Terrorism in 2018: NXIVM's Computer Scientist in Reno/CA focused on Medical ID Theft for SSA Fraud & Cult Recruiting (Keith Raniere Trauma Bonding)
Nicole Wright, CHT, NLPP
Accounting & Tax with Newsweek JP cover. Crime & Culture Journalist.
#KeithRaniere focused on #TraumaBonding. While I never knew him, his 1st degree connection from #CAN came to my cooking co. in 2011. I’d donated the space to a woman hosting a foodie event. She brought Raniere’s friend & another man who is a “love” coach.
From subsequent fraud investigations, I’ve done background checks & research on Actors who stood out or met criteria.
The woman is now married to a “Freedom Fighter”, a supporter of #terrorism. He’s involved with an acting group that commits crimes via android. She traffics #ayahausca & works for a corp who intentionally write & leave #FakeReviews against targeted companies.
The man is an influencer who supports Raniere.
The Love Coach, I’ve since watched a documentary on sex #trafficking via Relationship Coaching. His marketing uses the same language.
End of July 2006 to early March 2008 I was Financial Controller at a Commercial Real Estate Co. The adjacent building was SEGA. I met a SEGA artist at Burning Man. He & his best friend from #MIT commit “coupon” scams.
They executed at local casinos in their state & paid for college without debt from ill-gotten gains.
I didn’t know what he meant for years. The 2021 film #Queenpins is illuminating.
He told me he was on #NealArmstrong’s “team”. He works with misygonistic gamers, Actors, to commit electronic crime, here in the USA.
White middle class men w/ college education, who work for companies engaged in crimes related to #trafficking & #terrorism.
Another tenant, online poker. This is Keith Raniere’s current advertisement.
A tenant, Pearse, convicted of #Multimillion Text Messaging #scam: https://lnkd.in/ghDw6-uh
In 2007 I realized the real estate co. was hiring single mothers & college students; classifying them as 1099 instead of W2. I asked them to fix this. When they did not, I reached out to IRS. When the IRS got involved, like magic, the co. was motivated to comply.
(I believe in treating people well & following the law; it gets me when others harm.)
Over the years, I’ve learned of the intertwining relationships & interconnectedness of those involved. From my POV it’s been piecemeal. Related to each incident of fraud; filing & naming actors.
If you take a step back, big picture, these people & groups work together.
In 2018 a man approached me & asked me to do his Tax Accounting. I have an exit clause for fraud. Compiling his records & performing due diligence, I discovered fraud & exited. I also had to file in court. I discovered his direct boss is #ClareBronfman, sentenced 2020.
2007 I performed a space tour with her mother #RitaWebb.
In 1994 he was involved in #Microsoft vs #HarmonyElectronics.
In the #NXIVM series by brilliant #MarkVicente there are clips of the few members who stood by Raniere. While loyalty can be an admirable trait; their individual comments indicated something different called #TraumaBonding. They had become impenetrable in filtering & assimilating context. Instead, the manipulator, could do no wrong.