Tess A/S 25 annos hoje!
The Missing Page 71

Tess A/S 25 annos hoje!

Hoje, 1o de dezembro, comemoramos o nascimento da Tess S/A, a primeira Banda B do mercado mobile em S?o Paulo, há 25 anos.

Para nós que estávamos lá, tornou-se algo mais do que apenas mais um projeto.

Nesta viagem estivemos "todos no mesmo barco" e com um enorme espírito de equipa lan?ámos uma empresa fantástica.

Agora nossa Tess seguiu em frente com sua vida e passou a fazer parte da família Claro.

Gostaria de compartilhar com todos vocês algumas cita??es do Especial AconTess neste aniversário:::

Upon the arrival in Campinas, 1st of June 1998, I received a warm hello and welcome from the entire project team. The Tess project plan was handed over and it was just to kick start the work of creating the company's Customer Management department.?

When flipping through the thick documentation, looking for the project plans for my department, I stopped ?the page 71. It was blank page, except for the headline ?Customer Operation project plan. The chapter had got lost somewhere and it was just to begin from scratch. Launch date was set to 1 December, only six month away.

The initial hiring process became crucial as we were on a tight time schedule. The staff had to be willing to walk the extra mile into the unknown. ?My modern way of managing the Customer Journey required a lot. The "new" concept of being a role model in leadership, believe in empowerment and making decisions independently, close to the Customer had to e implemented.

Many team members will surely remember the meaning of "Surf Stability" - ?the higher winds and waves, the faster and more stable the ride on the board will be. They also learned that if "I gave them a fish, they would eat it and get hungry again. But if I taught them how to fish, they would never get hungry again."

Other examples of main guidelines were: -"The letter Q does not exist in the Contact Center = No Q's!"

The team spirit were beyond compare and they all learned that their contribution to a successful company, was to bring solutions to the table and not? problems. thanks to all individual and team efforts we were ready to open the doors to the market on time. My bold ideas had paid off. The people who worked in my department will always keep this experience in their further careers.


Some quotes from the original staff after eight months in operation::

?-"Per always gave us support and helped us reaching our goals from our own abilities. We are 9 supervisors working as a team and together we learn, day-by-day, the meaning of the word leadership, and we owe it to him, who is leaving to another conquer but left us a humble, strength and organization lesson. Success in your new phase!"

Call Center Supervisor Team

?-"Since I arrived at Tess, a lot of things developed (for the best) and a lot of these changes were possible only because Per gave us trusted freedom to make decisions. I Remember, as soon as I arrived, Per told me: "You are the one to guide your area, I only give you support when you need". This kind of attitude is very important for the company, so things can happen. Per Sonnback, with his Swedish way of being, gave us a support to take off."

Gean Sollar Rezende, Manager Billing and Collection

?-"The time I worked with Per was a period of great learning experience in a happy environment, a motivator and of high productivity. Per is our guide and great friend. Under his orientation, we could build a united and compromising team, and we made out of the Call Center a structured, efficient and high quality place. He always practiced, in his daily routine, Tess values, even before they were written. His trust in the professionals of our team made us give the best of ourselves for the success of Tess. We will be missing him a lot, but we feel strong by the structure of our area and motivated for transforming his dreams into reality!"

Carmen Silvia, Manager Contact Center

?-"He prepared us to act independently, good sense and positivism! More then being a leader, he knew how to share all his knowledge and experience with sensibility and no pretention. Today all of us are a bit of Per in our attitudes. As a friend and a leader, he leaves his position as the Cops di

rector to remain in our hearts. I wish you all the happiness, Per: in London, Stockholm... wherever you go!"

Lilian Bassani, Manager Customer Administration

At the interview I knew Per was someone very special and I had the feeling I would learn a lot from him. I was right and I feel very fortunate to have been hired by Per Sonnback. He is a visionary leader who always supports his staff. Always encouraged decision-making, responsibility and accountability. He is a person I greatly admire and respect. Setting up the organisation was like a master mind chess game for him: he achieved incredible results in not only selecting the players, but also putting all of them in the right place! Before launch, every morning he would come in, inspired by his morning shower and we would get to work on his brilliant ideas!

One of the first words he learnt in Portuguese: "Animal" !!!!!!

Deborah Bryant, Project Manager Processes and Procedures

Page 71 is definitely ready !!!!!

Per Sonnback, Director Customer Operations

Bianca Pavan

Psicóloga em Desenvolvimento Humano

6 个月

A Tess abriu as portas para minha carreira na Psicologia e foi na Tess que pude decolar. Sou imensamente grata e feliz de ter feito parte desse projeto / empresa.

It was an honor to be part of this! Great company and amazing people!?

Regiane Alcides

Gestora Empresarial | Leader Coach | Gerente de Canais | Gerente Comercial |Especialista em negócios | Gerente desenvolvimento de negócios | Vendas | Inteligência de Mercado | Lideran?a de equipe de alta performance

1 年

Tess Terezinha estará sempre presente em meu ??.

Great memories!! Tess was my first job ?? Amazing experience!


Amazing ! I was there !Congrats for this memories !!!


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