Terrible Linked-in Updates
John D. Lin
Author, "Eli & Me" (Tribute to Eli Manning) TEDx Speaker on Mental Health | 124 Country Traveler Speech Professor | NAMI NYC Ending the Silence & In Our Own Voice Presenter
Dear LinkedIn,
As a daily user, I am beyond disappointed with the new interface and more importantly, the removal of the Profile Ranking Feature.
I read your reasoning to disable older futile functions to bring in new and better ones. However, the ranking served as vital indicator to track both our individual progress and that of colleagues and competitors.
Without this ranking, there is no true measurement of how we stand, no matter how many number of profile views we have.The profile views, whether 10 or 1,000, now have no basis of measurement. Is that a lot or a little compared to others in our field? We now simply cannot know how we are doing in any comparative sense.
Essentially, the amount of profile views without a ranking is useless. Linkedin is about networking. it's important to identify who the prime influencers are -the people who tend to get the most views.
Now when someone views our profile, we have no idea how significant a connection they may be in regards to their connection and influence within the larger network community.
1. Is it possible to bring back this feature? Many in my network feel the same!
2. Would I be able to know the final rankings a few days ago before this change was implemented? I would have taken note of where I and my competition stood.
3. There should be an option where we can revert back to our old view given our preference.
4. Perhaps I missed it, but there should have been an update notice that this was happening.
I took a great deal of time at 4AM to write this. Please reply and consider this feedback. Thank you!