in a wide range of tasks, from enterprise software solutions to connecting our personal laptop's wifi! His flexibility and willingness to take on any task made him a valuable member of the team, and we are grateful for his contributions.

TSgt Devan Trammel , an EOD tech, played a key role in the success of the Foundations Program as he scaled it to Air Force-wide potential. Dev was the creator of the LNO community and played a crucial role in scaling the program. We are grateful for his expertise and dedication to the team.

SSgt Matt Miranda , a metals tech troop by trade who came to the staff as an A1C, was another key member of the team. Matt created Tesseract's brand strategy, ran social media, and hosted the Tesseract Podcast. His efforts helped to raise awareness of our team and our mission, and we are grateful for his contributions.

CMSgt Paul L. Hammer III, MS, RBLP-T who was POL (who the h***?!) by trade, was the creator of the Foundations Program. Paul provided crucial support to our team and leaders across the force. His efforts helped lay the groundwork for many of our future successes, and we are grateful for his contributions. Keep crushing cross fit!

CMSgt Timothy Jordan , a F-15 crew chief by trade who helped scale TOC. Tim ended his time on the team as the Senior Enlisted Leader, and his leadership and expertise were invaluable to our success. Every time we watch baseball, we'll be thinking of you!

TSgt Robert Trump was as an ammo troop (IYAAYAS) and made the Aether Sprint competition what it is today. Rob's leadership and dedication to the team were instrumental in scaling dozens of Airmen ideas into Air Force policy, and we are grateful for his contributions.

Finally, we want to thank Maj Jamey Shuls , who was our Deputy Team Lead and LRO by trade. Jamey was instrumental in bringing the team together and ensuring our success, and was the brainchild of URSUS. We wish him all the best in his retirement!

These departing members of the Tesseract team have made significant contributions to our success, and we are grateful for their dedication and hard work. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors and know that they will continue to make a positive impact wherever they go. Thank you for all that you have done for the team, and for helping to make Tesseract a success.

Thank you!

Thank you to all of our frontline Airmen, LNOs, and leaders across the Air Force for your dedication to fostering a culture of innovation. Your hard work and commitment to excellence have been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals and push the boundaries of what is possible. We are grateful for your valuable contributions and for being a crucial part of our team. Without your support and guidance, we would not be able to do what we do.

Thank you for all that you do. We are all in this together. - The Tesseract Team
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For any questions regarding the information in this newsletter, please reach out to our website at www.tesseract.af.mil and navigate to our contact us page, or leave a comment below.


Tom Mitchell

Innovative Product Design | Real-time Problem Solving | Frontline Solutions

2 年

I'm honored to have supported this great group of Airmen Innovators. I am looking forward to more collaborations in the future. What a great year Philip Barry! Keep up the excellent work!

Erin Lefever

F110 Central Repair Facility Flight Chief, at 52d Maintenance Squadron, at United States Air Force, Spangdahlem AB Germany

2 年

I love seeing the movement this program is creating. Excited to see the evolution

Rob Tingle

Wing Process Manager | CI2 | Rainier Spark

2 年

Tesseract AF thanks for the shout-out and all your support of the Battery Cell Extraction Tool over the last couple years.

Jondavid DuVall

Guardian, Space Logistics Officer

2 年

I am not going to cry Sophia Rizzo ... I am not going to cry. Damn it. I am still an Airman. I am proud of this community we call our family, the LOGNATION. Every single Airmen, proud. Proud to have worn the uniform. Each and EVERY one of you ... #Salute Persistent Mission Generation cannot settle for Status Quo. It's Hard. Our nation needs you to keep pushing forward. #Wingman4Life PS. I am also available for #CAS and #CFF missions if you need anything. #IGotYourSix ??

Nick Cavanaugh

Entrepreneur ?? Coach for innovative solutions | ?? Committed to growing small businesses l?? Committing to Accelerating Change

2 年

You guys are killing it! Also, probably the best year in review, both content and formating, I've ever seen.


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