territorial's 2024 Holiday Gift Guide

territorial's 2024 Holiday Gift Guide

[Editor's note: A prettier version of this gift guide is available on our website]

Is there anything better than discovering something new? It’s really one of the chief pleasures of giving a gift to someone you love — watching as they journey from mystery and anticipation to surprise and joy. At territorial, the siren call of this journey through the unexplored shapes everything we do. It shapes how we approach our work, it’s the mission behind our podcast, and now we’re hoping to share a small piece of that wonder in holiday gift guide form so that you might pass it along to others.?

We asked our territorial team and some of our favorite partners to share gift ideas inspired by the theme “Exploring the Undiscovered”. We hope these inspire you to send those who you love off into the wilderness of uncertainty (even but briefly), so that they might return strewn in torn wrapping paper with a smile of triumph on their face.

These are not affiliate links; territorial will not receive any commissions on any of these items. We have no relationships with any of these institutions and no territorial clients were considered for the gift guide. We just wanted to share stuff we liked :)

Photo via North Spore

Cultivate your own (delicious) extra-terrestrial – recommended by Robert Balog

"If ‘My Octopus Teacher’ turned you off eating Polpo all Griglia forever, then maybe don’t look too deeply into the biology of your favorite chanterelles or morels — 'cause things get a little weird. There’s a theory that all fungi came from outer space, that they help trees talk to one another, and that, in many ways, they’re closer to humans than plants. But… mmmm are they yummy. So for those unfazed by the fungal freakiness, here’s a gift that lets them grow an alien right in their own pantry. With these awesome kits from North Spore, they can expect a few harvests from each kit, which amounts to a surprising bounty of lion’s mane or multiple types of oyster mushrooms. Their frittatas will never be the same. And they’ll get the joy of discovering an organism from the depths of space waiting for them every morning on their kitchen counter. (P.S. They should not watch The Last of Us while growing their kit.)"

Where to purchase:

North Spore Beginner Kits

Photo via Flaviar US

The Whiskey Advent Calendar –?recommended by Maureen G.

"My boyfriend loves whiskey. I mean LOVES whiskey. In fact, our first overseas trip together was to Scotland, where tasting whiskey was just as important as hunting for Nessie. [Spoiler: We didn’t find her.] I bought this whiskey advent calendar for my boyfriend and can’t wait to give it to him for his birthday in early December. It will allow him to explore dozens of different types of whiskey he likely has never even heard of before, all from the comfort of home.? Plus, advent calendars have exploded in popularity over the last few years.? There’s likely an advent calendar that will satisfy the pickiest person on your gift list!"

Where to purchase:

Flaviar’s Whiskey Advent Calendar

Check out The Strategist’s picks for best advent calendars of 2024, along with CNN’s recommendations.??

Photo via NPR

Donate to your local NPR station –?recommended by Topher Burns

"If you know anything about independent journalism these days it’s that it’s A) struggling, and B) more important than ever. With audiences down across the board and billionaire benefactors feeling ever-more comfortable putting their own selfish thumbs on the editorial scale, our culture relies on fewer and fewer sources of unbiased sources of information. But that’s just the grim stuff! NPR is objectively delightful, and donating to your local NPR station on behalf of someone you love is the best way to make sure both of you will continue to enjoy Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me for years to come."

Where to support:

Donate today!

Photo via Chani Nicholas

A Personalized Astrology Chart –?recommended by Maureen G.

"The journey of self-discovery is one of life’s most important pursuits. What better way to get to know yourself than through astrology? My girlfriends and I are all Chani Nicholas-stans. You Were Born for This is a must-have for anyone interested in astrology, allowing you to build your own in-depth astrology chart.? And last Christmas, I bought my niece the personalized birth chart horoscope book.? My sister-in-law was so jealous when I told her about it, I ended up ordering her one too!"

Where to purchase:

You Were Born for This by Chani Nicholas

Personalized Birth Chart Horoscope Book

Photo via LitNXT

A retro gaming handheld – recommended by Billy Silverman

"Like Topher & Robert discussed in Strange Coordinates ep. 4, 'Getting Owned', there’s a distinct nostalgic pleasure in powering on a Gameboy-like device, dialing in the Konami code, and finally beating Contra with your ill-gotten extra lives. There are also hundreds of classics to explore that you probably never got around to as a kid. Plus, it feels good to preserve a piece of your childhood that the corporate world is leaving behind."

Where to purchase:

Miyoo A30 on LitNXT

Also widely available on AliExpress or eBay

Photo via Vestiaire Collective

A classic, versatile silk scarf –?recommended by Topher Burns

"If you’re like me, Isadora Duncan, or legendary icon Vida Boheme, you never hit the road without a scarf that makes a statement and keeps the wind of the Pacific Coast Highway out of your hair when you pop your convertible’s top down to show the world your carefree glamor. As you probably already know, all the clothes humankind will literally ever need have already been made, many times over, which is great news for you as a gift-giver! Second-hand markets for high quality items like this timeless and adaptable Gucci dragonfly print have never been more reliable and accessible. This holiday season don’t buy new, buy heritage."

Where to buy:

Available on many sites like The RealReal, eBay, Poshmark, and Vestiaire

Photo via SAM Shop

The Artist’s Way + Watercolor Set – recommended by Julie Sullivan

"I love the idea of a daily practice and The Artist’s Way and a smartly self-contained watercolor set are for your friends who are always on a journey in pursuit of something, but maybe haven’t pinned it down yet. I have coveted this watercolor set ever since I first saw it and it would be so fun to do a daily watercolor doodle, then look back at the end of the year and see how far you’ve come. The Artist’s Way is beloved by many as an instruction book to guide yourself through your own writing journey to a more satisfying and creative life, in whatever form that takes. I love my physical copy as it is so much easier to do the exercises weekly and revisit the lessons."

Where to purchase:

The Artist’s Way on Bookshop.org

Aquafan Watercolor

Photo via McNally Editions

Rediscovering new (old) books (McNally Editions) – recommended by Aydan Sarikaya

"For the voracious reader in your life, they may feel like they’ve read everything…but what about an entire imprint devoted to discovering the undiscovered – whether out of print, overlooked at the time of publishing, or just lost to history – this McNally Jackson imprint is publishing classic and hidden gems. Buy a single book or a subscription based on your 'type'. There’s even a handy little quiz to help you figure out what type of reader you are!"

Where to purchase:

McNally Editions

Gift a subscription or buy a single book

Photo via Eastfork Pottery

Your New Everyday Bowls –?recommended by Julie Sullivan

"Eastfork Pottery has roots in Asheville, NC and as a conscientious company has a tendency to take care of their home town. These bowls will become a staple in your home, perfect for pasta, smaller salads or messy breakfast. Everyone who uses these bowls comments on how much they love them — from the way they sit in your hand to how easy they are to clean, to how perfect they are for those meals where you could use either a bowl or a plate. I love these for the shared sentiment that I love how much they care for their hometown and I love how these bowls feel in my home."

Where to purchase:

Eastfork Pottery

Photo via Etsy

A celestial map of a special occasion – recommended by Robert Balog

"My wife is a gold-medal gift giver. She’s great at more things than I can count, but amongst this pantheon of proficiencies her gifting prowess really stands out. Early on in our dating days, she surprised me with an achingly thoughtful gift: a detailed illustration of the night sky that was hanging above us on a particularly significant night together. You just need the date and location to get a star map that is as astronomically accurate as it is emotionally powerful. For centuries, star charts have been used by explorers looking for the undiscovered places on earth. Now, these celestial maps can help your loved ones navigate the deep waters of memory."

Where to purchase:




