Terminal Case of the "Not So Smarts!"
Gary Rossi
"Triple Threat" Coach ?? Career Management Consulting/Coaching ?? Strategy Consulting/Coaching ?? Navy Frogman/SEAL Fitness ?? Careerminds ?? CareerNerds ?? Helping USMA, USNA, USAFA Grads Get $250-500K+ Roles
A significant and defining moment in my career happened on August 14th, 1979 when I was officially separated from the United States Naval Academy as well as labelled as morally unsuitable to be commissioned officer in the Naval Service by our Superintendent and then Acting Secretary of the Navy. This significantly changed the trajectory of my career in the Naval Service.
Now how did I get at that point – I Always believe in starting from the beginning – I was part of the Naval Academy Class of 1979 with our I-day being July 7th, 1975. The first three at Navy were not particularly exciting except for the normal events:
Plebe Year – plebe summer, Very bad grades 1st semester 1.36, endured loss of my grandfather, better 2nd semester 1.45, one invitation to an Academic Review Board, member Class Ring & Crest committee, played 150lb Football, 1st Army Navy game, Navy Winning 30-6, No demerits
Youngster year – youngster cruise – onboard USS Halsey CG-23, got bad sunburn in San Diego – went to Captains Mast give me a lesson, did not play 150s to focus on grades – did participate in intramural sports, concussion playing flag football – in Naval Hospital over a weekend, better grades, started diving into Oceanography major, 2nd Army Navy game, again Navy winning 38-10, Demerit Less for another year
2nd Class year – Spent time with the Marines, Submarine Force, Naval Aviation – got to fly T-34s, deeper into Oceanography grades continuing to rise, again no 150 lb football – played intramural sports, 3rd Army Navy game, Army on top this year 17-14, 3rd in a row with no demerits – I followed the regulations
Firstie year – Summer cruise onboard USS Forrestal, visited France, Italy, initially assigned to Training Department, then partnered with Attack Pilot from the Red Rippers VFA-11, Volunteered for Summer Duty, 2nd Set Company Sub-commander, Still followed all rules and regs to the tee, Now comes a turning point
Thought one of the Key Measures of Succes at the Academy was to be a Academic Year Midshipman Officer like I was during the summer – did not get selected for anything except Squad Leader. I played 150s again.
Things started to change - two factions in our company ones that stretched the rules and the ones that went right to the rules as written – I felt for the 3 ? years toed line between the two – my perspective – we as a class in some ways reflected our Firstie’s as they also had two distinct factions – I threw all regs to the wind and crossed the line with those who took chances – happened 2nd semester after Army Navy – Navy won 28-0 & Holiday Bowl win over BYU 23-16 grades now pretty comfortable, got the lacrosse bug.
Service Selection after the 1st of year in 1979 – selected Navy Air – got away from the Naval Academy as much a possible – on service selection night went to a celebratory party – it had snowed & on the way back to the Academy took a turn to fast and ran into a snow bank – under the bank was a brick wall – so car was pretty damaged
Next break no transportation so stayed at the Academy – now to set the stage for the following events, ?the previous holiday – some one had broken into our basement lockers and stole stereos – so during this break, the Academy assigned several more roaming officers of the deck.
So a roommate and I were together – had nothing to do – decided we go out to Weems Creek Tavern – drank beer and played a baseball video game, got tired decided – and here is where The Case of the Not So Smarts started – bought a few pints of beer a few cigars and proceeded back to Dahlgren Hall – to drink, smoke and play monopoly.
?During monopoly, with door locked & smoke coming from under the door one of the roaming Officers, smelling the smoke, knocked on the door, I immediately hid the bottles and roommate answered the door, he asked where are the bottles, we said “What Bottles.” He told us to go to main office and turn ourselves in about drinking in the room.
We went and told the Office down there that we had empty bottles, cleaned up my roommates car, but did not drink & now starts the Honor Code Violation – Midshipmen Shall Not “LIE,” Cheat or steal.
We were accused of Lying – No Kidding we did – but we thought we could get away with it.?We both got an attorney onboard the Naval Academy, told mine the “Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth,” he said I had three options:
1 – Keep Lying, adding to the story
2 – Stay with the story do not add anything or,
3 – Come Clean
After long discussions and much thought, I decided to come clean and tell the truth following the honor board decision and separation recommendation and the ball started rolling no way to stop it.
The then Superintendent in his recommendation for separation stated the I was morally unsuitable to be commissioned as an Officer in the United States of the Navy to the then acting Secretary of the Navy, which the Superintendent had much consternation in doing so.
Thus in two months and a Not So Smart decision resulted in my separation on August 14, 1979 but led me to join one of the most Elite Fighting Forces in the World – Navy Frogmen/SEALs but not as an officer but an undesignated Seaman, E-3.