Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 5, 2022
Terri Flow
Proven leader with both private and pubic sector experience in financial services, human resources and government relations.
Focus on the outcome not the obstacle. – Unknown???
Where focus goes, energy flows. – Tony Robbins
We are halfway through the year and it is time to conduct a mid-year review on how life is going, progress toward goals and anything else the reader wants to analyze at this point in 2022.?The author knows this year has not been what she thought.?Plans and things she prayed for have not happened as she had hoped, but she can also say that things that she did not prepare for or expect to happen so early in the year have occurred so much faster and were to her benefit.
The author learned through this process that planning is great, but when things do not go as planned one has to change course and focus on the immediate task at hand.?She has been learning this skill for almost a year now and is proud of herself for how she handled the most recent situation.?Through this process, the author is still pondering why some things happen so easily and other events or activities feel like pulling teeth to accomplish. ?Once she figures that out, she will pass on that knowledge!?
As the reader review goals and create a plan to finish strong in 2022, use this time to focus on fulfilling actions, activities and tasks that will help the reader move closer to their destiny.
Focus on your greater goal, your destiny. – Robert Greene
ACTION: ?Write down what has gone well in 2022.?Write down what has not gone well. ?Create an action plan for the rest of the year to accomplish goals and create a plan of how to overcome or get through the difficult times.??