1 .Worthy audience there were lots of myths and realities which were seen irresistible to get resolved sooner or later like:-
- Why Imran Khan’s successes were invisible and why he was left to suffer through the collaboration of most hated choice of the Imported Govt of bandits and criminal? Did establishment prefer corrupt opposition over Imran Khan Leadership? If so, then why it be so? The answer is paritally yes, since he was drumming louder & louder his hatred for USA Govt and west to the intolerable extent?So he was jeopardizing security of Pakistan at a time when we needed it most?As regards the preference of corrupt politicians over Imran khan the answer is establishment stayed away from the outcome of VONC.
- Establishment is higly loyal to the Nation and no body can point finger on General Bajwa strategic patience, none in the Army would ever like to get corrupt lot or Imported Govt in the seat (irrespective of the party) Here Imran khan is to be blamed for his poor control over PTI dissident elements ,Alim Khan, Jahangir Tareen etc.There were ways and means to avoid the chaos?
- Khan left no face saving for any one to get the international relation restored or probe forward in a reasonable balanced headway? He was almost bringing east and west interest to a position of clash over Pakistan’s apparently called “imperil diplomatic incline” towards another unseen and untested Post Cold war Eastern Block against USA and the west, whereas Pakistani opposition wanted to get him trapped in that noose since long and were planning IK ousting with the help of clumsy Imported Govt stooges.
- No doubt Imran Khan was not listening to establishment/neutrals? He was adamant to proceed forward and fight opposition by either sitting in opposition or outside the Parliament?Establishment was almost baffled over his flimsy choices, so they were helpless & had no other option but to let him face the consequences his own way with his own strategies?
- Pak Army did not bring Imran Khan in power, whatsoever? Absolutely yes, not a single ballot paper was casted by any fake means there was no need to do so. Imran Khan was running horse he could have taken 2/3 majority or even more provided he with little bit of home work, distributed party ticket to the suitable choices?
- Some expert believed that the establishment was surprised over the outcome of the election and was equally & rightly concerned /conscious of the pitfalls PTI may fall in or the most criminal minded opposition that Imran Khan had to face or they were facing a dreadful propaganda campaign of blaming, defaming and defying started by the PMLN /PPP/JUI, more-so the establishment was also very cautious to get Bajwa Doctrine succeeded (no wars but economic growth) so that Pakistan economy may ultimately come out of crisis. Imran khan and the estblishment were on the same page no doubts? So far so good.Pakistan Army even sacrificed their defence budget for uplifting of the economy of Pakistan, instead of attacking India for no gains?
- It is General Bajwa's harmonised team specially the brave DG ISI General Faiz Hameed who made Imran Khan succeed in all direction / fields without being prejudice to other political parties,circles /Nations (fastest Covid Control, 96 % Elimination of Terrorism, earliest Freedom of Afghanistan, amazing withdrawal of Indians from western border shelters, kick starting of the Economy, Fighting against Locust & keeping ploys /conspiracies of opponents disfunctional against Imran Khan/Pakistan).The reason was Imran Khan's PTI was totally raw and had no expeience of politics gimmicks ?
- It is wrong to say Usman Buzdar was a cheat or Madam Goggy created some fortune throgh Usman Buzdar?The fact is the CM Punjab was facing the worst crimminals /mafias in the form of burueocracy /local administration and PMLN advocates/media?Yet he proved to be the best CM who initiated and completed lot many projects in punjab withy immense dedication and speed ? Yes, it is true we have the data to support ,now look at Hamza, look at his father except making roads and looting treasury what else they did?If the PMLN is so adamant why don't they pursue the cases against Usman Buzdar in courts?
- Soon after Trump election & in the last year of his tenure Imran Khan was seen trying to take PUNGA with big powers /western allies by condemning them & criticizing them at all big forums,in his daily speeches and interview so much so that establishment had to come ahead timely and melowed down /reinstated IK finicky/ fussy remarks /losses of Pakistan Foreign Policy mishandling ? All the time Imran Khan was requested not to stick his head beyond rationale but IK wanted to be perhaps AMIR-UL- Momineen.
- Imran Khan with the passage of time became more arrogant as a habit (KABHI KABHI TO KHUDDA KE LEHJE ME BAAT KARTA THA) .He made himself irrisitable & then stopped listening to his advisors, sympathisers and he along with his diehard FM Shah Mahmoud Qureshi started spearheading the mot confidential state matters, diplomatic issues & diplomacy in his own tenure ,consequently he got numerous warning from the west,despite that he himself could see indicators blinking red for him because of his nuisance creation for the EU/US/local opposition,his own party&establishment? He rigidly refused to listen to any wise man and became highly stubborn, vindictive & almost broke relations with establishment /Parliament and used his will freely????
- Imran Khan as per interpretation of his own narrative which he gave out in his public addresses that he wanted to misuse establishment against his own ominous ploy/plan to crush US interference & all his opponents i.e. asking establishment to either stop VONC Move or help him win the motion or influence courts to get the decision of PTI choice before, during &after VONC Move?
- This was highly ambitious wish and tantamount to blatant interference in political affairs?IK himself admitted that NUETRAL remained unmoved?Thus Imran Khan has obnoxiously misused his authority / influence and unduly pressurized establishment .........most obviously like his opponents i.e. PMLN / PPP,who were habitual of using such tools but, the difference was Imran Khan used establishment to act or react for PTI in the garb of Conspiracy or against Imported Govt of the Criminals. What a tragedy he still is not listening to anyone and ready to die like any failed /discarded fellow (Benazir / ZA Bhutto/Zia/Liaqat Ali etc,etc) and get exalted before innocent masses? Unfortunately does anyone care about them anymore?
- He tried to dsolve NA, then he decided to get his party resigned without discussing it with the establishment? What a notion, only he could answers? We strongly feel he should have not resigned could have stayed there and drag the Imported govt through his parliamentary resistane much better? In that way Pakistani media must not have treated him as abandoned child?
- It is naiuve to assume that in latest London meeting Nawaz opposed the decision of coming to power without Maryam and him?Sheer bullshit PMLN/PPP/JUI/BAP / ANP/MQM were seeking the pleasure of getting Imran Khan out by any kind of conspiracy as soon ascpossible,the purpose was to hide their sins and destroy the criminal record and purchse judiciary /NAB to discourage producing witnesses & pursue the case? the other purpose was to offset the successes of the PTI?
- It is also wrongly being propagated that Bilawal will get something from USA so soon? Like wise it is to early to asume that the decision about PTI dissident will sideline PMLN or that PDM and Allies will leave open field for Imran Khan & Pervaiz Elahiin future ? My dear friends these mafias & back stabbers have bribed Election Commission and many more of the kind to get all verdict in PDM favour? To divert the people attention they havev decided to corner establishment for their own economic / governance failures?This is the only face saving left for them under these environments?
2??.Dear Imran Khan we the veterans /soldiers need not to to tell lies, as per our best information /recdords available most of the serving Generals happen to be our students or juniors we were their seniors and our sons and daughters are their most obedient students so we stuck between loyalty to PTI and our oath of allegiance to Pak Army? Folks please bear with us that serving officers/troops are constantly being put wise nicely by their seniors but neither PTI nor the opposition (the dirtiest criminals) or media telling the truth. Listen all political shitty characters & specially you IMRAN KHAN the truth is that you have become most popular persona non grata by those who matter most or the most powerful people, brutal in the money matters, since you are a major hurdle in moving the world ahead like EU/Russia, therefore:-
- Imran Khan stop telling lies, no doubt you wanted this to happen to get another life (SIYASI SHAHEED) , what is happening now is not different to what you like the most,?since you said MEN BAHAR ZIADA POWEWRFUL/MASHOOR/TALKH (BITTER) HO JAON GA?
- You all the shitty perpetrators of Imported Govt, you have been drowned by the vicious circle of political misjudgement or ZARDARI Vampire ,so my humble request to you is better resign or dissolve assemblies , go back to square one & let the improved/ refurbished and wiser Imran Khan come back to the voters to contest fresh elections with you?
- Imported Govt you have no guts to eliminate Imran Khan, since you all know what your worth is & how people are getting ready to butcher you? Your PM is a PUDHOO /DILDOO He has been used by Zardari /NAWAZ SHARIF/FAZLU/ MQM so roughly that he will collapse and damage spare parts of the users?
- PUPOO Bilawal do not try to be brawny or wonky? You are son of a criminal, grandson of a fool hardy grandpapa whose entire family unfortunately was blown into pieces or butchered by your murderer Daddy Cool, into bloodbath. You have been groomed by PPP heavy weights just for talking rubbish, boasting USA friendship, arragance or claiming majority popularity? What a pity, idiot Bilawal shed off your false skin and try to be forward looking & geuine leader? People are waiting to get you sidelined too?
- Shish Nag Rana Sana Ullah? Mun Idhar Rakho ab batao "didnot you try to smuggle 20 kilo narcotics"? Shameless,stinking owl you did it.Now face it?
- Chorr Hamza (KIRLI) go for plea bargain to save your skin? Your father can not make you CM Punjab so get lost and let the luck decide your fate?
- Lady Bandit and Vulgarity /Obscenity Video Queen Maryam just stop talking non sense and no more killing of the talent pool of Pakistan through RANA SANA ULLAH killers ? You will be targeted instead,since the people are really charged they are mad after Imran Khan and they think you to be most shameless /corrupt lady of Pakistani Politics and daughter of a gangster?
- People of Pakistan not to listen any rubbish anymore? PDM has lost everything for ever so they will keep torturing people through their enmity with Pakistan Army and now they have started a wild burst of anger to depict that establishment is responsible for their miseries . PMLN/PDM taking undue advantage of Imran Khan rhetoric against establishment started thinking/misleading that they will drag neutral into the courts /parliament? ……………Idiots do not realise & remember that they themselves are their mother FU...KER. Establishment may sort out them if they again cross redline? Yes that is in the larger interest of Pakistan?
- PTI and PDM do not make mistake or a joke that both of you are mightier than State and get the judiciary misguided to let you propagate nonsense against establishment? Never, ever thing of that?
3???.Worthy audience everything is possible but Imported Govt can never be tolerated? Imran Khan is not adopting the right strategy? He stupidly is fuming poison in the rallies or happy over future 2.5 Million Long March call why because ?
- There is no use of doing that since opposition is committing suicide visibly by resorting to blood shed type course of action instead of giving relief to the people? By the way if only one lac people you gather in Islamabad and make them stay there for a week, you will need 2000 buses to carry them 230 shit lifting trucks daily to keep you breathing in the clean environments?
- Imran Khan open your link, if you have decided to speak to better people talk to establishment so that?you do not miss neutral legitimate support .Yes, do not be selfish Imran Khan,be a wise leader?
4 .We strongly expect there is hardly anyone in establishment or any sane person outside establishment who is fond of corrupt regime so your propaganda that?NEUTRAL do not care criminals taking over as imported regime? You are incorrect? They say corruption is not bigger evil than empty headed leadership or disloyalty to Pakistan (GHADDARI OF A LEADER) to destroy the entire nation through misleading them on wrong track?
- Folks listen USA, India, Russia, China, Afghanistan or any other country is not superior than Pakistani people survival? To survive,we need global harmony? Diplomacy cannot be done without sharing mutual interests? Russia is in spin, India is in spin, US is stuck, Afghanistan/Iran are helpless. So why taking PUNGA with FP of Pakistan? Do as the Roman do?This is 21st century, here RIASAT-E-MADINA looks like as it is now under the crown prince rule,not by Baddu Dynasty?
- MAHANGAI TO RAHE GI? Please adopt simple means to lead a comfortable life, breed no enmities to get bogged down. Make no wrong moves to suffer later? Let us all get rid of Imported Govt soon (Insha Allah).
- PTI great stalwarts please do not utter again and again PIDRAM SULTAN BOOD. Stop misquoting Hazrat Ali ke QOL in this modern age os satanic regime, What is the use of narrating MAULANA ROOMI KI HAKAYATEN? This is Smart 21st Century, live like SMART PEOPLE, behave like one?
- Honorable establishment please erase the impression that after doing all well for the politicians, we are still being shunted by these crooked politicians? Please come forward and save Pakistan at all cost, before PTI/PDM propagate rubbish about you unleashed,for times to come? Please remember you remain neutral or not neutral it is equally thankless in the eyes of PMLN/PTI/JUI/MQM/ANP/ BAP ………So the solution is tell them to wrap it all and then let all of them come for negotiations immediately else both the sides will hurl more aspersion against you with more venom …….????????????
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