Terrorist Submarine and Bomb Boat (2000)
Old but not outdated. This is from my 2006 thesis about homeland security in the U.S. Virgin Islands. ?https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/2862
? Al Qaeda has been training operatives in scuba diving techniques. “Two of the most dangerous al-Qaeda-linked groups in Southeast Asia are working together to train militants in scuba diving for seaborne terror attacks, according to the interrogation of a recently captured guerrilla.”[i] “Abu Sayyaf terrorists in the southern Philippines have trained as scuba divers in preparation for attacks on shipping outside the country, a Philippine military report says.” [ii] Scuba terror has already been tried.[iii] The Philippine military has captured a terrorist made submarine [iv] and a terrorist made suicide boat bomb.[v]
[i] Terrorist“s Train for Seaborne Attacks.”Mar 17, 08:46 PM EST. https://daily.webshots.com/content/ap/current/h67135745.html (accessed 3-19-05).19 AUG 2021 bad link.
?“Terrorists Teaming To Launch Underwater Attacks.” POSTED: 7:08 am PST March 18, 2005. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/4297791/detail.html (accessed 3/19/05). 19 AUG 2021 bad link.
[ii] “Shipping may be terrorists' next target.” By Connie Levett, Herald correspondent, Bangkok. https://www.smh.com.au/news/Global-Terrorism/Shipping-may-be-terrorists-next-target/2005/03/17/1110913739428.html?oneclick=true#.
[iii] “Israel guns down Hamas scuba terroristas on West Bank Beach” by Jason Keyser, 27 MARCH 2004. https://www.cdnn.info/industry/i040327a/i040327a.html (accessed 3/19/05). 19 AUG 2021 bad link.
[iv] Peter Chalk,Ph.D., Rand Corporation, Sri Lanka, 2004. The sub was discovered in a ship yard in Phuket in southern Thailand in 2000. The yard was owned by a Tamil with Norwegian citizenship. It is the first case of an insurgent group (LTTE) demonstrating the capability to undertake underwater operations of this sort.
[v] Oak Ridge Associated Universities ORAU#12 Sri Lanka suicide boat.