Terms to note from the June 15th Press conference of the PRC Ministry of Commerce

Terms to note from the June 15th Press conference of the PRC Ministry of Commerce

6.15.23 Home appliances, green consumption coupons, converged interests, and consumption circles for happiness

  • 绿色消费券 / green consumption coupon?

- 据不完全统计,今年以来,各地计划投入的促进家电消费资金超过25亿元,安排的大型家电消费促进活动超过300场。例如,北京多批次发放京彩绿色消费券、福建启动全闽乐购·家居家电消费季等,积极促进绿色智能家电消费。?

According to available statistics, the combined investments for such consumption promotion across China is estimated to be over RMB2.5 billion, with over 300 promotional events for the consumption of large household appliances. For example, Beijing will offer green consumption coupons in several batches; Fujian province will launch the home appliances shopping season to promote the consumption of green and smart home appliances.?

  • 出口市场 / export market?

Recent quote:

- 从机遇看,中国出口市场更多元、产品更多样、业态更丰富,特别是广大外贸主体开拓创新,积极应对国际需求变化,努力培育竞争新优势,展现出较强韧性。?

On the other hand, there are also opportunities, as China finds more diversified export markets, develops more varied products, and creates richer types of businesses. In particular, with the efforts of Chinese exporters to expand overseas market and meet the changing international needs, they can foster new competitive advantages and show strong resilience.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 中国是日本半导体产业最大出口市场,年对华出口额超过100亿美元,中国市场占日本半导体设备出口份额的四分之一。?

China is the largest export market of Japan’s semiconductor sector, with an annual volume of more than $10 billion. China accounts for a quarter of Japan’s export of semiconductor equipment.?

- 中国和澳大利亚的经贸关系应该说是有非常好的基础,我们两国之间有自贸协定,中国在过去的12年里,都是澳大利亚最大的贸易伙伴,也是澳大利亚最大的出口市场和进口来源地。?

China and Australia enjoy a very sound foundation of trade and economic relations. There is a free trade agreement between the two countries. In the past 12 years, China has remained Australia’s largest trading partner, export market and source of imports.?

- 中国加入世界贸易组织以来,美国对华出口快速增长,中国成为美国重要的出口市场。?

Since its accession to the WTO, China has become an important market for US exports, which have grown rapidly.?

  • 动力源 / powerhouse; driving force?

Recent quote:

- 经贸合作是中阿友好关系的“压舱石”和“动力源”。

Trade and economic cooperation is a ballast and powerhouse of China-Arab states friendship.?

- 亚太是我们安身立命之所,也是全球经济增长动力之源。?

The Asia-Pacific is our home as well as the powerhouse of global economic growth.?

- 我想强调的是,中韩经贸合作全面快速发展根本动力源于互利共赢,是市场规律作用的结果。?

I would like to stress that fundamentally what drives the rapid development of China-ROK relations across the board is mutual benefit. The current situation is a result of market laws.?

- 我们敦促有关国家顺应和平发展、合作共赢的时代潮流,肩负起促进地区和平、稳定、繁荣的历史责任,推动亚太地区成为互利合作的动力源,而不是零和博弈的角斗场。?

We urge the relevant country to embrace the trend of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, live up to its responsibility for regional peace, stability and prosperity, and make the Asia Pacific a generator for win-win cooperation rather than an arena of zero-sum games.?

- 目前,中国经济增速虽有所放缓,对世界经济增长的贡献率仍在30%以上,仍是世界经济重要动力源。?

Today, the Chinese economy, though slowing down to some extent, still contributes to over 30% of the global growth and remains a major driving force for the global economy.?

  • 家电 / home appliance; household appliance?

- 家电消费是居民消费的重要组成部分。去年以来,商务部等13部门出台了促进绿色智能家电消费的若干措施,在稳定家电整体消费、释放绿色智能家电消费潜力等方面发挥了积极作用。 今年1-5月,限额以上单位家用电器和音像器材类商品零售额3133亿元,基本恢复到去年同期水平。近期,商务部会同相关部门印发《关于做好2023年促进绿色智能家电消费工作的通知》,将重点从三个方面推动加快恢复和扩大家电消费:一是继续组织开展家电消费促进活动。据不完全统计,今年以来,各地计划投入的促进家电消费资金超过25亿元,安排的大型家电消费促进活动超过300场。例如,北京多批次发放京彩绿色消费券、福建启动全闽乐购·家居家电消费季等,积极促进绿色智能家电消费。下一步,商务部将会同相关部门继续加强统筹指导,鼓励有条件的地方举办更多形式新颖、内容丰富的消费促进活动,为消费者提供更好的家电消费体验,满足多元消费需求。二是深入推进家电以旧换新和绿色智能家电下乡。当前,家电换新升级的消费需求继续增长。 据主要电商平台销售数据,1-5月,家电以旧换新和绿色智能家电下乡销售额同比分别增长83.7%和12.6%。我们将推动地方结合消费市场特点和本地实际情况,制定完善工作方案,抓好组织实施,不断深化家电以旧换新和绿色智能家电下乡。三是持续优化完善家电消费环境。售后服务是消费环境的重要组成,也是居民消费的重要关注。商务部将同相关部门一道,加快实施家电售后服务提升行动,指导各地挖掘培育一批家电售后服务领跑企业,带动提升售后服务整体水平,着力解决售后服务不规范等问题,让家电消费能够更放心、更安心。?

The consumption of home appliances is a crucial part of household consumption. Last year, MOFCOM and other 12 authorities published the measures to promote the consumption of green and smart home appliances, which played a positive role in stabilizing the overall consumption of home appliances and unleashing the potential of green and smart home appliances. In the first five months of this year, retail sales of household appliances and audio-visual equipment above the designated threshold reached RMB313.3 billion, almost recovering to the same level as last year. Recently, MOFCOM and other authorities published the Notice on Promoting the Consumption of Green and Smart Home Appliances in 2023, which will push for the recovery and expansion of the consumption of home appliances from three aspects:?First, we will continue to hold promotional events for the consumption of home appliances. According to available statistics, the combined investments for such consumption promotion across China is estimated to be over RMB2.5 billion, with over 300 promotional events for the consumption of large household appliances. For example, Beijing will offer green consumption coupons in several batches; Fujian province will launch the home appliances shopping season to promote the consumption of green and smart home appliances. In the next step, MOFCOM, together with other authorities, will continue to enhance coordination and guidance, encourage localities with the right conditions to hold more promotional events in creative forms, so as to provide better experience for consumers and meet their diversified needs.?Second, we will move forward the initiatives for home appliances recycling and making green and smart home appliances available in the countryside. We observed continued growth in the consumption demand for the upgrading of home appliances. Sales data of major e-commerce platforms show that sales of home appliances recycling and in the countryside grew by 83.7% and 12.6% in the first five months of this year. We will enhance and implement our work plans in line with the local conditions and dynamics of the consumption market to move forward these two initiatives.?Third, we will continue to optimize the consumption environment for home alliances. After-sales services is an important part of consumption and a big concern of consumers. MOFCOM, together with other authorities, will speed up the implementation of the initiative to improve after-sales service. We will provide guidance as localities foster leading businesses that excel in after-sales service to drive the overall improvement of after-sales service, especially by addressing the lack of standard process in after-sales services. We hope these efforts can boost consumers’ confidence in after-sales services.?

  • 居民消费 / consumer spending; household consumption?

Recent quote:

- 家电消费是居民消费的重要组成部分。?

The consumption of home appliances is a crucial part of household consumption.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 国内疫情防控仍有薄弱环节,经济恢复基础尚不牢固,居民消费仍受制约,投资增长后劲不足,中小微企业和个体工商户困难较多,稳就业压力较大。?

Domestically, there are still weak links in our work to control Covid-19. The foundation for achieving our country’s economic recovery needs to be further consolidated, impediments to consumer spending remain, and investment growth lacks sustainability. Our MSMEs and self-employed individuals are still finding the going tough, and the pressure in maintaining stable employment is mounting.?

- 通过稳就业促增收保民生,提高居民消费意愿和能力。?

We will stabilize employment, promote income growth and ensure people’s basic needs are met to encourage and enable consumer spending.?

- 国内外市场有效需求仍显疲弱,居民消费仍受制约,投资增长后劲不足,出口持续回稳基础不牢。?

Effective demand both in and outside China remains weak, consumer spending is still constrained, growth in investment needs to be sustained, and the foundations for continued recovery of exports are far from strong.?

  • 利益交融 / interconnected interests; convergence of interests?

Recent quote:

- 中美两国作为世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,经济互补,利益交融,彼此都从对方发展中受益。?

As the largest developing country and the largest developed country in the world, the economies of China and the United States are highly complementary, with interconnected interests, and benefit from each other's development.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美中合作不仅有利于两国人民,也有利于各国人民。美方希望同中方保持畅通对话,增进相互了解,避免误解误判,寻求在利益交融的领域开展合作,同时妥善管控分歧。?

The US hopes to keep an open line of communication with China to enhance mutual understanding and avoid misperception and miscalculation, and will work with China where the interests of the two countries align and, at the same time, properly manage differences.?

- 作为世界前两大经济体,中美之间在利益交融中出现竞争并不奇怪,关键是要在公平公正基础上良性竞争,既提升自我,又照亮对方,而不是相互攻击、零和博弈。?

China and the United States are the world's two largest economies. As our interests converge, the two countries may also see a competitive element in our relations. This is normal. What matters is that the two sides should advocate healthy competition on a fair and just basis for the purpose of self-improvement and mutual enhancement, rather than finger-pointing or zero-sum competition.?

- 中南都是发展中大国和新兴市场国家,秉持相同或相近的发展观、安全观、国际秩序观,在重大国际事务和热点问题上有着广泛共识,双方在联合国、二十国集团、金砖国家、气候变化“基础四国”等国际组织和多边机制中密切协调和配合,开展了卓有成效的合作。两国经贸合作利益交融不断加深。?

China and South Africa, as two major developing countries and emerging market economies, hold identical or similar views on development, security and international order and share broad consensus on major international affairs and hotspot issues. Our two countries have closely co-ordinated and co-operated with each other in such international organisations and multilateral mechanisms as the UN, G20, Brics and Basic countries. Our economic co-operation and trade have led to greater convergence of interests.?

  • 绿色智能家电 / green and smart home appliance?

Recent quote:

- 去年以来,商务部等13部门出台了促进绿色智能家电消费的若干措施,在稳定家电整体消费、释放绿色智能家电消费潜力等方面发挥了积极作用。 。。。近期,商务部会同相关部门印发《关于做好2023年促进绿色智能家电消费工作的通知》,将重点从三个方面推动加快恢复和扩大家电消费:?

Last year, MOFCOM and other 12 authorities published the measures to promote the consumption of green and smart home appliances, which played a positive role in stabilizing the overall consumption of home appliances and unleashing the potential of green and smart home appliances.?... Recently, MOFCOM and other authorities published the Notice on Promoting the Consumption of Green and Smart Home Appliances in 2023, which will push for the recovery and expansion of the consumption of home appliances from three aspects:?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 发展消费新业态新模式,采取减免车辆购置税等措施促进汽车消费,新能源汽车销量增长93.4%,开展绿色智能家电、绿色建材下乡,社会消费品零售总额保持基本稳定.?

We fostered new modes and new forms of consumer spending and adopted measures including reductions and exemptions on vehicle purchase tax to boost spending on automobiles. As a result, sales of new-energy vehicles surged by 93.4 percent. Initiatives were launched to stimulate spending on green and smart home appliances and green building materials in rural areas.?

- 落实好促进绿色智能家电消费政策措施,开展家电以旧换新,推进绿色智能家电下乡。?

We will implement policy measures to promote the consumption of green smart home appliances, carry out trade-in of home appliances, and promote green smart home appliances in the countryside.?

- 继续支持新能源汽车消费,鼓励地方开展绿色智能家电下乡和以旧换新。?

We will continue to support the purchase of new-energy vehicles, and encourage local governments to promote spending on green and smart home appliances in rural areas as well as the replacement of old home appliances.?

  • 品牌消费 / brand consumption?

Recent quote:

- 一是继续完善消费政策。加强部门协同,推动出台支持恢复和扩大消费的系列政策措施。同时,立足商务职能定位,围绕促进汽车、家居、品牌消费和餐饮业高质量发展等,出台针对性的配套举措,增强政策的组合性、协同性、有效性,抓好贯彻落实。?

First, continuing to improve the consumption policy. We will strengthen coordination between departments and promote the introduction of a series of policies and measures to support the recovery and expansion of consumption. At the same time, based on the responsibilities of MOFCOM, focusing on promoting the high-quality development of automobile, home appliances, brand consumption and catering industry, we will introduce targeted supporting measures to enhance the coordination, synergy and effectiveness of policies and do a good job in implementation.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 高水平办好2023年中国品牌日系列活动、不断提升中国品牌知名度和影响力、推动国潮品牌消费繁荣发展。?

We will make a success of the 2023 China Brand Day events, in an effort to enhance the prestige and influence of Chinese brands and help domestic brands with Chinese design elements grow and thrive.?

- 制定出台促进汽车、家电等热点产品消费的措施,畅通城乡双向联动销售渠道,开展品牌消费、品质消费“双品网购节”系列活动,挖掘农村网购和乡村旅游消费潜力。?

We will formulate measures for boosting spending on automobiles, home appliances, and other popular products, and keep channels between urban and rural markets free-flowing. We will launch a series of online shopping promotions to boost brand and quality consumption, and unlock the consumption potential of online shopping and tourism in rural areas.?

  • 市场活力 / market dynamism; market vitality?

Recent quote:

- 为进一步激发市场活力,恢复和扩大消费,商务部将重点做好以下工作:一是继续完善消费政策。 加强部门协同,推动出台支持恢复和扩大消费的系列政策措施。 同时,立足商务职能定位,围绕促进汽车、家居、品牌消费和餐饮业高质量发展等,出台针对性的配套举措,增强政策的组合性、协同性、有效性,抓好贯彻落实。?二是持续办好消费活动。 商务部将2023年定为“消费提振年”,已成功举办迎春消费季、全国消费促进月,正在开展绿色消费季、国际消费季等系列活动。 在即将到来的暑期消费季期间,还将推出“618端午欢乐购”“不夜生活节”“数字消费节”等消费场景。 各地也将举办一系列丰富多彩的消费活动。 比如,江苏举办“苏新消费·夏夜生活”,四川举办成都端午食品博览会等。 这些活动贯穿端午节、暑期,甚至延续更长时间,将为消费市场增添更多信心和活力。?三是不断创新消费场景。 我们将持续深化国际消费中心城市建设,推动步行街高质量发展,推进建设智慧商圈,带动优质消费资源集聚,联动商旅文体,打造更多沉浸式、互动式、体验式消费新场景。 同时,推动建设一刻钟便民生活圈,加快补齐便民设施短板,努力打造百姓家门口的“消费圈”“幸福圈”。?

In order to further stimulate market vitality, restore and expand consumption, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on the following work:?First, continuing to improve the consumption policy. We will strengthen coordination between departments and promote the introduction of a series of policies and measures to support the recovery and expansion of consumption. At the same time, based on the responsibilities of MOFCOM, focusing on promoting the high-quality development of automobile, home appliances, brand consumption and catering industry, we will introduce targeted supporting measures to enhance the coordination, synergy and effectiveness of policies and do a good job in implementation.?Second, continuing to organize activities for consumers. The Ministry of Commerce has designated 2023 as the Consumption Revitalization Year, and has successfully held the spring consumption season and the national consumption promotion month, and is carrying out a series of activities such as the green consumption season and the international consumption season. During the upcoming summer consumption season, consumption scenarios such as "618 shopping season for the Dragon Boat Festival”, "Nightlife Festival" and "Digital Consumption Festival" will also be launched. A series of diversified consumption activities will also be held in various localities. For example, Jiangsu hosted the event of "Summer Nightlife, New Consumption" and Sichuan hosted the Chengdu Food Expo for Dragon Boat Festival. These activities will run through the Dragon Boat Festival, summer vacation and even last longer, which will add more confidence and vitality to the consumer market.?Third, constantly innovating consumption scenarios. We will continue to develop international consumption center cities, promote the high-quality development of pedestrian streets, promote smart business districts, gather high-quality consumption resources, and connect business, tourism, culture and sports to create more immersive, interactive and experiential consumption scenarios. At the same time, we will build 15-minute circles to serve the community, speed up addressing weak links in convenience facilities, and strive to create a "consumption circle for happiness” at the doorsteps of the people.

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 推动有效市场和有为政府更好结合,善于运用改革创新办法,激发市场活力和社会创造力。?

We should promote both an efficient market and a well-functioning government, and we should be adept at using reform and innovation to boost market dynamism and social creativity.?

- 这次减税,着眼“放水养鱼”、增强发展后劲并考虑财政可持续,是减轻企业负担、激发市场活力的重大举措,是完善税制、优化收入分配格局的重要改革,是宏观政策支持稳增长、保就业、调结构的重大抉择。?

Our moves to cut tax on this occasion aim at an accommodative effect to strengthen the basis for sustained growth while also considering the need to ensure fiscal sustainability; are a major measure to lighten the burden on businesses and boost market dynamism; are an important reform to improve the tax system and achieve better income distribution; and are the result of a major decision taken at the macro policy level in support of the efforts to ensure stable economic growth, employment, and structural adjustments.?

- 要全力推进结构性改革,消除一切不利于创新的体制机制障碍,充分激发创新潜能和市场活力。?

We should endeavor to advance structural reform, remove all institutional barriers to innovation and fully unlock innovation potential and energize the market.?

- 简政放权、放管结合、优化服务等改革推动政府职能发生深刻转变,市场活力和社会创造力明显增强。?

Reforms to streamline administration and delegate powers, improve regulation, and optimize services, have driven profound shifts in the functions of government, and significantly strengthened market dynamism and public creativity.?

  • 售后服务 / after-sales service?

- 售后服务是消费环境的重要组成,也是居民消费的重要关注。商务部将同相关部门一道,加快实施家电售后服务提升行动,指导各地挖掘培育一批家电售后服务领跑企业,带动提升售后服务整体水平,着力解决售后服务不规范等问题,让家电消费能够更放心、更安心。谢谢。?

After-sales services is an important part of consumption and a big concern of consumers. MOFCOM, together with other authorities, will speed up the implementation of the initiative to improve after-sales service. We will provide guidance as localities foster leading businesses that excel in after-sales service to drive the overall improvement of after-sales service, especially by addressing the lack of standard process in after-sales services. We hope these efforts can boost consumers’ confidence in after-sales services.?

  • 投资中国年 / Invest in China Year?

Recent quote:

- 为更好发挥进博会投资促进平台的重要作用,让更多展商变投资商,商务部和云南省人民政府将于6月19日至21日共同举办“深化引进来服务双循环”进博会走进云南活动。这是继四川、辽宁、江西和吉林之后,第5次举办进博会走进地方活动,也是商务部“投资中国年”招商引资活动的重要组成部分。?

To make better use of the CIIE as an investment promotion platform where more exhibitors are turned into investors, MOFCOM and Yunnan Provincial People’s Government will co-host “China International Import Expo in Yunnan”, themed “To boost dual circulation by introducing more foreign investment” from June 19 to 21 [2023]. This is the fifth CIIE local promotion activity following Sichuan, Liaoning, Jiangxi and Jilin. It is also an integral part of the “Invest in China Year” investment promotion activities.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 今年,商务部启动“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动,各地纷纷加大了“走出去”“请进来”招商力度,1-3月,新设外商投资企业超过1万家,同比增长25.5%。?

MOFCOM launched the Invest in China Year events this year [2023] to attract foreign investment, with the localities stepping up efforts to go global and bring in foreign investment. From January to March, over 10,000 FIEs were established, up 25.5% year-on-year.?

- 今年商务部将大力开展“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动。中国各地资源禀赋、产业发展各具特色,我们希望通过一系列“请进来”“走出去”的推介活动,全面展示各地投资机遇和比较优势,让各方更加了解开放发展、多元包容的中国,为各国投资者搭建合作共赢、共创共享的平台。目前,“投资中国年”招商引资活动已陆续启动。上周,商务部组织代表团赴阿联酋、卡塔尔、沙特三国开展经贸交流与投资促进活动,召开了“投资中国年”—中阿、中沙投资合作论坛。3月28-29日,商务部将与广东省人民政府在广州共同举办“投资中国年”招商引资活动启动仪式暨广东专场推介。目前已有百余名跨国公司高管、外国商协会代表等报名参加。我们欢迎更多跨国公司积极参与“投资中国年”系列活动,支持各国企业来华考察洽谈,多到中国走一走、看一看,全面了解投资中国的新政策,更好把握投资中国的新机遇。?

This year, the Ministry of Commerce will launch a series of business and investment promotion activities under "Invest in China Year". China's localities enjoy distinctive resource endowments and industrial development. We hope that through a series of promotion activities featuring "bringing investment in" and "going global", we can fully display investment opportunities and comparative advantages of various places, let everyone know more about a diverse and inclusive China in its opening up and development endeavor, and build a platform for investors from all over the world to achieve win-win cooperation for all. At present, the investment promotion activities of "Invest in China Year" have been gradually launched. Last week, the Ministry of Commerce dispatched a delegation to the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to carry out economic and trade exchanges and investment promotion, and held the "Invest in China Year"-China-Arab and China-Saudi Arabia Investment Cooperation Forum. On March 28-29, the Ministry of Commerce and the Guangdong Provincial People's Government will jointly hold the launching ceremony of "Invest in China Year" and the promotion events for Guangdong. At present, more than 100 executives of multinational companies and representatives of foreign chambers of commerce and industrial associations have signed up. More multinational companies are welcome to actively participate in the series of activities under "Invest in China Year", support enterprises from all over the world to visit and hold meetings in China, visit more places and see more things, fully understand the new policy for investing in China, and better grasp the new opportunities of investing in China.?

- 开展“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动,是商务部贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于“更大力度吸引和利用外资”决策部署的重要举措。我们将以“投资中国共创开放繁荣的美好未来”为主题,统筹各方资源,推动招商引资常态化、系列化、多元化,核心是搭建平台、畅通渠道、精准对接,充分展示全国及各地方投资机遇,擦亮“投资中国”的金字招牌。活动时间贯穿全年,活动范围覆盖东、中、西部。有关活动主要分为三大类:第一类是综合性活动,包括结合重大展会,举办“投资中国年”启动仪式、主旨论坛、峰会等;第二类是“走出去”活动,组织有关地方、企业赴海外开展专场推介,结合各地的产业发展和引资需求,更好发挥驻外经商机构和投资促进机构的作用,牵线搭桥,支持地方“走出去”开展精准招商;第三类是“请进来”活动,通过在有关省份举办专场推介、“跨国公司地方行”、“进博会走进地方”等,突出地方特色,增进相互了解。在开展“投资中国年”系列活动的同时,我们还将持续推进放宽外资市场准入,稳步扩大制度型开放,努力打造市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境;依托各类开放平台,实现更高水平投资自由化和便利化,为外资项目落地提供更好的发展载体;充分发挥好重点外资项目工作专班作用,提供“全生命周期”服务,助力外资企业深耕中国市场,把握新的机遇,扩大互利共赢。?

Launching the "Invest in China Year" series of investment promotion activities is an important initiative of MOFCOM to implement the decision of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council on intensifying efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment. With the theme of "Invest in China, Working Together for a Bright Future of Openness and Prosperity", we will coordinate resources from all sides to attract foreign investment on a regular basis through a series of diversified activities. Efforts are focused on building platforms, connecting channels and precise matchmaking to fully unveil the investment opportunities of various localities across China, and make the "Invest in China" brand a great success. We will hold activities throughout the year, covering the Eastern, Central and Western China. Activities are mainly divided into three categories. First, comprehensive activities will be carried out including a launching ceremony of the “Invest in China Year”, keynote forums, summits, etc. on the sidelines of major expos. Second, representatives of relevant localities and enterprises are to go overseas to throw special promotional events. Taking into account industrial development and demands for foreign investment, we will see that economic and commercial offices in Chinese embassies and investment promotion agencies overseas play a better role in matchmaking and supporting localities in attracting the foreign investment that they need most. Third, special promotional events will be held in relevant provinces, together with other activities such as the local trips of multinational companies and CIIE local roadshows, etc., which will highlight local characteristics, and aim to enhance mutual understanding. While carrying out the "Invest in China Year" series of activities, we will work to make market access still greater for foreign investment, steadily expand the institutional opening up, and strive to create an enabling business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standards. We will leverage various open platforms to achieve a higher level of investment liberalization and facilitation, and better facilitate the introduction of foreign-invested projects. We will give full play to the special task force for major foreign-invested projects to provide "whole life cycle" services and help foreign enterprises to better explore the China market, grasp new opportunities and create more mutual benefits.?

  • 外需 / external demand; foreign demand?

Recent quote:

- 从挑战看,出口面临较大外需压力。世贸组织预计今年全球货物贸易量增长1.7%,明显低于过去12年2.6%的平均水平。主要发达经济体通胀水平仍然较高,持续加息抑制了投资和消费需求,进口连续数月同比下降。受此影响,韩国、印度、越南、中国台湾地区近几个月出口都出现了明显降幅,对美欧等市场出口低迷。?

Speaking of challenges, export is under relatively great pressure due to lack of external demand. The WTO expected global trade in goods to grow by 7.1% this year, significantly lower than the 2.6% of the past 12 years on average.?Inflation remains high in leading developed economies; continued interest hikes have suppressed investment and consumption demand; import has therefore declined year on year for several months in a row.?As a result, ROK, India, Vietnam, and China’s Taiwan region have witnessed remarkable decline in their exports in recent months, especially sluggish export to American and European markets.?

- 当前及今后一阶段,外贸发展仍面临一些不确定不稳定因素。从国际看,世界经济复苏脆弱,导致外需增长乏力。?

China’s foreign trade is still facing some destabilizing factors and uncertainties that cannot be addressed in the near future. The world economic recovery remains fragile, leading to a sluggish external demand.?

- 电子行业受“宅经济”和外需拉动,工业增加值和出口交货值均保持两位数增长。?

Driven by the stay-at-home economy and overseas market demand, the electronic industry maintained a double-digit growth in its industrial added value and export delivery value.?

  • 消费季 / consumption season?

- 商务部将2023年定为“消费提振年”,已成功举办迎春消费季、全国消费促进月,正在开展绿色消费季、国际消费季等系列活动。在即将到来的暑期消费季期间,还将推出“618端午欢乐购”“不夜生活节”“数字消费节”等消费场景。?

The Ministry of Commerce has designated 2023 as the Consumption Revitalization Year, and has successfully held the spring consumption season and the national consumption promotion month, and is carrying out a series of activities such as the green consumption season and the international consumption season. During the upcoming summer consumption season, consumption scenarios such as "618 shopping season for the Dragon Boat Festival”, "Nightlife Festival" and "Digital Consumption Festival" will also be launched.?

  • 幸福圈 / consumption circle for happiness

- 同时,推动建设一刻钟便民生活圈,加快补齐便民设施短板,努力打造百姓家门口的“消费圈”“幸福圈”。?

At the same time, we will build 15-minute circles to serve the community, speed up addressing weak links in convenience facilities, and strive to create a "consumption circle for happiness” at the doorsteps of the people.?

  • 注入新动力 / inject new impetus?

Recent quote:

- 中方欢迎巴勒斯坦参加进博会、中阿博览会等展会,宣介巴方营商环境和特色产品;愿根据巴方需求,继续实施有助于巴方发展经济、改善民生的项目,为中巴战略伙伴关系的发展不断注入新动力、作出新贡献。?

Based on the needs of Palestine, China stands ready to continue to advance the projects that are in the interest of the economic development and people’s life in Palestine so as to inject new impetus and make new contributions to the development of China-Palestine strategic partnership.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 中国东盟贸易展现出强劲韧性和发展动能,有力促进了区域经济一体化和全球产业链供应链稳定畅通,给全球和地区经济复苏注入新动力。?

China-ASEAN trade has shown strong resilience and momentum of growth, which effectively enhanced regional economic integration, kept global industrial and supply chains stable and sound and injected new impetus for regional and global economic recovery.?

- 我们欢迎米舒斯京总理访华,期待此访顺利成功,为进一步深化两国各领域合作交流注入新动力。?

We welcome Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to China and look forward to a successful visit and the impetus it will provide to the cooperation and exchanges between our two countries.?

- 李强总理、赵乐际委员长将分别会见齐塞克迪总统。相信齐塞克迪总统此访将为中刚关系全面深入发展注入新动力,推动两国友好合作不断取得新成果。?

Premier Li Qiang and Chairman Zhao Leji will meet with President Tshisekedi respectively. We are confident that this visit will provide new impetus for the comprehensive and deep-going growth of the relationship between China and the DRC, and generate new outcomes in the friendly cooperation between the two countries.?

- 相信此次峰会将擘画中国—中亚关系新蓝图,开启双方合作新时代,为构建中国—中亚命运共同体注入新动力,为共同推动构建人类命运共同体作出新贡献。?

We believe that this summit will chart the new blueprint for China-Central Asia relations, launch a new era for cooperation between the two sides, inject new impetus for building a China-Central Asia community with a shared future and make new contribution to jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind.?

Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/25r4ne28


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