Terminating Fear and Goals

Terminating Fear and Goals

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I have many role models that I look up to when pursuing my dreams. One of which is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is the most iconic person in the world of bodybuilding, as far as I am concerned. Winning seven times as Mr. Olympia puts him as the truest champion of the sport. After succeeding with his bodybuilding career, he went to Hollywood to pursue acting. Which brings me to his staple movie series "The Terminator", in where he plays a robot sent from the future to complete set objectives. 

In the first film Schwarzenegger is sent to kill the future leader of the human resistance (John Connor) by killing his mother (Sarah Connor) before she gives birth to him. A human resistance fighter (Kyle Reese) played by Michael Biehn is sent to protect Sarah played by Linda Hamilton. One part from the first Terminator really resonated with me. It's when Kyle is telling Sarah about the machine mentality, 

Now we as people are emotional beings, but what if you could control those emotions and be terminator-like? If you could immolate that type of determination with the absence of fear for your goals would you complete the mission? I believe entrepreneurs must have this resilient and relentless mentality to make ideas come to life. There is going to be a lot of "resistance" on the journey and the only way to complete a vision is to terminate this resistance. So use this as mind hack for success, and "I'll be back" with more motivational posts. 

 Hasta la vista baby!


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