Terminology of diseases
Thomas Chow
Circulatory System Improvement Pain solution for more info go to ucsipainsolution.com
Terminology of diseases is the definition of the sickness, but it does not explain what the root of the causes is or how to fix it. It is easy to say that it is arthritis, or fibromyalgia, etc. The old saying, wind in the empty cave must have a source.
Terminology of diseases is not the answer for the problem. To find the source of its problem is not that hard but often we were looking for the problem from inside the box and end up spending too much time to find the cause of the problem and ignore the common sense.
“God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated.” (Ecclesiastes 7:29)
Like a forest fire did not start with a big fire. It could be caused only by a cigarette bud. The common senses are that there are two common areas in the body which are where most of the causes of the blockages come from.
· From the waist, up is the upper part of the body which is usually involved with Air or Qi circulation blockages. Why? The reason is what is the biggest organ in the upper part of the body.
· From the waist, down is the lower part of the body which is usually involved with the blood circulation blockages. Why? The reason is what is the biggest organ in the lower part of the body.
Written by Thomas Chow Read more at www.ucsipainsolution.com