The Term "Orthodox Psychotherapy" The Science of Spiritual Medicine
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., PhD., Noetic Healing Orthodox Psychotherapist.
St. John’s Management Group AOCCA. An Orthodox Catholic Chaplaincy. Members: The International Conference of Police Chaplains, American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts and The Christian Legal Society.
Therapy of Spiritual Illnesses
Mental Disorders and Spiritual Healing
Combining the Neuroscience with The Science of Spiritual Medicine:
Orthodox Psychotherapy
Cancer Treatment and Prevention
Cancer cells develop in each of us all day long, but a peaceful heart and mind kills the cells! Peace with God/self/others. Peace of Mind is the antidote to cancers. Resulted in outside or inside destruction. Outside could be from radiation, chemicals, PCB’s etc. So, begin to be aware of your surroundings, what you put in your mouth, household chemicals, and so forth. Inside results from broken relationship with God, Self, or others. Both destroy the anti-oncogenes and when 2 are not present in all cells, it results in cancer. So, what’s going on inside of you? There’s an old saying that goes, "it eats at you like a cancer". When you start to meditate on hatred against an individual who has wronged you, as you start to focus on that with resentment, anger, hatred, retaliation, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Long term, your body is a chemical manufacturing toxin out of bitterness and anger. These will create a volume of toxins and destroy antioncogenes, cell is compromised, and you have cancer, just like that! Helplessness breeds cancer. About 80% of all diseases have no known medical cure. They are?psychosomatic, including both psychological and biological diseases.
Orthodox Psychotherapy: The Science of Spiritual Medicine
Orthodox psychotherapy functions beyond the limits of science, without ignoring it. At the same time, it helps both the psychosomatic composition and the socialization of a person. Some examples: of spiritually rooted diseases: Allergies, Autoimmune disease, Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, Mental illness, and Stress disorders.
Holistic Medical Hypnoanalysis: The state of mind, in hypnosis, can influence the immune systems' fight against disease, illness, and physical damages. See some examples below:
Noetic Energy Healing: The natural (authentic) state of a person is (patriotically) defined by the functioning inside him of three mnemonic systems; two of which are familiar and monitored by medical science, while the third is something handled by poemantic therapeutics.??The first system is cellular memory (DNA), which determines everything inside a human organism.?The second is the cerebral cellular memory, brain function, which regulates our association with our self and our environment.?Both these systems are familiar to medical science, whose work it is to maintain their harmonious operation.
The experience of the Saints is familiar with one other mnemonic system: that of the heart, or ‘noetic’ memory, which functions inside the heart.?In Orthodox tradition, the heart does not only have a natural operation, as a mere pump that circulates the blood. Furthermore, according to patristic teaching, neither the brain nor the central nervous system is the center of our self-awareness; again, it is the heart, because, beyond its natural function, it also has a supernatural function.?Under certain circumstances, it becomes the place of our communion with God, or His uncreated energy.?This is of course perceived through the experience of the Saints, and not through any logical function or through an intellectual theologizing.
The Energies of God are uncreated, and thus the Knower of all things. Its knowledge, therefore, is vastly more than the created mental level of the personal ego. The personal mental ego, because it is lacking in Universal Intelligence, creates mental causes that adversely affect health. The greater the presence of God's Energies within our heart/mind the less probability of negative mental causes disturbing health.
Mind is the intelligent faculty, the inner person, often used synonymously, with “heart.” There are two Greek words for mind: (1) nous, the mind which is separate from the sensible world and passions (Rom.8:7; 12:2) and (2) dianoia, the intellect (Matt. 22:37).
It is through this grace-induced gnosis that you are "transformed by the renewal of your mind (nous), that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2). This describes metaphysical gnosis penetrating "the eye of the heart" (the felicitous rendering of "nous" by the translators of the Philokalia; "nous" is rendered in the quoted passage as "mind"), and this means having "the mind [nous] of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16). All aspects of one’s being are transformed so that one can now wholeheartedly say with Christ "Fiat voluntas tua." Thus, genuine metaphysical knowledge implies that one has already. begun to participate in the divine Triune life, the goal of creation
What can we do:?Orthodox psychotherapies primarily concerned is with the darkened nous and tries to return the nous to a state according to nature and lead it to a state transcending nature, so that it has knowledge of God? This way the whole man is sanctified. That is, Orthodox psychotherapy’s priority is neither the neurological system, nor simply emotions. It rather aims at the good functioning of the noetic energy (nous) of the soul. Through this perspective, there are changes happening in human existence. Modern psychology and psychotherapy differ from “Orthodox psychotherapy” because they do not know the function of the nous which is contrary to nature or according to nature or transcending nature; in fact, they do not even know what the nous is. In any case, the term “Orthodox psychotherapy” was accepted by scholars, as demonstrated in the voluminous book titled?Manual of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity, published by the American Psychological Society.
Ref:?Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos
Ref: Timothy A Mahoney, Metaphysician
Ref: Dr. Henry W. Wright, Pastor
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward., Msc.D., Ph.D.
El. Dorado County, California, U.S.A.
Telephone 530-644-4588
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward is an Orthodox priest/metaphysician/psychotherapist/neuro-linguistic Programmer, Board-Certified Medical Hypnoanalyst with the American Academy Of Medical Hypnoanalysts and a Licensed Investigative Consultant. He uses Orthodox Psychotherapy, Holistic Medical Hypnoanalysis and Noetic Energy Healing to resolve the underlying thoughts, emotions, and passions, that are the causative factors of any problem (physical, mental, and spiritual) and as a member of the Christian Legal Society he provide Conciliation Services in personal and business disputes.
General Practice Specializing in: The Science of Spiritual Medicine: Orthodox Psychotherapy. Exposing the Passions and Spiritual Roots of Disease. Orthodox Psychotherapy functions beyond the limits of science, without ignoring it. At the same time, it helps both the psychosomatic composition and socialization of a person.
Specializing in: Therapeutic Orthodox Psychotherapy, Holistic Medical Hypnoanalysis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Conciliation, Conflict Coaching, Mediation and Legality Binding Arbitration. *This member has participated in the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts training.
Fees: I often work with people who have no "problem" but have the desire to obtain assistance about some personal, professional, or spiritual concern that has been troubling them. In addition, I assists people with a wide range of problems. The Fee for holistic therapeutic work, disease prevention and conflict conciliation is $175 per therapeutic hour. If you have limited income or are faced with unusual financial hardship, you may request a payment plan or fee adjustment. There is no charge for a 15-minute telephone or in office consultation to explain how I may be of assistance to you or what St. John’s can do for you.
St. John’s Management Group, AOCCA. A Therapeutic Orthodox Catholic Chaplaincy
·??????The International Conference of Police Chaplains
· The American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts
·??????OCAMPR, Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion
·??????The Christian Legal Society
·??????ACEP, Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
For more information regarding your concerns contact, Fr. Dr. Richard by dropping him an email at: [email protected] Or give him a call: 916-812-9706 and leave your callback number along with the best time to call. Much of what you have read can be accomplished form a distance.?