The Tera Transformation Times - September 2024
Gertrudis Achecar
Global Digital Business / Risk Exec | Digital Payments | Enabling Diverse Talent to Achieve Bold Goals with High Standards | Leadership Coach
Since the pandemic, I’ve embarked on a journey to educate myself in emotional intelligence and, more recently, in positive intelligence. This knowledge has been life-changing and incredibly liberating. Every day presents new lessons, and here are the ones I’ve found most profound.
Feel the emotion and let it run its course. By resisting emotions, I unintentionally created additional layers of feelings that compounded the original one. Now, I offer no resistance and let the emotion run its natural course.
Describe what I am feeling. I've noticed that verbalizing what’s happening in my body and mind weakens the emotion, and it helps me return to a neutral state faster.
Identify the trigger. What exactly caused me to feel sad, angry, happy, etc.? Once I identify the trigger—especially for catabolic emotions—it starts to lose its power. Was it something someone said or did, that pushed my buttons? The next time the trigger is activated, it has less influence. We become more prepared to manage emotions we anticipate.
Talk it out. Engaging with a therapist, coach, or emotionally intelligent friend or family member is invaluable. I’m realizing how helpful this process can be when done with the right person.
Stop asking if feeling one way or another is normal. What is ‘normal,’ anyway? I’ve often found myself caught in the ‘Is this normal?’ loop. Now, I focus on noticing what’s new or unusual within me, regardless of whether others experience it. We all process emotions uniquely, using different tools, coping mechanisms, and acceptable expressions. The key is to not intentionally hurt others or the environment. And if we offend someone, we apologize.
Actively look for the gift or opportunity. Everything in life is or can be converted into a gift or opportunity. From minor annoyances like being stuck in traffic to significant hardships, those who have the agency to imagine and realize the gift or opportunity develop stronger resilience. I wish I had had this knowledge four years ago when I started working with a new manager whose style clashed with mine. A potential gift could have been the chance to practice awareness every time this person said something that irritated me. By now, I might have been much closer to Nirvana!
Published and Upcoming Articles
Last month I wrote about intentional learning and ways to experience human connection for happiness and fulfillment. I invite you to experiment with the tips and tools proposed in each article and modify them to fit your needs.
Both are also available on video
In October I will be talking about how to effectively ask for help and how to better manage your impulse control.
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Quote of the Month
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Laughter is the best medicine
Background of the month
I’ve visited Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada twice—once in winter and once in early summer—and loved it both times. For me, Vancouver offers the perfect blend of nature and city life.
Here are some fun facts:
One Last Thing Before You Go
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See you next month!