Will the terrible death of George Floyd be a catalyst for positive change?
Nelson Mandela said that education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
As a man that devoted his life, whilst suffering injustice, to equality I wonder what he’d say about the Black Lives Matter movement we’re witnessing now.
The brutal murder of George Floyd by someone that was responsible for ensuring his safety was a catalyst for the change that people want to see, and trying to find some justification through George Floyd's’ past cannot in any way counter the actions of those responsible for his death.
All lives matter equally and this must be the message we carry forward if we’re to learn from all unlawful deaths committed by those in positions of trust and responsibility, and others, and the anger we feel from these horrendous crimes must be channeled into positive change.
What's clear is that the death of George Floyd has awoken a deep rooted anger in many people. An anger based on perceived and real wrongs from our passed and our present. But anger isn't the most appropriate emotion for effecting positive change.
It’s natural to view the world through our own experiences and values but judging the actions of those in our past that don’t align to our current views will only inflame our anger and disgust.
History cannot be changed, and it must not be erased!
There are things from our collective global past that were abhorrent, evoking an overpowering urge to avoid any repeat of these actions.
We can’t block these out, but we can learn from them.
Slavery is an act of inhuman cruelty but it’s still prevalent in the 21st century.
Racism should not exist in our society’s, yet we continually fan these flames.
George Floyd's’ death was cruel, unjust, unnecessary, and abhorrent, and through technology it was witnessed around the world.
This must be our focus - the crime is that of a serving police officer taking the life of someone suspected of a crime - not a white man taking the life of a black man.
If we continue to view it like this, we can never eradicate racism.
The actions of this Police Officer may have been motivated by the colour of George Floyd's’ skin or he may just be a despicable person capable of murder who should never have been in the Police Force.
This is for the court to decide.
We’re all looking to find some positive change to take from the unlawful unnecessary death of George Floyd and expressing our views through peaceful protest is our democratic right.
It may also be the time, through the overwhelming strength of feeling, to remove statues and memorials erected in memory of people that don’t meet the standards and values of a 21st century society, but condemning acts of violence and hatred through the use of violence and hatred will not create a legacy befitting the memory of all those we’re fighting for.
Education is the most powerful weapon we have if we’re to change the world for the better and I want our past to be remembered.
History is an essential ingredient of present education. Remembering the suffering and sacrifice of those who have gone before us and learning from our past to ensure a better present and future.
I, like many others have been touched by a man I’ve never met and only heard of due to the terrible death he experienced.
George Floyd's death will also be written into the historical atrocities of our past, but we have a responsibility to focus our anger and sadness into making sure that all life is valued in all countries around the globe.
Because we all matter